How Porn Addiction Is Ruining Young People’s Mind? A Jaw-Dropping Study on Internet Porn Addiction
Porn addiction in any form such as video, image, or in any form among teenage people is on a sharp rise in recent years. With the advancement of technology, it is creating havoc in young by addiction considering accessibility, affordability, anonymity of porn from various sources.
This has led them for searching for artificial and abnormal craze for bizarre sex, regular masturbation, and compulsion to watch porn. These create adverse effects on lifestyle for teenagers in different ways such as sexual requirements, overall sex development, and sexual involvement.
Let’s analyze how internet porn addiction is ruining young minds and ideas about sex and pleasure.

Table of Contents
What is porn addiction or Internet Porn Addiction?
Porn is sexual content available in various forms (video, image, etc.) for human physical pleasure and satisfaction. Used in multiple forms such as image, video, and especially the intimate moments captured while indulging in the act to keep it mobile or for showing it on the internet or in form of commercializing through certain company or agency.
There are various category of internet porn exist. Few of the popular section includes Home video section, Voyeurism, etc. have made different population addicted to porn.
Pornography addiction or Internet porn addiction also called cybersex, are Internet-related behaviors with a risk of growing abnormal sex habits. It reaches to people by the Internet to engage in various rewarding sexual activities, such as pornography which is the most popular activity.
In the internet an infinite number of sex videos are accessible. Continuous watching of porn videos sometimes derives in financial, legal, occupational, and relationship trouble or personal problems, with diverse negative consequences. Feelings of loss of control and persistent use despite these adverse results constitute “online sexual compulsivity” (OSC).
Nowadays these CSB (compulsive sexual behavior) usually refer to multiple sexual behaviors that can be compulsive: Such as masturbation, compulsive use of pornography, promiscuity, compulsive cruising, and multiple relationships, etc.

Is porn really an addiction?
Someone indulge in porn just as a curiosity, the type of material which they had never seen before made the individual skyrocketing the pleasure the young people’s mind achieve.
The neurochemical content such as dopamine which is known as feel-good-factor hormone or pleasure hormone rushed in the brain. In the process, the person feels an enormous amount of sexual desire not felt before. And the problem starts from then.
The Brain That Changes Itself
Norman Doidge in his book on neuroplasticity, “The Brain That Changes Itself” summarized the research on addiction and the reward system, and informed someone continuously watches Internet pornography and the brain release dopamine in the reward system.
With an enormous compulsion and chronically porn enjoyment motivates neuroplastic changes that support the practice, and young people start ruining their minds by becoming a porn addict.
Doidge even enlightened how these neuroplastic changes create a brain with different charts for sexual excitement. As our brain is like an elastic material. The more you consume porn the urge to watch more porn videos appears in the mind for sex and pleasure.
So on a regular basis, a new threshold for porn watching for sexual arousal appears. By this, the change in the threshold point brings the pattern of an individual sense changes and natural sexuality slowly dies by watching more and more explicit pornographic content to maintain a higher level of excitement.

Why It is Not Good for Young and Normal People
With internet porn, a guy can see more hot babes in 10 minutes than his ancestors could see in several lifetimes. The problem is he has a hunter-gather brain. A heavy user brain rewires itself to this genetic bonanza. So it carefully becomes associated with this porn harem. Such behaviors that are associated with this are
- Being alone,
- Voyeurism,
- Clicking, searching multiple tabs
- Fast-forwarding,
- Constant novelty,
- Shock and surprise.
Once a young guy asked: Are we the first generation to masturbate left-handed?
Now, real sex, in contrast, is
- Courtship,
- Touching,
- Being touched,
- Smells,
- Pheromones,
- Emotional connection,
- Interaction with a real person.
A Real Mate?
Now, what happens when a young guy finally gets with a real mate? It is found that many young people’s including adults or teens come in touch with porn at a very early age and when they finally meet their partners in mid-20 or 30 they had already done a Ph.D. in Porn and already became a porn addict. Many of them find a severe issue with brain fog, ED, Bizarre behavior, etc.
Dopamine Receptors
What we understand dopamine as a pleasure hormone plays a very vital part of the human body. Various research has shown and proved that by consuming excessive porn regularly the density of the dopamine receptors changes. The reward system also behaves in an awkward fashion of having neuroanatomical changes of numb feeling even though an individual having significant normal pleasure.

