How Simhasana Or Simha Kriya Is Perfectly Great For Cleaning Lungs | How Lungs Tar or Cough Is Cleaned By Practicing Simhasana Or Simha Kriya?
Simha Kriya is a wonderful breathing and a respiratory pose, which inspires a lot in these recent times time where COVID-19 affects us immensely everywhere. There are various diseases occur in lungs in our lifetime. Due to unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, and other lung problems.
about 65 million people suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3 million die from it each year, making it the third leading cause of death worldwide. I will discuss how Simhasana makes stronger lungs and helps remove tar from our Lungs.
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What is Simha Kriya?
In Sanskrit, Simha means lion and Kriya is an action or gesture. It is quite similar to the gesture of the lion. Simha Kriya looks a little bit different, where you have to bring your tongue out, like a lion after running for some time or The look of Devi Shakti or KaliMata (The Goddess of Power and Energy).
It requires even a little bit of silliness and just reminds you to let go of what other people think. It is an amazing breathing technique, I feel it boosts my confidence also, after doing it.
How to Practice Simha Kriya?
So let’s hop on the mat and learn Lion’s Pose. To learn Lion’s Breath, first, you have to be in a seated posture on the knees. You have a couple of options here like vajrasana or Veerasana or chair pose etc. You can begin in Veerasana, or what we know as Hero Pose.
If you want a variation then you can practice Lion’s breath in an easy cross-legged position also. You can lift the hips on a blanket, sit upon a block. Even you can practice this in a chair.

Focus for Simhasana
The focus of Simhasana is not on the pose, but rather on the Pranayama or the breath. So just get comfortable. Initially come to your knees and bring your two big toes together. Let the heels spread wide. It should be nice and warm and articulate posture by now. So now it is like knees are spilling out, the two big toes are kissing together.
Let the sit bones, or the pelvic floor muscle should be in the arches of your feet. Now bring the hands to the tops of the thighs, and you’ll loop the shoulders forward, up and back.
Opening up the chest is very important here. Right now if you’re in a cross-legged posture, just sit up nice and tall.

First Step
Draw the shoulders away from the ears. Take a deep breath in here. And on the exhale, spread the palms wide. Press the palms down towards your knees. What you should be doing here is connecting palm to shoulder and really spreading the shoulder blades left to right, becoming active in the shoulder girdle, and in the chest.
Second Step
Now Start to inhale through the nose, and just exhale out through mouth with the “hah” sound, as if you were fogging up a window and creating a little fog there. Let’s try it just like that again. This time as you inhale, lengthen up through the crown of the head.
As you exhale, you can imagine little Lion’s Claws are in our fingers as you press into the base of the palm. So spread the palms wide, inhale, lengthen through the crown of the head, exhale, “hah.” Here drawing the shoulder blades down and really helps open up through the chest.
The Energy Levels and Chakra
Now at this time, your energy level can get up to the sixth chakra Ajna chakra after the after you complete the exhalation. Hold the breath and keep the belly inside and you can even perform Uddiyana Bandha. We are going to hold the breath for about five to ten seconds here.

Now you inhale through the nose and close the eyes and relax. For some time while you will act in stay with the eyes closed and focus on the area of Ajna chakra.
Now if the sitting position is not comfortable you can sit in any other sitting position or even sit on a chair. So is there any chance during the practice you feel headaches dizziness or any other discomfort then stop the practice and lie down for some time.
While you are sitting you can visualize to expel negative energy to your mouths and even started practice excels thoughtfully. With the tongue out and leaps up and hold the belly in Uddiyana Bandha.
Variations of Practicing Simha Kriya
Shift into different variations as we grow the breath practice. One more variation is that, open your mouth and open your eyes while you look up and try to actually look between your eyebrows or the space between two eyebrows.

