Hakini mudra is one of the hasta mudra or hand gestures performed for stimulating various parts of the mind and enhance our emotional and mental quotient inside our brain.
Hakini Mudra is connected with our brain activities. It enhances power of our mind. Hakini Mudra is an easy yet very powerful hand gesture for activating life force in our intellectuality.
Table of Contents
The Yogic Philosophy of Hakini Mudra

- Yogic Sense: Hasta Mudras (Improving Concentration and Imagination, Quality of Thought Improvement)
- Style: Hatha Yoga
- Chakras: Ajna (Third Eye)
- Nadis: Sushumna
- Physical Presence: Fingertips, Wrist
- Strengthens: All Type of Brain Function, Focus, and Mindfulness
- Duration: 15 – 20 Minutes (2 Set with 2 Min Break In Between)
- Repetition: If Body Permits
In the Yogic tradition, Hakini is the yogini goddess who presides in our third eye or Ajna chakra. There are seven yogini goddess exist in our psychic chakras of human body.
Hakini Mudra has mainly performed for energy embodiment and various other reasons also. In the yogic culture, this mudra is performed for enhancing two great faculties within us. These two faculties are important for improving our brain functions and improving its capacities.
Out of these two faculties, the first one is a vivid sense of memory and the second one is a fantastic sense of imagination. The Yogini Goddess Hakini possesses enormous power.
Benefits of Hakini Mudra
Indian Sadhus, Rishis, Munis practice Hakini mudra for pleasing the spiritual goddess to enhance the power for the awakening of the kundalini Shakti.
Removes Depression
Hakini Mudra is widely practiced to relieve depression. It also helps following a proper lifestyle. A Yogic lifestyle is often called as Sattvic lifestyle. Once you understand the need to remain happy you will naturally tend towards Sattvic lifestyle.
Overcoming Mental Illness
Hakini mudra helps us to overcome various mental disorders caused by stress and anxiety. Various other mudras also exist for remaining active and joyful. Hakini Mudra is one of the mudras which helps to treat Behavioral and emotional disorders in children.
Enhancing Creativity
Hakini mudra improves our creativity. Our brain has two parts; the left side consists of historical information and impression and the right side of our brain consists of the innovative approach or creativity and new ideas.
Balancing Mindfulness
Practicing Hakini mudra stimulates both the brain’s hemispheres and maintains a balance between them. However, our creativity, memory power, and logical thinking are improved to a huge extent.
Improved Focus & Concentration
Hakini mudra provides a natural flow of concentration within our minds. It can be enhanced while khechari mudra is also practiced along with khechari mudra. It is particularly helpful for students for improving their focus and concentration.
Enhancing Memory Power
Hakini Mudra improves our memory to a great extent. Our brain keeps impressions along with time frames. It is especially helpful for those who have less memory power.
Hakini Mudra and Ancient Vedic Reference
From the book “Lalita Sahasranama” in Bramhananda Purana and “Sata Chakra Nirupama” a series of other yogini goddess names are also found. Each of these goddesses is associated with each of the chakras in our subtle body.
It is also found in ancient Tantrik scripture Tantra Sadhana” and “Yogini Hridaya”. Each of these Tantra Scriptures mentions the Yogini Shakti supports our physicality with their blessing and dwelling in our inner embodiment.
Hakini – The Energy Source of Ajna Chakra
The Goddesses are depicted as Matrikas or Mother Power which are of great significance in Hinduism, Tantrism, and Shaktism, they are defined as “assisting power of Devi Shakti while she fights with demons”.
for example, in the view of chakra from Mooladhara, the yogini exist as ‘Sakini’, for Swadhisthana ‘Kakini’ for Manipura ‘Lakini’ for Anahata chakra ‘Rakini’ for Vishuddha ‘Dakini’ for Ajna Hakini and Sahasrara ‘Yakini’.
Hakini Mudra and Body-Mind Combination
The energy from Hakini Mudra enhances our skin, blood, fat, bone marrow, bone, and semen. Hakini Shakti provides us power of adjusting or flexibility with our thought process.
Hakini mudra helps to enhance the working of our joints, skin and providing lubrication and nourishes those parts of our body.
Hakini Mudra: Step-By-Step Instructions

- Sit comfortably in any one of the asanas like vajrasana or padmasana.
- Relax and close your eyes.
- Try to gaze in the middle region of the forehead while your eyes are closed.