How Porn Is Ruining Young People’s Mind?
Porn is harming us in many ways. It mainly harms us by consuming our time and energy. The amount of time is consumed by porn is considered as ¼ (one-fourth) of the lifetime by porn addict peoples.
Moreover, the amount of energy spent is double the normal life energy spent on other jobs. With imbalanced energy in the body, it creates massive problems in mind. The normal thinking capability gets affected by the young people’s minds and the idea of sex and pleasure mostly.
So many times it is found that young people have issues with concentration, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), hypertension, social rejection, etc.
Arousal addiction symptoms are easily mistaken for such things as
- Social anxiety,
- Depression,
- Concentration problems,
- Performance anxiety,
- and a host of others.
Healthcare Diagnosis
Now, healthcare providers often assume that these conditions are primary perhaps the cause of addiction but never really the result of an addiction. As a consequence, they often medicate these guys without really inquiring about if they have an Internet Porn Addiction.
Internet porn is not sex
People never realize that they could overcome these symptoms simply by changing their behavior. It’s hard to believe that sexual activity can cause addiction because sex is healthy.
But Internet porn is not sex. Internet porn is as different from real sex. Watching the screen full of naked body parts won’t automatically protect one from arousal addiction.
The Reward Circuit
This ancient program, the reward circuit, evolved to drive us towards natural rewards such as sex, bonding, and food. As a consequence extreme versions of natural rewards have a unique ability to capture us.
For example, high-calorie foods or hot novel babes give us extra dopamine. Too much dopamine though can override our natural sensation mechanisms. For example: give rats unlimited access to junk food and almost all of them will binge to obesity.
This is also why 4 out of 5 Americans are overweight and about half of those are obese. All those hits of dopamine can tell your brain to do two things. First, it says, “Man, you’ve hit the evolutionary jackpot.” Second, they kick in a molecular switch called Delta-FosB.
Dopamine kicks in Delta-FosB and that starts to accumulate in the brain’s reward circuit. Now, with excess chronic consumption of porn or drug or natural rewards, this builds up a Delta-FosB, which starts to alter the brain and promotes the cycle of binging and craving.
If the binging continues the Delta-FosB builds up and it can lead to brain changes seen in all addicts. So the Porn Addiction has a straightforward relation with consumption excess dopamine, Delta-FosB, brain changes.

What Are The Consequences Of Internet Porn Addiction?
Numbed Pleasure Response
One of the first changes is a numbed pleasure response. It kicks in, and so everyday pleasures really don’t satisfy a porn addict. At the same time, other physical changes in the brain make the brain hyper-reactive to porn.
Everything else in the porn user’s life is sort of boring, but porn is super exciting. So far all brain research points only in one direction. A constant novelty at the click can cause addiction.
We know this because when scientists examined former Internet addicts they found that these brain changes were reversing themselves. Unfortunately, none of these studies isolate porn users, but they do include them.
Hypersexual Disorder
There is a term called hypersexual disorder mainly happens because of any of these factors such as excessive masturbation, unending session of cybersex, abusive pornography use, telephone sex, unhealthy sexual behavior with consenting adults, etc.
Its prevalence rates range from 3% to 6%, though it is difficult to determine since the affected person goes against the fact of addiction. Mainly in terms of the physical aspect, it creates these problems:
- Erectile dysfunction: In recent years you might have listened that ED and sexual dysfunction is becoming a major problem in young people at a very early age.
It is one of the key factors because of porn addiction. In one study, 60% of patients who suffered sexual dysfunction with a real partner, typically did not have this problem with pornography. - Psychosexual dissatisfaction: for both males and females pornography use creates a sense of sexual dissatisfaction and sexual dysfunction, It brings less actual sex.
Moreover, performance pressure is a serious fact with respect to female satisfaction criteria. Because male and female activeness and timing vary in response to libido and orgasm. This impact is a very similar way to marijuana use, sharing key factors like higher secrecy. - Comorbidities: Porn addiction also creates hypersexual behavior. This has linked with anxiety disorder, followed by a mood disorder and sexual dysfunction.
How Porn Addiction Is Changing Young People’s Idea about Sex and Pleasure
The widespread use of Internet porn is one of the fastest moving most global experiments ever unconsciously conducted. Nearly every young guy with Internet access becomes an eager test subject. Canadian researcher Simon Lejeune’s found that most boys seek pornography by age 10.
The other one is that in the year 1999 the women aged 18 to 26 to enjoyed pornography became three times more likely than the ones aged 45 to 53. The way the technology switches from offline to online, the addiction in humans also increases with time.
Coolidge Effect
Mother Nature likes to keep a male fertilizing willing females as long as any new ones are around. In that top line the ram, he needs more and more time to make with the same old mate he had earlier.

