Garudasana is mainly practiced for bringing stability and balance to our legs. While I started this practice I was just like another guy, fall on the floor because one leg could not support and another could not come out of the shackle in time.
Table of Contents
The yogic philosophy of the Garudasana
In the book, “GarudaPurana” describes the ancient mythology of the king of all birds “Garuda”. He has immense power so that he can engulf everything with his mouth firepower. He is also identified as the ‘vahana’ (vehicle) of the protector “Lord Vishnu”.
Garuda is so powerful that he can carry three worlds with one of his feathers. Yes, you heard it ryt. He can go anywhere within a single moment you can think. Yet he is the most gentle and God of birds. So when you practice Garudasana remember you signify immense potential within you.
Benefits of Garudasana

This asana helps to maintain body balance. Your sense of balance will improve a lot.
Most of the muscles of the legs and back muscles are stretched by practicing Garudasana. Your thigh, hips, waist muscles are stretched gently.
Garudasana relieves stress also while bringing blood flow correction in various organs.
Once your body is stretched becoming flexible is piece of cake. Your whole body will become flexible.
Your leg muscle, calf, ankle, and lower back muscles will become strong with a gradual practice of Garudasana.
Chronic Disease
Garudasana also helps to relieve pain from the sciatica and rheumatism occurs for a long time in someone’s body.
Medicinal Applications
- Mainly relieves from Sciatica
- Lower backache
- Spinal correction
Eagle Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1
Start with tadasana and slowly lift one of your legs, suppose if you have lifted your left leg then slowly bring it above the right leg.
Step 2
Now gently wrap left leg like snake used to coil tree branch. Maintain balance of your body. What happens most of the time people are unable to balance their bodies. So maintaining balance with a single leg is a bit of a challenge in this step.
Step 3
Once your body is balanced now you have to just fold a little bit of the knee so that it seems like you are going to sit somewhere.
Step 4
Once leg part is over you have to concentrate on your hands fold. Here if you have lifted your left leg then bring your right hand coiled inside the left hand as shown in picture.
Step 5
Now you stay for at least 15-20 seconds and reverse the same posture with right leg and left-hand combination.
Step 6
During the whole process, your breathing should be normal. Try concentrating on normal breathing.
Advance Variations of Garudasana

- One challenging posture while you do garudasana is this – once you are in the asana bend forward by bending the waist or bed backward with your waist, without holding any support.
- Another modification can be a full fold of the knee and rising the hands upward coiled.
Asanas related to Garudasana
Preparatory Poses
- Tadasana
- Prasarita Padottanasana
- Supta Baddha Konasana
- Upavistha Konasana
- Gomukhasana
- Supta Virasana
Follow-up Poses
- Vrikshasana – 1
- Vrikshasana – 2
- Utkatasana
Beginner’s Tip of Garudasana
While I started practicing this asana initially I could not maintain balance for not even 5 seconds. But gradually once your leg and butts are going well with the balance you will be settled.
Try holding something for balancing the legs, why because you will be bending a leg, coiling it, and standing with that.
Contraindications and Cautions of Garudasana

- This should not be practiced if you have injuries in the leg, ankle, or any parts in the waist.
- Pregnant women should not go through as it strain few portion from the lower body.
- If you have gone through a recent operation in any parts of the body stay away from practicing eagle posture.
FAQ’s on Garudasana
What is Eagle pose good for?
Eagle pose is mainly for balancing and bringing blood flow to an optimal level in the lower part and back. Some people practice this pose to relieve joint pain, waist pain like sciatica, etc. It is good for strengthening the back portion of the body also especially for old people.
How is Garudasana?
Garudasana is an orthodox posture with a mythic story of the king of all birds or “God of Birds”. It is about lifting a leg over another one and at the same time coiled hands. There is an immense power flow in the body and mind associated with Garudasana.
How do I get better at Eagle pose?
Once you start practicing Garudasana initially it will be a bit tough for maintaining balance in one leg but gradually you will be mastering the balance. There is a simple connection between breathing and the flow of inhalation and exhalation also. Try normal breathing and once mastered you will definitely feel the joy of practicing the posture.
What type of pose is the eagle pose?
Garudasana comes within Vinyasa posture applying hip-opening strategy for calf muscle and leg muscle. Joints, lower back, and shoulders also strengthen through this pose.
No matter what Garudasana is an overwhelming posture for bringing balance and postural strength in the body. The body becomes more flexible and blood flow becomes normal for a person. Bring joy to the mind and improving concentration is also added benefit you can think while practicing Garudasana. Cheers…
Further reading
Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 6 Benefits of Garudasana / Eagle Pose | Steps of How to Do Garudasana”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and related topics on Yoga. Relevant issues like Porn in young People, Overpopulation in India 2020 also. Take a look at our collection of articles about books for life as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits of honey for fighting against coronavirus to increase our stamina, & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.