- Breathe normally e and maintain consciousness in your breathing.
- Put your hands over your knee.
- Bring both of your hands to the chest level facing each other and place all the fingertips in touch with each other gently.
- Chant some powerful Mantra like Vishnu mantra, Shiva mantra, Shakti Mantra, or simply ‘Om’ inside your mind.
Advance Variations of Hakini Mudra
- For advanced variation, while you practice Hakini mudra, practice khechari mudra at the same time. By placing your tongue in the soft palate close to the nasal cavity. This essentially helps to improve the mucus quality and the lubricants balances within your physical body.
- Another advanced variation is to practice Ujjayi pranayama while you practice Hakini mudra.
Hakini Mudra – Perception Beyond Our Senses
There are many entities and possessions that exist beyond our senses. Hakini mudra is one of the mudras if practiced in a meditative state, improves a lot of power inside our mind. Our minds become empowered with inclusiveness and an overwhelming perception beyond the senses.
Contraindications and Cautions of Hakini Mudra
- If you have a recent operation on your wrist or finger then after it heals completely you can practice.
- If you are suffering chronic pain in any part of your hand restrain practicing this mudra.
Beginner’s Tip of Hakini Mudra
For beginners try to find a quiet place where you can relax and meditate without any disturbance. You can concentrate and focus on whatever you do you especially these mudras where your mental activity is unconditionally involved.
Therapeutic Applications of Hakini Mudra
- Anxiety disorders
- Behavioral and emotional disorders in children
- Bipolar disorder
- Depression
Mudras Related to Hakini Mudra
Preparatory Mudra
Follow-up Mudra
Hakini Mudra Side Effects
To date, there is no such side effects are encountered with Hakini Mudra. However, anything that is overdone or overperformed brings adverse effects on human physicality. Hakini Mudra is a very easy mudra. So practice moderately 8-10 minutes two times each day will fetch you a lot of benefits.
How long to Practice Hakini Mudra
All the mental intoxication becomes relieved once you gradually practice for more than 2 weeks continuously on a regular basis. Practice for 8 to 10 minutes and perform two sets of Hakini mudra, in the morning and the evening.
FAQ’s on Hakini Mudra
Why Mental Joyfulness Is Very Important For Our Life?
In our life, we perform various activities; personally as well as professionally. to manage personal as well as professional life it becomes increasingly important to maintain a relaxed, calm, and composed state of our mind and brain.
How Hakini Mudra Helps to Remain Joyful?
Hakini Mudra is performed for improving our brain activity and leading power to the thoughts and emotion towards achieving consciousness. While you perform anything consciously it becomes a beautiful impression for whatever activity we perform in a day.
Which Chakra is Activated by Hakini Mudra?
Hakini Mudra is a very effective gesture for managing the third eye or Ajna chakra. Ajna chakra is principally responsible for hidden perception, consciousness, and intuition in our mind. The ‘Tantrik’ Sect in ‘Shaiva’ Tradition in Hinduism practice Hakini mudra for perceiving the happenings in the future time. All possibilities are achieved once Ajna Chakra is activated.
Does Hakini Mudra Really Work?
The practice of doing Hakini mudra increases your memory and imagination. You can practice this mudra for improving physical improvement also. It is such an easy mudra you can do it for a longer time as well. Hakini mudra helps you to get the blessings of the Yogini Goddess Hakini, who grants her devotees mindfulness wisdom, massive mental strength, and richness to your life.
What Happens When You Connect All The Fingertips in Hakini Mudra?
When both the fingertips of our hands are connected, it changes various quotients of the five elements or balances the Panchatattwa. By connecting all the fingertips the brain fundamentally enhances the spiritual energy and activates the spiritual energy to flow in the upward direction from Mooladhara towards the Third eye or Ajna Chakra.
Hakini Mudra is one of the mudras which is widely practiced in Tantric and Shiva tradition. It is believed that there are many Yogis in the Himalayas still exist who used to read other’s minds and thoughts also. In a word, Hakini mudra purifies our soul with mind power.
Further Reading
Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 6 Benefits of Hakini Mudra | How to Do Hakini Mudra”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and related topics on Yoga. Relevant issues like Mudra and Asana also. Take a look at our collection of articles about Mudra, books as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5934951/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7396129/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793005/
- https://www.researchgate.net/post/How-do-different-forms-of-Mudra-help-in-meditation
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6848556/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7239502/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793013/