But if you keep switching females – the bottom line – well she’s not the same. He can get the job done in 2 minutes flat and keep going until he’s utterly exhausted. This is known as the Coolidge effect.
Without the Coolidge effect, there would be no Internet porn. This old mammalian program, the Coolidge effect, perceives each novel female on a guy’s screen as a genetic opportunity.
To keep a guy fertilizing the screen his brain releases the “go get it” neurochemical dopamine for each novel mate or image. Eventually, the ram will tire but as long as the guy can keep clicking he can keep going and so will his dopamine.
Porn watching statistics
Driven by a brain that is suddenly fascinated by sex. Now, young people’s minds perceive Internet porn as far more compelling than porn of the past. Why is that? Unending novelty.
Australian Experiment

In an Australian experiment, it’s not mere nudity but a novelty that gets arousals skyrocketing. Subjects watch 22 porn displays. See that spike? That’s where the researchers switch to porn the guys hadn’t seen before. What happened? Their erections and their brains fired up.
Cambridge University Test
In a study from Cambridge University of fMRI it was found that 60% of people who participated as subjects (average age: 25 years) had difficulty achieving erections/arousal with real partners, yet could achieve erections with internet pornography.

There are few facts that give us a glimpse of how porn addiction has overtaken our normal pleasure and reward system. In a study it was found that the 1963 and 1972 male group exhibited only a very small drop on their usage of porn from the year 1999 onwards, suggesting that porn intake among these groups has remained fairly constant from then.
Some examples:
(1) A study evaluating on behavioral addictions among substance users found that only 9.80% out of 51 participants considered they had an addiction to sex or pornography.

(2) A Swedish study that drafted a sample of 1913 participants through a web survey, 7.6% testified some Internet sexual problems, and 4.5% specified feeling ‘addicted’ to the Internet for love and sexual purposes.

(3) A Spanish study with a sample of 1557 college students found that 8.6% was in a potential risk of developing a compulsive usage of online pornography (CSB), but that the actual compulsive user prevalence was 0.7%.

(4) The only study with a representative sample to date is an Australian one, with a sample of 20,094 participants; 1.2% of the women surveyed considered themselves addicted, whereas for the men it was 4.4%. Similar findings also apply to hypersexual behavior outside of pornography.

Is Porn A Replacement Or Substitute Of Normal Sex And Pleasure?
In the book published by Neurosurgeons Hilton and Watts “Pornography addiction: A neuroscience perspective”, they emphasized on all indices of addiction operate via the same ideology and the role of DeltaFosB in natural addictions.
The first fMRI study on IPA (Internet Porn Addiction) was published in 2014 from Cambridge University. Different studies initiated that the same brain activity drug addicts and alcoholics and porn-addicted young’s have the same mental change.
The brain map have similarity in both the activities. This results reported higher desire ratings to the sexually explicit videos than erotic clips.
The porn-addicted usually sometimes behave in a bizarre way. Even forgetting their involvement with porn habit is also one of the mental states and watching again with best excuses is also common with their behavior.
They try to achieve sex and pleasure to replace with other people’s enjoyment. There are significant no of person had already admitted that that normal sex is totally different than feeling pleasure in porn.
Online pornography may not have harmful effects by itself, only when it has become an addiction it brings various mental issues. The key idea is that anticipating and receiving gratification has to stop in bringing a foundation of solid straight relationships. Let’s create a relationship with spirituality in life to bring Stability of mind. Unending novelty needs to replace with facing one’s self individually.
Since sexual arousal is highly emphasizing, it has tremendous potential if energy is diverted in creative work in life. Based on the symptom severity of IPA in Young males and females as well as in homosexual males and females have to grow an awareness among themselves. Young adults are making progress and for sure they will bring positivity within.
Further Reading
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Author: AC