Top 7 Ways Kundalini Yoga Awakens Consciousness and Enhances Perception
The rishis and munis from ancient times try Sadhana or Tapasya for awakening the kundalini shakti. There are many myths about it but essentially all reach a certain point of yoga and meditation. Kundalini Meditation is the tool for awakening the root energy.
How Kundalini Yoga Awakens Your Consciousness and Enhances Your Perception?
The word Kuṇḍalinī is referred to as the serpent sleeps posture for the root energy hidden within us. Kundalini is hypothesized as an energy released within an individual using specific meditation techniques. It is symbolized as a serpent coiled with the spine from the base till the crown of your head.
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How Kundalini Yoga Reach to the Common Indians

There are many sources of information available in Hindu text Books like Yoga Sutra, Mahabharata, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad and various versions of scripts found in Vedas.
It was prominently foreface by Swamy Vivekananda. Kundalini concept was established as a part of Tantra in most of the part of Northern Himalayan India. Later along with Hatha yoga for many great beings like Swami Nigamananda, Sivananda, etc.
We come across this knowledge in our regular mainstream life. Pādukā-pañcaka was one of the few books, translated in 1919 by John Woodroffe as The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shakti Yoga.
Woodroffe classified the process of involution and its techniques in these texts as a specific form of Tantrik Laya Yoga. Sivananda introduced many readers to “Kundalini Yoga” with his book on the subject in 1935.
How to practice Kundalini Meditation? | 7 Steps to Raise or Awaken Your Kundalini

- Step 1: Relaxation – Before starting anything like meditation or attention you must remember your body and posture should be in a relaxed mode. By relaxing you remove distractions around you.
- Step 2: Meditate – The next step should start with a simple meditation. Various forms of meditation exist but I suggest, to begin with by simple meditation which rejects your negativity.
- Step 3: Focus On Your Breath – The next thing should be your concentration on breathing. You can keep the count with fingers or use anything that supports you focus on your breath.
- Step 4: Visualization – The next thing which you must do is to activate your interests and start focusing on something which you love and that becomes the essence of the meditation.
- Step 5: Perform Mudras – At the time of meditation, you can integrate a few mudras also. Like Gyan, Vayu, Shamvabi, Shakti anything of your choice. Each of the mudra has specific benefits. Which I had covered in a separate post.
- Step 6: Chant Mantras – Mantras are certain esoteric sounds which if chants properly in certain environments the primal level of consciousness increases to a great extent. It gives a feeling that puts your inner self in contact with the universal consciousness.
- Step 7: Practicing Pranayama – Pranayama is a great form of practice for sublimely creating a stream of energy to integrate your perception in a higher plane.
How Much Time Should I Meditate For Kundalini Awakening (Jagran)?

There is a great saying from Krishna “Ma Faleshu Kadacha na”. To practice and feel the rising energy level, you can spend a lifetime or more than one life. This requires a tremendous amount of urge to reach there.
There were great beings from India such as Omkarnath, Trailanga swami, Parama Hansa Sri Ramakrishna, Swamy Vivekananda, etc. shows us certain paths for reaching that height. They had great teachings also. The fundamental issue with time is not fixed for a person.
They had few instructions so that you yourself can understand how much you move forward for awakening the serpent or kuṇḍalinī. Whichever way you are seeing, life beyond the normal limitations of your perception. Your perception has risen beyond the physical that is kuṇḍalinī.
Kundalini Shakti – The Vision of Life

There are certain things that cannot have a logical explanation. Such as Dimensions of life or perspective of life, which cannot be expressed logically. India has a dialectical culture and many true things are distorted in the wrong way.
In Hindu Mythology most of us had heard that Shiva opens his third eye and he can burn up the whole existence if he wants. The concept here is that he sees everything clearly.
So third eye is not a physical thing it is just that if your energies reach a certain peak within you, you have clarity, or vision of life. You need to always read behind the lines and try to understand the inner meaning associated with it.
Kundalini Yoga and Our Consciousness

You see everything from a completely different aspect. You start seeing things in different dimensions. It’s an inner eye we say. You can turn it inward or outward. Whichever way you turn it.
Now one funny thing about it is you can’t roll your eyeballs inward and see what’s within you. So what you say as kuṇḍalinī or the third eye is both ways if you want you can turn it inward or you can turn it outward.
Knowledge of Kundalini Awakening – Multiple Chakras (Stages of Connection on Specific Spot in Your Body)

The whole thing is to raise your perception from a limited physical perception to a higher possibility. So if your energies are in the lowest chakra which is referred to as the Mooladhara, Food and sleep will be the most dominant factors of your life only food and sleep. You will not know anything else.
- If energies move into swadishtana then you are a pleasure seeker. You enjoy the physical world in so many different ways.
- If your energy is moving to Manipura then you are a doer in the world or you are an achiever.
- If your energy is moving to Anahata you’re a creative person maybe you’re an artist you’re a painter .you’re something you. You’re more creative about life.
- If your energies move into Visudhdhi if they become dominant there you are a powerhouse. Power need not just mean great muscle and physique you have. Human beings can be powerful in so many different ways. So this is the about the power center.
- If energies move into your Ajna, then you have clarity of vision. Now you are intellectually realized not experientially realized but intellectually realized.
- You touch the point where life cannot disturb you. Life cannot take a toll on you because intellectually you’re realized but still you’re not ecstatic in any way.
Kundalini Yoga – Further Steps to Remain Ecstatic

In this stage, you don’t know the ecstasy of life still. But you have stability of life. Nothing can touch you nothing can disturb you. You come to that point. From the lowest point of mooladhara to ajna there are many ways of reaching there.
There are so many paths or a million different paths of how to get there but from ajna to Sahasrar, there is no way. It’s a pathless path.
This is the reason why a lot of people are talking only about peace. Because they only got till here and they don’t know what’s beyond.
So there is no assuming and concluding that this all there is. Because there is no particular path or method to get beyond there all methods are dropped, only then from Ajna to Sahasrar one will reach.
What Happens When Kundalini Is Fully Awakened?

