What are the Basic Practices Performed in Bhuta Shuddhi or How to Perform Bhuta Shuddhi?

What are the Basic Practices Performed in Bhuta Shuddhi or How to Perform Bhuta Shuddhi?

Bhuta Shuddhi is a yogic practice that involves the purification of the five elements (bhutas) within the body, which are earth, water, fire, air, and space. In India these practices aims to balance and harmonize these elements, which are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of both the our physical body and the universe.

Through Bhuta Shuddhi, one seeks to remove any impurities or blockages associated with these elements, thus promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This practice involves Yoga, yogic visualization, Pranayama, and meditation techniques to purify and balance the elements within the body. It is often practiced as part of traditional Hatha yoga and Tantra yoga practices.

Mahadeva – The Supreme God of Pancha Bhutas

In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is also known as Mahadeva, which means “Great God” or “God of Gods”. He is considered one of the most important deities in Hinduism and is associated with many aspects of life including creation, destruction, and transformation.

mahadeva the supreme god of pancha bhutas

One of the key concepts associated with Lord Shiva is the God of Pancha Bhuta or the “Five Elements”. In many texts such as taiteriya Upanishad and Manduki Upanishad refers as he is the supreme God who controls the essential movements of these elements or Bhuta in our body.

These elements include earth, water, fire, air, and ether, and are believed to be the building blocks of the universe. Lord Shiva is said to have control over these elements and is often depicted holding a trident or “trishul” which represents his control over the three primary Gunas as Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

Pancha Bhuta in Our Human Body

The Pancha Bhuta concept is often used in Hindu rituals and traditions and is considered an important part of understanding the balance and harmony of the natural world. The elements are also associated with different aspects of the human body, with earth representing the bones and muscles, water representing blood and bodily fluids, fire representing metabolism, air representing breathing and respiration, and ether representing consciousness and the soul.

how to perform bhuta shuddhi

Well, there are various practices typically involves in Cleansing the Five Elements. Sometimes it is a series of chanting mantras and performing mudras (hand gestures), and various yogic processes, that are designed to purify and activate each of the five elements.

For example, to purify the earth element, you might visualize Mata “Prithvi” the deity, and repeat a specific mantra associated with the earth element. To purify the water element, one might visualize “Varun Dev” and repeat a mantra associated with the water element.

How Past Memories Related and Influenced in Pancha Bhuta?

Memory is present in all four elements. Earth and water, in particular, possess a strong sense of memory. In modern times, science has explored this concept extensively and has shown that water has an extraordinary sense of memory.

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the nature of water, and they have revealed that water behaves differently based on the type of memory it carries.

This is why people often flock to consecrated spaces or temples, yearning for just a few drops of water, as this water holds the memory of the divine. Such water is referred to as ‘teerth,’ and people desire it for its good memory, hoping that it will transfer this memory to them.

How to Perform Bhuta Shuddhi? Tips to Purify the Five Elements

Earth = Khiti

The ground beneath your feet is intelligent and has a memory. Even if you live in a city, it’s important to stay connected to the earth. Touching the earth with your hands and feet can help your body work better.

how to perform bhuta shuddhi
  1. Spend a few minutes every day in a garden or touching plants or trees with your bare feet. The earth is where all life comes from, so it’s important to stay connected to it.
  2. The earth provides food. The food you eat is also important. It’s life, and it comes from living things that give up their lives to sustain us.
  3. If we eat with gratitude for all the living things that make our food possible, it will have a different effect on us.

Water = Apa

Water is important because 72% of our body is made of it. It’s not just important to drink clean water without bacteria, but also to treat the water with care. Our thoughts, emotions, and touch can change the way water behaves in our body.

how to perform bhuta shuddhi
  1. Water has a memory and can store information about what happens around it. It’s not just a thing, but a life-making material. It’s important to treat water well before we drink it.
  2. One way to do this is to keep water in a metal container, preferably made of copper or a copper alloy, and clean the container with an organic substance every day.
  3. Keep the water in a place where it won’t be affected by other smells or substances. When you approach the water, hold the container with gratitude and respect for its life-giving properties.
  4. If you do this and drink the water, you’ll see that it can have a positive effect on your health and well-being.

