Vrikshasana is one of the beginner’s posture in standing sequence practiced in hatha yoga. It is mainly practiced for maintaining balance with the whole body, legs, and spinal cord.
Vrikshasana is a basic posture yet considered as a profound asana concerning yogi perspective. The reason it is called tree pose is because of the similarity it carries with a tree.
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The yogic philosophy of the Vrikshasana
While standing on a single leg and keeping the hands in a namaste pose in an upward direction speaks a million feelings hidden inside a tree. As in Hindu philosophy, it is believed that the tree is our best friend who only gives and asks nothing in return.
The munis, sadhus, and rishis are believed to practice their dhyana, Japa, tapa, Sadhana, etc. in this posture to immerse deep in their spiritual world.
Benefits of Vrikshasana

- Vrikshasana enhances our basic organs and helps to activate chakras.
- Vrikshasana is very helpful for bringing neuro-muscular balance in our body.
- It creates an amazing body and mind combination with a surreal sense of awareness and concentration.
- This posture relieves sciatica and other chronic pain.
- Vrikshasana makes stronger leg and waist muscle.
Tree Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1
Stand in tadasana. The focus should be on standing in one leg and keep your hands side of the body.
Step 2
Now slowly lift any one leg, suppose right leg as shown in the picture up and place the sole to the root of the left thigh. Maintain the balance in your left leg.
Step 3
Keep breathing normal. While you are standing on your left leg slowly raise your hands in a namaste pose. This is a complete Vrikshasana yoga posture.
Step 4
Stay standing in this posture for 10-15 seconds. This is for the left leg. Perform the same thing for the right leg also.
Step 5
Remember to keep your feet firm and take deep breaths. Keep a compassionate feeling inside like a tree. Giving everything to nature.
Advance Variations of Vrikshasana

- Once you have to lift your leg you can bring it front also by bending the leg facing up.
- Now a challenging pose variation will be Tiryaka Vrikshasana. It’s like lifting the hands and bend on any one side.
- Another variation will be bending backward raising hands vrikshasana pose.
Therapeutic Applications
- Frozen shoulder
- Correction in standing posture
- Flat foot
Poses Related to Vrikshasana
Preparatory Poses
- Tadasana
- Baddha Konasana
- Garudasana
Follow-up Poses
- Virabhadrasana
- Trikonasana
Beginner’s Tip of Vrikshasana
For beginners you can lift your leg just at the knee height, this will create a sense of initial balance. Now before namaste pose, you can keep the hands straight also. It will be considered as an initial phase of Vrikshasana yoga.
Contraindications and Cautions of Vrikshasana
- Restrain practicing Vrikshasana yoga if you have a recent operation in the leg, ankle, and shoulder.
- If you have a frozen shoulder lift your hands to the chest level. This will be okay if you are suffering from hypertension also.
- Pressing the sole of the feet should be gentle. If you press too much then your knee will not remain flexible and straight.
FAQ’s on Vrikshasana
Does Vrikshasana helps increasing height?
Vrikshasana helps in creating balance in the body core. It stimulates the thigh muscle to maintain a steady and firm stand on the floor. However, while you practice Vrikshasana it will bring a sense of increased height also. Increasing height is a matter of genetics, food various other factors. Because of leg flexibility, you will stand correctly which will boost your height also.
Can Vrikshasana improve frozen shoulder?
Vrikshasana is great for fixing frozen shoulder. When you raise hands and balance in one leg it stresses on shoulder muscle. Whether you have less strength or stiffed initially you will face some challenges but gradually you will be relieved from the pain of the frozen shoulder.
Does Vrikshasana corrects flat foot disorder?
Flat foot is again a genetic disorder that can be corrected to an extent but to be frank you can make your feet relax by practicing Vrikshasana. While you put pressure in all the corners of your foot it corrects flat foot disorder also.
What do you mean by Vrikshasana?
Vrikshasana means the asana which has a similar postural stance as a tree. Vriksha means in Sanskrit as tree, the philosophy here is to become like a tree. Loads of things a tree provide for us. Starting from shade, flower, fruit, and oxygen everything.
How can I improve my tree pose in yoga?
- Keep your feet firm on the ground.
- Keep a point of focus in front so that your neck becomes flexible yet firm in a position.
- Keep your chest open.
- Keep your spine straight.
How do you get your legs higher in tree pose?
When you lift a leg another leg takes the whole body weight. So slowly lift your leg and focus on opening your hips. This will improve your balance. This will be working as a hip opener.
Vrikshasana is essentially keeping your ideas focused like a tree and balancing the core. Practice with an open mind and remain ecstatic inside out. In the meantime, we must inherit the dimension which a tree shows us. We must be super cool yet very stable and have a compassion n towards the world.
Further reading
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