If your energy reaches Sahasrar, the finest chakra you will become ecstatic like for no reason. Simply you’re ecstatic you don’t need any external stimulus. Nothing is happening, nobody is telling you beautiful thing is, nothing.
Simply you’re ecstatic. Because your energies have hit the Sahasrara, from here to here there is no journey.
So when you come here if you can turn this third eye inward only then you see that there is no way the only way is to jump.
To jump into total emptiness either you must be crazy or you must have absolute trust in somebody else’s word. And that person should be your Guru, Who whole-heartedly devotes his life for the betterment of his disciples.
Kundalini Yoga and Clarity in Life

So the third eye is something that gives you a total clarity of how things are how life processes.
When I say life, don’t think of life in terms of waking up in the morning and do regular stuff you used to do. Fundamental life as you.
Life as an entity life as of existence. Right now when once you have a clear vision of this then the way you function and the way you conduct your life is very different.
So once your third eye opens it will not split. Rather it will open up and your perception has risen beyond the physical. You have started seeing that which is beyond the physical.
How Kundalini Is Related With Energy Dimensions

Among the seven chakras, the sixth dimension is called as ajna. Ajna is located slightly above where the eyebrows meet. There are three dimensions attached to it. These three dimensions are traditionally named after Shiva. Three different forms of Shiva.
But these three are actual experiences of all points in the body. Where if your energy moves to that point your experience of life alters itself.
The whole process of whatever spiritual process you’re doing consciously or unconsciously is fundamentally to move to a higher plane of perception. Yes, you call it God. You call it Kundalini Awakening. You call it Kundalini Yoga.
Top 5 Savage Effects by Kundalini Yoga

When your hidden energy flows freely upward through the seven chakras (energy centers) it develops a prolonged state of consciousness, it’s known as the beginning of kundalini awakening.
Kundalini Yoga awakens human consciousness
Kundalini Yoga brings our body alignment in a specific geometry which brings the balance between each half of our body.
Kundalini Yoga Directs Energy Channel
Channeling the energy and remaining in ecstatic form is the natural consequence of progress in this type of Yoga. A persuasive flow of energy will start showing the presence in your word, work, and thoughts (Manan, Bachan, Chintan).
Kundalini Yoga and Energy Rush
A feeling of energy inside at the base of your spine slowly proves its presence inside you or even sensing an intense rush of energy passing through your spine. Your face will start glow in a different form.

Kundalini Yoga and Feelings
It can lead a more gratifying life in every sense, affecting your relationships, health, mood, and many other things. Sometimes Intense energy rushes through different parts inside the body and spine.
Kundalini Yoga and Sensation
Sometimes serious sensations of energy in some areas of the body create a feeling-like tingling sensation in the brain. Active prejudice, like finding silent places or Incapability to tolerate certain people also may happen.
What are the Top 5 Benefits of Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini Awakening Benefits
Spiritual Awakening
Kundalini Yoga is based on the principle to unite the energy of an individual soul to the supreme soul. In Yogic culture and in Hinduism we believe in the concept of the Universe resides within us.
The connection from Atma to Paramatma happens with Tapasya and Dhyana by practicing Kundalini meditation consistently.
Nervous System
Many Nerve related ailments get cured by this healing meditation believe it calms and strengthens the nervous system. Your memory gets improved and creates a better IQ inside your mind and awakens human consciousness.
Perception Improvement
Kundalini Yoga enhances sensory perception and may improve your mental and emotional state. One can feel a certain sense of purity prevails along with the practice. Kundalini yoga awakens human consciousness and enhances your perception.
Freedom from the lifecycle and Karmic Debt
In Sanatan Culture we believed there exists Pap And Punya, Dosha and Nirdosha, Guna, and Nirguna, Like you have two accounts one for good and one for your evil deeds.
So by practicing Kundalini Yoga one gets freed from his /her Karma and this repeated life cycle and achieves Moksha or Liberation.
Living Peaceful Compassionate Life
These two thing becomes part of those people who have been practicing this Yoga for some time as life becomes much peaceful and compassion reflects subtly in all the activity.
Is Kundalini Yoga dangerous?

- Many times Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa mentioned this effect or dangerousness of Kundalini awakening. Just like in any electrical system, a heavy power surge can damage the grid, the same effect can happen in human system also.
- A sudden uprising of internal energy can bring grave mental and physical illness if the body is not prepared for it.
- So this is the reason a person practicing Kundalini Yoga must create a base inside his physical and mental body for handling this essence of energy.
- While the channels through which Kundalini Shakti or energy travels, do unevenly associate with the nervous system. Kundalini is a subtle energy form that can’t be measured like ordinary nerve circulation is.
So while anyone practice this yoga try to practice from a teacher who has sufficient knowledge about it.

I am a regular practitioner of Yoga from 2010 and practicing meditation from 2017. I had started the Kundalini Yoga for years and saw heavy changes in my physique and mental attitudes. So to control this I initially practice different mudras along with this. For beginners practice this twice a week. But remember essentially for our well-being Yoga transcendent our lives in a whole different level of understanding beyond ordinary.
Further Reading On Different Topics
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Author: Yogi
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