Fire = Tej

Fire is another element that makes up our body. The kind of fire that burns within us can be either good or bad. If we have negative thoughts like greed, anger or resentment, it can affect our mental and physical health.

how to perform bhuta shuddhi
  1. One way to cleanse the fire within us is to get sunlight every day. Sunlight is pure and can help us feel better.
  2. If we want to cleanse our aura, we can light a fire with organic material like wood or straw, and stand facing it with open hands and eyes for three minutes.
  3. Then we can stand with our backs to the fire for three minutes. This process rekindles the fire within us and can make us feel better.
  4. If lighting a fire is not possible, we can light a lamp with vegetable oil or ghee. Sitting facing the lamp and turning around to face the other way can help rekindle the fire within us.

Air = Marut

Air is an important element in your body, and it changes frequently. It is important to breathe consciously and take care of the air you breathe. If you live in a town or city, it might be difficult to get fresh air, but you should try to go for a walk in a park or near a river for a few minutes every day.

how to perform bhuta shuddhi
  1. It is also important for children to be in nature where they can breathe fresh air, climb a small hill, walk in a forest, or swim in a river.
  2. When you breathe in the fresh air, your body’s intelligence will make sure that your breathing changes and your body will be cleansed.
  3. Doing a small activity that makes you breathe slightly deeper than normal for a period of time will greatly enhance your body’s strength, especially for growing children.
  4. If you cannot go outside, you can do a simple yogic practices called “Anulom-Vilom”, “Nadi Shuddhi”, or Any simple “Pranayama to cleanse your breath at home.

Space or Ether = Byom or Akash

The fifth element in your body is called akash or etheric space. Akash is very intelligent and it affects the inner nature and quality of your life. Unlike the other elements, there is no limit to the amount of akash. If you can access more of it, you will become more intelligent and perceptive.

  1. One way to get more access to akash is to do a simple process. After sunrise but before the sun crosses a 30° angle, look up at the sky and bow down to akash for holding you and this planet in place.
  2. After the sun crosses 30°, sometime during the day, look up and bow down again. Within 40 minutes after sunset, look up at the sky and once again bow down to the etheric space around us that is holding everything in place.
  3. If you can use akash to help your life energies, magical things can happen. You will become more intelligent than you ever thought you could be.

How Our Food is Related with Cleansing the Pancha Bhuta

The human body is a reflection of the planet, as it has manifested in various forms. One important aspect of maintaining a healthy body is to consume foods with a water content of over seventy percent. Unfortunately, many western societies neglect this fundamental principle, resulting in adverse health effects.

Fruits have a water content of over ninety percent, making them ideal for detoxification purposes. Vegetables, on the other hand, can be consumed to maintain the body as it is.

Eastern cooking techniques have traditionally incorporated foods with over seventy percent water content, indicating an awareness of the importance of water in human health. Drinking water alone does not suffice; the food we consume must have a significant water content to have a positive impact on our health.


The practice of Bhuta Shuddhi is considered to have numerous benefits for physical, mental, and spiritual health. It can help to improve the immune system, enhance cognitive function, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote overall well-being. Furthermore, it is believed to deepen one’s connection to the divine and to foster a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

In conclusion, Bhuta Shuddhi is a powerful spiritual practice that can have a transformative effect on one’s life. By purifying the elements of the body and cultivating inner purity and balance, practitioners can unlock their full potential and experience a greater sense of meaning, purpose, and connection to the divine.


  1.  Gopal, Madan (1990). K.S. Gautam (ed.). India through the ages. Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. p. 79.
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  3.  Venkatesan, Satish (2013-03-01). Ayurvedic remedies: An introductionISBN 978-9881224149. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  4.  Prasad Sinha, Harendra (2006). Bharatiya Darshan Ki Rooprekha. Motilal Banarsidass Publisher. p. 86. ISBN 9788120821446. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
  5. “PANCHA BHOOTAS OR THE FIVE ELEMENTS”indianscriptures.com/. Retrieved 25 March 2015.
  6. “pancha-bhutas-the-possibility-of-the-five-elements”ishafoundation.org. 2012-01-23. Retrieved 18 March 2015.

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