Sadhguru and his Bigotry Critics – A Cringe-Worthy Survey
Even though it’s a very controversial issue on Sadhguru’s Critics, yet I felt it’s a topic worth discussing when someone in my country is doing this much at this age. I promise to write according to my feelings and experiences. First of all, Sadhguru is one of the Guruji who promoted India to the outside world in a far greater way in contemporary Gurus in India. We all must be very proud of it.
Sadhguru for a long time spreading the awareness of Yoga and the ancient glory of Hinduism. He is a visionary, a mystic and above all, he is a Guru. Whenever in India someone tries to do something good for the country he or she gets heavily criticized until they stop doing that. Sadhguru used to get criticism for anything he does, and we all know how Sadhguru handles his critics.
The funny thing is about sadhguru’s critics and their activities. But sadhguru takes their class gives lessons to them in other ways. So stay tuned for more…
Table of Contents
Criticizers in Every Corner for Sadhguru

With all my heart I would say He had done so much for Indians that sometime criticizer also becomes his followers. He found Isha Foundation Which had done so much for the whole region in South India. Be it health, education, agro farming, or forestry (project Greenhands), and Above all the improvement of the nature and whole river culture in India.

Rally for Rivers – is it Successful?
Sadhguru had started the initiatives called “Rally for Rivers” and today we know there is a blueprint of how we can save many dying rivers in India. Cauvery is the most disputed river between Tamilnadu and Karnataka, He solely had involved himself in the rejuvenation of the river.
Whhhaaaam…Look how people reacted. Very soon everyone along with the government understood the science behind the survival of mankind is quite dependent on the survival of the river and nature. But the news and media?
They are busy with their negative propaganda of digesting the donated money by Sadhguru and discrediting those without scientific data.

Sadhguru A “Conman”?
Many people questions about Sadhguru being a conman. Now, if somebody wants to question the work and teaching of Sadhguru and claims those are is not suitable for them, it is okay here. We all apply our common sense and it is okay if they don’t believe Sadhguru.
But just a small percentage of them start spreading the issues of being conman performing conjob. He had never suggested anybody to leave their own belief yet people keep coming to him and they believe in him become his devotee. He suggested several times saying “Nothing is good or bad in this world. It’s all relative perception”.
Sadhguru A “Charlaton”?
Some people start saying Sadhguru a “Charlatan” or “Imposter”. According to the definition, he must be fooling us. But the question comes to my mind why people left their high profile status, job, physical worldly happiness, and coming to serve in the Isha foundation as a volunteer?
Is it all of them are fools or Sadhguru must have applied some hypnotic power in them. So sad but true. People with the least intelligence also can understand where the truth lies.
Sadhguru and Osho Rajneesh

Many say that the style of Sadhguru matches with another spiritual Guru Osho Rajneesh. The way of Osho’s speaking style has many similarities with Sadhguru.
Why people have so big issues about the match of talking style? When the American hippie culture started for esoteric movement many started following Osho and Mahesh Yogi.
Many people approached in India influenced by Osho Rajneesh. Some others say where Osho fails Sadhguru becomes successful. Well, he must have something special than Osho that’s why people come now to him and becomes his devotee.
Sadhguru never suggests someone leave his belief and follow him. Instead, he suggests understanding the science behind the belief. He again says in many of his teachings about this as “CONFIDENCE WITHOUT CLARITY IS DANGEROUS”.
Sadhguru Mixes Science and Religion – Very Clever

Some people claim that he mixes the modern science with religion. It has been seen that realized being often tried to bridge the relation between the West with the East. In yesteryears by say 100 years ago Western civilization, as well as Eastern civilization, had not mingled like now.
Why Sadhguru in Foreign?

American and European civilization has openness. They welcome certain new things. This is admitted by a great sage like Swamy Vivekananda also. That’s the reason he addressed the world religion seminar as “Sisters and Brothers of America”.
Eastern culture especially in India had so much to offer about spirituality, Yoga, or the subtle aspect of life. Initially in India people had criticized Swamy Vivekananda also. The same thing happened with him as he finds it very tough to gather money for his visit to America. He had very few disciples before the lecture he had presented in at the Parliament of Religion, Chicago, America.
Sadhguru on “Life” and “Energy” – No Sense

Some people have problems with his word and its use like “life” and “energy” also. These two terms are the basis of all our working or understanding of life. Then why being a guru he will not talk about these two fundamental approaches to life.
It is quite obvious being the Guru he gives his personal view and a view understood by most of us except the criticizers. He understands the value of life and energy at least better than us. Why?
He is now by 2020, 62 years old, and look at this energy level. He is an old person but yet the energy level he can teach youngs a lot. Admitted in the interview with Indian football captain Sunil Chetri he even said about this also.
Sadhguru about Time – Lost in Time

What about the time? He always talks about the uniform flow of time. Time flows for all of us and he talks about at least “God is not doing partiality on time”.
For students, he suggested the utilization of time also. How we should work and give value for time. Again here also critics find and search for loophole whether time can be brought back.
They find a problem with the name “Inner Engineering” also. This is the reason they never stop asking the same questions about Sadhguru’s wife’s sad demise or the place where Isha Foundation is in the elephant’s corridor. They overlook the fact that there is a significant stoppage in red sandalwood poachers and improvement in tribal family’s life.
Sadhguru – A Party Worker? He Must Be.

Many have complained about Sadhguru’s Socio-political image and his viewpoint also. They have an allegation whether Sadhguru is a certain party worker or a party supporter. He allures or may be hypnotizes to all his devotees and bring to join in the campaign on certain party work.
Yes, you heard it right. The question is “is it true and how long he can fool all of them?” It is some terrible mentally shocked and near-infuriated peoples having false allegations. Sadhguru had illustrated the betterment of applying the CAA.
He got heavily criticized for this by many different political parties in India. Most of them had against view on the truth about CAA, NRC. But yes the truth has one version and lies have many. That’s why very soon it got disappeared.
Sadhguru Self-Claimed Guru? Why is He Famous?

