Top 8 Benefits of Brahma Mudra How to Do Brahma Mudra

Brahma means supreme spirit or “the spirit of divinity”. Brahma mudra is a hand gesture or mudra performed mainly for bringing divinity within us.

Brahma mudra is practiced for bringing better life quality within us. With a better postural quality for neck and upper portion of our body, we stay mentally well balanced. In a way, our shoulder region often faces various angular disproportions due to prolonged sitting, and performing something at a continuous stretch can be well handled by Brahma Mudra.

The Yogic Philosophy of Brahma Mudra

Top Benefits of Brahma Mudra
  1. Yogic Sense: Hasta Mudras (Overall Energy Flow Improvement, Stamina Improvement)
  2. Style: Hatha Yoga
  3. Chakras: Manipur, Visudhdhi, Ajna (Solar Plexus, Throat, Third-Eye)
  4. Nadis: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna
  5. Physical Presence: Fingertips, Wrist
  6. Strengthens: Neck, Shoulder
  7. Duration: 25 -30 Minutes (with 8-10 min Interval)
  8. Repetition: If Body Permits

According to mythology in Hinduism three Divine power exist for performing three mainstream jobs in this Samsara (World Family). Their job is to maintain the balance in the universe and in the system for everything.

It is considered as Lord Brahma is the creator, Lord Vishnu is the maintainer, and Maheswar is known as the destroyer. Lord Brahma is known as the creator of Hindu mythology. He is considered the creator of the whole universe and creating all life forces on the earth.

Benefits of Brahma Mudra

benefits of brahma mudra

There are various benefits achieved from Brahma mudra if practiced in a steady and focused way.

Improving Prana

Brahma mudra fulfills your individual self as with the energy of the universe. It fulfills your joy and blissfulness. It helps to optimize our thoughts and emotions and channelize in a greater dimension with life or “Prana”.

Extending Inner Peace

Brahma mudra pervades a sense of gratitude and peacefulness. With our stressful life, this mudra gives a boon on creating a space of peace inside.

Empowering Positiveness

Brahma mudra keeps your energy flow in the positive direction of the human mind and brain within you. Being positive is always quality for improvement.

Purifying Chakras

It mainly helps cleanse and purify all the chakras such as vishuddhi chakra or throat chakra and Ajna chakra, which is also known as third eye chakra. Brahma mudra used to provide consistent upliftment of defined energy blowing was the Sahasrara chakra.

Erasing Pain Story

Brahma mudra helps to maintain a steady shoulder and so many problems in the neck portion are cured.  Due to unhealthy habits of sleeping and the movement of our upper body posture. It is fundamentally very helpful for spondylitis also only issues exist in the shoulder. It helps with a great effect on your shoulder region.

Brahma mudra helps to maintain a meditativeness inside our mind and body, this means you’ll join in a state of peace within. 

Revitalizing Digestion

Brahma mudra revitalizes our digestive system reducing extra gas in the abdominal system. Brahma mudra is practiced along with the complete breathing process helps to release extra air from our abdomen.

Chanting Om creating Positive Vibration

At the time of practicing Brahma mudra and chanting Om mantra contributes amazing positive energy inside us. Mantra like Om or Om Namah Shivay or Shakti Mantra etc. Mantras enhance the various level of energy for you.

Improvement of Overall Awareness

An overall upgrading occurs with your physicality and your life energy increases to a higher level. Practice steadily for a month you will feel the difference.

The relationship of Brahma Mudra and “OM”

Brahma mudra is also meant for natural wellbeing within the human system. It is practiced along with the mantra “Om”. Om is the universal sound apprehended by great Sages. Brahma mudra with chanting Om brings special energy towards our energy body.

These five elements essentially exist within our body. The mantra Om is chanted along with three major sound that is “AAA”, UUU”, and “MMM”. Many refers Om is mixing of four sound that is “AAA”, “UUU”,” EEE”, and” MMM”.

Om is the mantra is principally considered as the Moola Mantra for the Bija Mantra which is known as the “seed” of the universe. Yogis refer to the earliest sound of the whole creation or the knowledge and realization of the universe started with the Om Mantra.

Brahma Mudra Reference with Ancient Vedic Connection

There are many references can be found in the various ancient textbook for Brahma mudra.  In Rig-Veda one of the oldest Vedic scripture and sacred textbook suggest Brahma mudra helps to purify our senses. It creates a sense of well-being around us.

Here we form the fist by coving the thumb creates inner energy hidden by attaching all fingers covering the thumb and hiding it inside. This essentially means two effects one is increasing and holding the life within and keeping it as a dynamo inside us.

Brahma Mudra and Chakra Cleansing

While we practice Brahma mudra for complete healing for the upper portion of our body, it also provides a great effect on all the joints, limbs, nervous system, and brain activity. Eventually, the chakras are also affected by Brahma mudra.

All the chakras such as Manipura or the solar plexus chakra, Visudhdhi or the throat chakra, and Ajna or the third eye chakra all are affected by the profoundness of Brahma mudra.

Brahma Mudra and Panchabhoota or Five Elements

While all the creation is from Lord Brahma, Pancha Maha bhootas are also the creation of Lord Bramha. Brahma mudra is also known as “Sampurna Mudra”. As our body is created with the five elements and once we die it goes back to these five elements. They are essentially the creation of nature. These Pancha bhootas play a great bit of natural presence in Brahma mudra.

Brahma and Lifestyle of Yogi

Amongst the three deities in Hinduism as Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswar, Bramha holds the responsibility for “Supreme Divinity of Creation”. Along with the concept of ‘Bramha’ it holds special relation with the timeframe and the lifestyle of us and Yogis.