A couple of notes like Be careful not to create any unnecessary tension in the neck and the shoulders. That’s why practice with the shoulders drawn away from the ears and broadening through the upper back body and the chest.
I can talk more about and it’s relation to the Bandhas or the locks also. But for now, this quick foundations in Pranayama. Play with sending the gaze up towards the third eye here, or just up towards the ceiling. Practice five Lion’s Breaths in a row and see what happens.

This is another option here, a little more lion’s love for you. Practice five Lion’s Breaths here. This time, pressing into the palms, knees nice and wide, opening through the throat.
Open through the throat chakra and find a gentle compression or massage in the back of the neck. If you need to rotate the wrists, and then we release. You can incorporate this breath into your practice in any Asana that feels good.
I invite you to find a little self-expression, explore doing Lion’s Breath in Adho-Mukha Savasana (Downward face Dog posture) or in Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), or Upward-Facing Dog or in Sukhasana meditation pose.
Why Lungs are A Very Vital Part of Our Body?
Our lungs are among the largest vital organs in our body. A person cannot remain alive without oxygen while inhalation process. The oxygen you inhale goes into your lungs and passes into your blood channels from there. It moves to all the cells in your body through your bloodstream.

The lungs are located in the chest region, protected by the ribs in the rib cage. The main function of the lungs is the process of air exchange called respiration or breathing. Your lungs bring fresh oxygen while you inhale, into your body. They eliminate the carbon dioxide and other unwanted gases while you exhale.
What are the problems or diseases occur in lungs?

Respiratory failure is a grave condition that develops when the lungs can’t get enough oxygen into the blood. Accumulation of carbon dioxide can also damage the tissues and body parts. Further damage happens with oxygenation of blood and, as a result, slow oxygen distribution happens to the tissues.

General diseases can occur in lungs problems are:
- Asthma – Usually continuous basis coughing sensation as well as uneasiness feelings.
- Pneumothorax or Atelectasis – The collapse happens in a certain part or all of the lung.
- Swelling and inflammation – A bad voice comes out from the main passages (bronchial tubes) that carry air to the lungs (bronchitis)
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- Lung cancer – Usually recognizable at a severe or final stage when the patient dies within a limited time.
- Lung infection (pneumonia) – If not properly treated patient dies within 10 to 12 days.
Lung Infection Disease Statistics
In 2017, tobacco killed 3.3 million users, and people exposed to second-hand smoke from lung-related conditions, including:

1.5 million People dying from chronic respiratory diseases
1.2 million Deaths from cancer (tracheal, bronchus and lung)
600,000 deaths from respiratory infections and tuberculosis
According to a report by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the deaths due to lung diseases in India were on the rise accounting for 11 percent of the total deaths. As many as 142.09 in every one lakh, died of one form of lung disease or the other giving India the dubious distinction of ranking first in lung disease deaths in the world.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Lung Disease Deaths in India reached 819,570 or 9.30% of total deaths. The age-adjusted Death Rate is 89.36 per 100,000 of population ranks India #2 in the world. Review other causes of death by clicking the links below or choose the full health profile.
How Simha Kriya helps in removing tar from Lungs?
Simha Kriya is a breathing technique. It is a forceful way of exhalation as I mentioned earlier. Developing countries like India, where Yoga is an intrinsic part is already known to many people but yet India has 2nd highest lung disease-related deaths per year. So it is very alarming for us and need to understand that these breathing practices or pranayamas are long-existing. We just have to implement it in regular life.