There were realized gurus like Trailanga Swamy or Paramahansa Rama Krishna who never publicized themselves as they are avatars. All of them after their death became famous by their disciples.
The organizations created by Swamiji in the name of Sri Ramakrishna Mission. What about Sadhguru? It was because the government as well as the peoples from outside India had welcomed the initiatives.
Now if Sadhguru or some other Guru establishes a center in foreign for people’s well-being, it is questioned by people of our country itself. Why? Look at the person’s activity. Day and night he works like a turbocharged person.
It is our moral duty to find the exact fact and at the age of the internet and mobile, no facts can be suppressed for a long time. The truth will certainly come out.
Sadhguru on Adiyogi – Who is He to Talk About Adiyogi?

Sadhguru once claimed that he had invaded by Shiva. Well, it is obvious for a criticization. But we must understand in what context, audience, the understanding Sadhguru told these to us and the matter itself and many other things.
It is true that he had referred these words but there are other words also mentioned about Shiva and Yogi. Now it is definitely questionable whether he is a realized being or he has certain powers that we can’t see. What about millions of devotees who had already recognized him as a guru?
What about those people who had so many benefits they had achieved by the path Sadhguru had shown to them. He even told many times “until and unless you visit a place personally it will be useless to talk about the place for the whole day”.
Sannidhi Padam

Regarding Sanndhi Padam it is a special entity energized by a Sadhguru Sannidhi Pada Yantra. It is designed by Sadhguru. It’s a sacred form of item or say mix with brushes, mercury, and stone to generate a supportive energy for those who seek inside growth.
I know critics will always be against it because they always try to find the ugly side of anything they are involved in. Thank You Sadhguru. By chance, I saw him in a place when I was searching for the answer to a few questions.
I didn’t understand out of the sky and by God’s grace, I listened to him and all the damn answers were there. I learned most of the Yoga and Inner Engineering Techniques.
Sadhguru and Controversies of his wife’s Death

There are many time Sadhguru was questioned about Mata Vijayakumari’s death. Death news of a Spiritual Guru’s wife is just like a hot cake for Critics. The true fact is not followed, as she informed well before she left her body and it was in the presence of many disciples of Sadhguru.
Sadhguru had answered all the queries time and time again…Yet the Pseudo Seculars or Liberals and communists with no brain could not take it.
Sadhguru and Awareness in Youth – What?

Sadhguru’s approach if you notice a tremendous force of awareness about “The History of India”. Yes, he told correct that wrong glorification of a person like “Babar should be erased” in any sense. What about the great leaders like “Shivaji”,” Tanhaji “, “Maha Rana Pratap”, or “Tirot Singh” from Meghalaya or “Matangini Hazra” or “Veerapandia Kottabomman”.
Most of the things taught to us were wrongly studied or not studied at all. Thanks to the study system we had when we were a kid. Many freedom fighters like the great “Netaji”, “Binoy-Badal-Dinesh”, “Colonel Nizamuddin” Their story was never told to us by our history book or syllabus.
Sadhguru was correct about the multiple invasion that was done in India from either the middle east or Afghanistan. We never heard about the incident until recently, neither it was taught in our history book like The Great Fight of Saragrahi Fort fought by only 21 Sikh soldiers.
“We must forgive but we must not forget” Sadhguru gives us an amazing message. In this age of the mobile phone, this gives young people a tremendous amount of awareness and truth about our Indian history. And the glory we had earlier in civilization.
Why Many Things in Isha Foundation is So Costly?

People have issues like why self-claimed guru has designed his own feet so costly? Well, He designed for those who believe in him. I want to ask the same thing back to them what they do with their family members.
Now the criticizer will always be there, but the actual fact is none of those have the least ability to do something significant except criticizing. Many criticize Sadhguru about the high price of the Isha items. Well to run an organization and maintaining and, managing it requires a certain amount of money. This has to be understood.
In a metro city with a 7-day program and having food and stay with a large hall and web features like “live video” etc. comes with a price. The price charged by Isha is absolutely reasonable according to me.
I had attended from my friend’s recommendation which is much costlier than the charge taken from Isha. Moreover, every other expenditure is also open to all. This is the reason Sadhguru invited everyone in Isha Foundation. Things become crystal clear once you visit the place.
Sadhguru and Media – Tough Time for Creating Fake News

Just search on “Jaggi Vasudev” on wiki and check the reference section. Many times you will find the baseless and fact less criticism like the newspaper websites. Shame for the people who criticize on planting trees and saving the river. Well, you have a question file an RTI. At least the government had given you that freedom.
Now regarding the items in Isha Shoppe, for mediocre like me, yes it’s a bit costly. Yes, you buy only those which you can afford. Till now I never heard that Sadhguru had forced someone to buy things from Isha.
Well, you go to any other organization whether Art of Living, ISKCON, or any other place, the volunteers will definitely annoy you to buy things or do this program or that program. It’s you and your financial support.
Finally, one thing we have to admit is Sadhguru is doing something millions of us getting benefitted. Sadhguru is one of the top searched people because of his popularity. If he provides some fake things in the name of spirituality it would have been caught by now. There can be different opinions but it should be constructive for the context. Because it takes a minute now to spread news in this age of information technology. The price for the teacher training program offered by Isha is of huge cost. It is a request to Sadhguru as well as Isha foundation please reduce the cost of the TTYP so that common people like me can join there. Any of the other criticism I left in case please feel free to write in comments.
Further Reading On Different Topics
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