For example “Brahma Muhurtham refers to the dawn and dusk just before sunrise and after sunset. Even for the lifestyle “Brahmacharya” or maintaining celibacy for a yogi is a must. Brahma mudra is mainly practiced with meditation and pranayama. These practices open various doorways in the energy path towards liberation for yogis.

Brahma Mudra: Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Sit comfortably by performing any yoga asanas like padmasana or sukhasana.
  2. Maintain a relaxed approach inside.
  3. Sit straight, keep your spinal cord straightforward.
  4. Take a deep breath initially for 2 to 3 minutes. Then breathe normally.
  5. Focus on your breathing.
  6. Bring both hands over your knees.
  7. Now put your thumb insight all other fingers attached to your palm and create a fist.
  8. Hold the fist facing upwards.
  9. Hold it gently for 10 minutes.
  10. Chant “Om” in this mudra to achieve maximum benefit from this mudra.

Advance Variations of Brahma Mudra

For advanced variation, you can practice a specific pattern of neck exercise. With a count of 1-2-3-4 and 4-3-2-1, you can bring the neck straight towards the right and back to straight position. The same can be done on the left side also. The same pattern can be exercised for moving up and down for the neck also.

Brahma Mudra and Breathing Pattern

Just remember while you move right or left inhale and while you bring back towards the straight position exhale. Similarly while lifting up the neck as well as the head you inhale and when you put your head down, i.e., your chin touches your chest you must exhale. This is a great secret for Brahma Mudra. This is a specific cycle for improving all the nerves related to the spinal cords reaching our brain.

How long to Practice Brahma Mudra?

Practice for 8-10 minutes at a stretch. Brahma mudra as well as all the other mudras are very easy to perform. After 10 minutes, rest for a minute then again you can perform. Practice for 2- 3 rounds, which will fetch you maximum benefits.

When to Practice Brahma Mudra?

Best time to practice Brahma mudra is at Brahma Muhurtham. It is considered that in this time you can manifest greater energy and vibration for anything you want to achieve. At dawn, before sunrise, it is believed that from 3:45 am till 5:00 am it stays. Yogis used to meditate and perform their Sadhana at this time. Having an empty stomach gives the best result in this mudra.

Therapeutic Applications of Brahma Mudra

  1. Cervical spondylosis
  2. Stinger injury
  3. Shoulder osteoarthritis

Mudras Related to Brahma Mudra

Preparatory Mudra

  1. Vayu Mudra
  2. Gyan Mudra
  3. Adi Mudra

Follow-up Mudra

  1. Bhoochari Mudra
  2. Khechari Mudra

Beginner’s Tip of Brahma Mudra

For beginners practice by putting a bit of pressure initially on the fingers and gradually reducing the pressure from the thumb. After 8 – 10 minutes relax all your fingers. Then again start.

Contraindications and Cautions of Brahma Mudra

For those who are suffering from chronic thumb pain, first, check if you can do it.

If you have a recent operation on your fingers or wrist try restraining practicing Brahma mudra.

FAQ’s on Brahma Mudra

Why We Should Practice Brahma Mudra?

Brahma Mudra is known as the best mudra related to life energy and manifesting life energy towards our goal or aim. Yes to a certain extent it helps supervision the various energy procurement within us. To remain ecstatic yet stable with a great body-mind combination Brahma Mudra helps to maintain vibrancy liveliness within us.

What Is The Purpose Of Brahma Mudra?

The main purpose of Brahma Mudra is to align our life energy with our essential goal of life.  Regulating the energy dimension with all other elements by performing Brahma Mudra Sahasrar chakra is activated. This helps make our awareness improvement in a great way.

Can Brahma Mudra Be Performed In Standing Posture?

Brahma Mudra can be performed while you stand or lie down. However, you can practice while you are in a sitting position which is best if you practice along with pranayama. Feel contented and relax your mind in any sitting posture like padmasana, vajrasana, etc.

What is the relationship between the Om mantra and Brahma Mudra?

Brahma is the creator of life and Om is the universal sound. It is written in sacred text like Rig-Veda in Hinduism as before any creation sound existed and that was “Om”. So while performing Brahma Mudra if you chant the “Om” mantra it fundamentally connects you with every creation of the universe with your energy body.

Can You Practice Brahma Mudra after Food?

Brahma Mudra is best while you start your day in the morning. In the morning you have an empty stomach and a free and fresh mind. So any asana, mudra, or yoga you perform in the morning gets maximum benefit before you start your day.

Why All Finger Attachment Is Vital For Brahma Mudra?

There is a different level of energy vibration that happens with the atmosphere. While you practice Brahma Mudra, try to practice sitting on the ground. While you connect all the fingers in Brahma Mudra our body reverberation changes, making the energy rejuvenates with all the Panchatattwa.

What Kind Of Diseases are Cured by Brahma Mudra?

Brahma Mudra can help to remove neck and shoulder-related problems. But it does not mean removing or curing the disease of the root. It helps in our abdominal activities also. Brahma Mudra keeps our body such that we will have a continuous flow of energy within our self.


The essence of any mudra will fetch great energy and positivity within you if practice progressively for 2 to 3 months uninterruptedly. Mudra yoga is a great way to relax yourself. So relax and take charge of life’s energy. Get connected with the Supreme.

Further Reading

Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 11 Benefits of Brahma Mudra | How to Do Brahma Mudra”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and related topics on Yoga. Relevant issues like Mudra and Asana also. Take a look at our collection of articles about Mudra, books as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.



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