Different Socio-economic development, industrialization, urbanization, changing age structure, and changing lifestyles have a massive effect on health. These countries are facing an ever-increasing case of communicable diseases like Covid-19 or pneumonia etc. respiratory diseases.
There is no technique or medicine that instantly removes tar from your lungs. This practice takes time. After quitting smoking, the cilia inside repair themselves, and slowly but surely get to work removing the tar from your lungs. Cilia can take anywhere from 1 to 9 months to restore after you quit smoking.
Simhasana or Simha Kriya helps in to breathe in (inhale), as you use the muscles of your rib cage – especially the major muscle, the diaphragm and the throat muscle. By practicing Simhasana your diaphragm tighten up and flattens, allowing you to have mouthful air into your lungs.
Once you leave smoking, your cilia can take anywhere from 1 to 9 months to heal. However, the tar that caused the damage for a long time smoking, it can take even longer to leave your lungs. One source provides information that for every 6 years you smoked, it takes 1 year to remove that amount of tar from your respiratory system.
8 Simple Ways to Remove Tar the Lungs And Keep Your Lungs Healthy
- Steam Inhalation – Steam therapy, or steam inhalation, involves inhaling water vapor to open the air corridor in lungs and help the lungs clean mucus mixed tar.
- Breathing Exercises – Regular breathing exercises (Sitali, Sitkari, Sadanta, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Ujjayi pranayama, etc.) and other exercises help to remove tar effectively.
- Green tea – Green tea is a great natural respiration booster that removes tar with cough and promotes better health for lungs.
- Anti-inflammatory foods – foods rich in antioxidants are great for lungs. A lot of plain cooked vegetables and less spicy are also good for lungs.
- Stop smoking, and avoid secondhand smoke.
- Improve indoor air quality – By using air purifiers or placing certain plants and herbs which cleans indoor air always helps for your lungs to function properly.
- Chest percussion – it is a technique where vibration is applied gently to shake the mucus into the larger airways. By creating a fine shaking motion a caregiver or nurse applies a light pressure over the area being vibrated.
- Vaccines – With proper vaccinations like the flu vaccine and the pneumonia vaccine etc the susceptibility of cold can be controlled also
Benefits of Simha Kriya
Apart from respiratory benefits Simha Kriya has several other subtle internal benefits also.
Simha Kriya is great for Throat Cleansing
Simha Kriya is a good example of practice for the throat area. For the tonsils and the thyroid gland, it is very effective. In this time when Covid – 19 hits all over the world, it can be very fruitful for cleansing the tonsils and throat and boost the immunity of our lungs. I mean all of the larynx and all of the internal organs and muscles that you have in your throat region.
Simha Kriya Helps in removing Tar from our Lungs
It is noticed that old age persons who started smoking at an early age and because of health complications they had stopped smoking. But the tar or carbon still exists inside the lungs and creates complications on respiration.
Normal breathing gradually becomes problematic for regular smokers. So if you need to clean your lungs in a natural way start Simhasana and quit smoking.
It is observed among old peoples above 50 years that after a month of practicing Simhasana they feel breathing in a whole different way. Additional practice like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, or Ujjayi Pranayama brings great health for lungs at any age.
Simha Kriya helps in Removing Negative Emotions
Simha Kriya has many beneficial effects. One of the most important of them is it boosts vitality and gets rid of negative emotions. It helps us in a great way the expelling of negative energies from our body or system.
Negative emotions like anger, hatred, and anything like that you can put on dustbin or kind of vomit it out from the system with the practice of Simha Kriya.
Simha Kriya Is Great For Relieving Stress
By regular practicing of Simhasana, you can feel rejuvenated all day. Generally, we breathe in most of the day in an unconscious way. The better or longer we breathe more amount of oxygen gets supplied to the cells. Which boosts the energy level and decreases the stress level to a great extent. There are loads of benefits of this pose.
Simha Kriya and Relation with Chakras in Our Body
Simha Kriya can also open up the throat chakra and relieve any stress or tension in the jaw or the neck. On the energy level, Simha Kriya is very beneficial. To arouse Manipura chakra the third chakra and Mooladhara the first chakra.
There is an astounding effect of the sublimation of energy by this kriya. The energy rises up in the body and accumulates in these chakra areas.
For me, again, this pose is about letting go of what other people think. It’s a great way to build confidence in your practice. I recommend progressing gradually. You can start with 5 rounds and then gradually increase the number of rounds to about ten. Now if you feel by any chance any discomfort or it creates anything that’s not comfortable then stop the practice and lie down for some time. If you want to get silly with yourself, forget about what people think and just have some fun with Simhasana.
Further Reading On Different Topics
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