Varuna mudra is one of the hand gestures performed for various therapeutic use and healing purpose. In Sanskrit “Varuna” means rain. Varuna mudra helps to improve the aspect of Kapha Dosa.
Varuna Mudra is practiced from ancient times for fluid balance, skin, and mucous improvement in our body. Kapha is one of the main entities out of the three entities of the physical body named as “Bata”, “Pitta”, “Kapha”. Varuna Mudra is also called ‘Jal Vardhak mudra’. In Sanskrit ‘Jal’ means water, which is same meaning as Varuna.
Table of Contents
The Yogic Philosophy of Varuna Mudra

- Yogic Sense: Hasta Mudras (Water Content Purification)
- Style: Hatha Yoga
- Chakras: Swadhisthana
- Nadis: Ida, Pingala
- Physical Presence: Fingertips, Wrist
- Strengthens: Muscles, Cells, and Joints
- Duration: 8 – 10 Minutes / 3 – 4 Rounds
- Repetition: If Hands and Wrist Permits
Varuna is the rain God in Hindu Vedic culture. This mudra is practiced with pressure performed both in the little finger (Represents the water element) and with the thumb.
Varuna Mudra is practiced in a relaxed and composed environment. It contributes to various effects on our physical and mental illness. Varuna Mudra is an ancient mudra scripted in various textbooks like ShivaSamhita, Tantraloka, etc.
Benefits of Varuna Mudra
There are multiple benefits you can achieve from side to side with Varuna mudra. It is one of the basic and important mudras for various yoga poses like Gyan mudra and dhyana mudra etc.
- Varuna Mudra helps to maintain fluid circulation and rehydrate all the muscles, cells, and joints in our body.
- Varuna mudra is associated with growing and creating confidence in an individual.
- On the physical level, it helps to keep our mind flexible and helps in purification in the body fluid.
- It helps to release all the internal suffering occurs in our mind.
- Varuna Mudra releases different negative emotions in various activities of the human mind.
- Varuna Mudra purifies the blood and fluid circulation inside our body.
- It relieves skin disorders and blood disorders disease, such as eczema, psoriasis, etc.
Varuna Mudra and Vedic Hindu Rituals
Various other rituals are also performed with Varuna mudra as it is an essential part of Vedic Hindu rituals. Varuna Mudra is performed in Hindu culture in regional dances as well as in festivals.
Varuna Mudra and Sacral Chakra
There is a specific connection between Varuna mudra and the sacral chakra called “Swadhisthana”. Varuna Mudra enhances the sacral chakra. It boosts the water elements and energy dimension associated with ‘Swadhisthana Chakra’.
While you perform Varuna Mudra the hidden energy exist in encircling all the tendons ligaments and joints across swadhisthana chakra, it balances the energy flow within all of them.
Water Energy (JalShakti) and Varuna Mudra
Varuna mudra symbolizes the truth hidden with the basic form of water. Wherever there is water there is life, without water we cannot survive a single day. Our body consists of about 70% of water in various tissues cells and blood etc.
Water represents the essential fluid inside our body. For accepting and adapting the nature of our well-being the blood lymph system and every other tissue, cell get nourishment by practicing Varuna mudra.
Energy Dimension and Varuna Mudra
While practicing Varuna Mudra the energy dimension channelize in various flows. Varuna mudra relieves the negative emotions of the water element present inside our bodies. The energy form of water procures darkness towards the light for every positive energy dimension inside our body.
Kapha Dosha and Varuna Mudra
Varuna mudra is associated with Kapha Dosha. Kapha Dosha is the excessive presence of water element in our bodies. Kapha is one of the basic entities out of the three entities called ‘vata’, ‘pitta’, ‘kapha’. Kapha is associated with the mucus in our body. Mucous in the air passage of our body is the water element present combined in blood and tissues.
Relieve from Skin Disease and Varuna Mudra
Skin problems can be cured to a certain extent by practicing Varuna mudra. It works amazingly well for those who have dry skin. It improves skin health and provides glowing skin. Varuna Mudra helps to maintain smooth and glowing skin.
Varuna Mudra: Step-By-Step Instructions

- Sit in regular asanas like padmasana all vajrasana.
- Be comfortable and relaxed with your body and mind.
- Keep your fingers over your knee.
- Keep your thumb and little finger close together with their fingertips forming a small circle by both of them.
- Keep all other fingers straight.
- Be relaxed and think of positive thoughts. It provides positive vibration with all the water elements inside our body.
- Concentrate on your breathing and chant the mantra “Om”.
When and How Long to Practice Varuna Mudra
The best time to practice this mudra is in the morning and with an empty stomach. Try practicing for a stretch of 8 to 10 minutes. Keep the other two fingers trade and keep your mind relaxed. Practice for 3 to 4 rounds at a stretch to gain maximum benefits.
Therapeutic Applications of Varuna Mudra
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Mucous Disorder
Mudras Related to Varuna Mudra
Preparatory Mudra
- Gyan Mudra
- Agni Mudra
Follow-up Mudra
Beginner’s Tip of Varuna Mudra
For beginners, you can practice Shakti mudra and Gyan mudra for achieving the best benefits. Varuna Mudra is a gesture performed by our hand. Despite the fact practicing Varuna mudra you can practice pranayama as well as meditation.
Contraindications and Cautions of Varuna Mudra
There are no search precautions required for practicing Varuna mudra.
- Those who have undergone surgery on their hand or finger are suggested not to practice this mudra.
- Those who have excessive mucus such as Kapha dosha are suggested not to practice this mudra.
- Those who have kidney disorders they acquire greatly benefited from practicing Varuna mudra.
FAQ’s on Varuna Mudra
Which chakra is associated with Varuna mudra?
Varuna mudra is associated with ‘swadhisthana’ chakra present in the central place of the body. it is responsible for all the basic ‘Agni’ or Fire element form in our lower body. It introduces several improvements by performing Varuna mudra.
How long to Practice Varuna Mudra?
Practice Varuna Mudra for at a stretch of 10-15 minutes. Now depending on your time any time you can go for it. Try to see you are relaxed in your body and mind.
When to Practice Varuna Mudra?
The best time for practicing Varuna mudra is in the morning with an empty stomach. You can practice Varuna Mudra at a stretch of 10 to 15 minutes with two to three sessions in a day.
Can Varuna Mudra be Practiced after Food?
Yes, you can practice varuna mudra before as well as after having a meal. The best practice is however empty stomach. While you have empty stomach it becomes easier for the body fluid to adjust and maintain the balance of water and fire element in our body.
Is Varuna Mudra is good for Asthma and Bronchitis Disease?
Yes, Varuna mudra helps in adjusting the mucous disorder in our body. It helps maintaining the balance of water element for air passage present inside our body. However if you suffering from chronic bronchitis you must consult with a doctor.
Practicing Varuna mudra essentially helps all the necessary potential exist within our water body. Go steady and be humble while yoga and mudra teach you to open your mind to give a try to find the mystical dimension beyond your senses.
Further Reading
Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 7 Benefits of Varuna Mudra | How to Do Varuna Mudra”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and related topics on Yoga. Relevant issues like Mudra and Asana also. Take a look at our collection of articles about Mudra, books as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.