BrahmaKumaris is a foundation also titled spiritual foundation, started in the year 1930 from Hyderabad, in the Sindh province (currently in Pakistan). Initially, it was named Om Mandali, as the original name of BrahmaKumaris foundation was given as Om Mandali.
BrahmaKumaris foundation has changed the name to BrahmaKumaris – Godly Spiritual University. It is also known as Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. The university was formed by Dada Lekhraj Kripalani who is also lovingly called “Brahma Baba”.
Table of Contents
A Little Bit of History

It was long back when he had encountered multiple visions and spiritual experiences when he was on the verge of his retirement in 1930. In search of spirituality and supreme experience, he started spiritual meetings and gathering by the majority of his own community, ‘Bhaibund’.
It was a group of around 50 to 60 people when Om Mandali was formed. After many hurdles, the organization has got recognition and formed an organization cum university majorly handled by women.
Who is “Mamma” in Brahmakumaris?

The name was given by Radhe Pokardas Rajwani who is also lovingly known as “Mamma” AKA “Om Radhe”. She became the president of the organization. The organization initially had eight other women for managing all the jobs, such as administrative, Seva, and other services.
Brahmakumaris Headquarters Mount Abu (Madhuban)

Om Mandali faced a ban from the government at that time and after a year once again the ban was taken off by the court. After the freedom of India, in May 1950 Om Mandali moved to Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
They formed their headquarter with all its members, making a self-sufficient community and devoting their life to spreading the knowledge on the supreme soul ‘Shiv Baba’ aka Parampita Paramatma and the knowledge of raj yoga meditation.
Om Mandali to Brahmakumaris – Godly Spiritual University

In 1952 it was named Brahma Kumaris – Godly Spiritual University. The university began its teaching with a simple 7-day lesson. The course was primarily communicated by female members.
BrahmaKumaris spread with time in 140 countries around the world. In 2015 based on the data it was estimated they had around eight hundred thousand members around the globe. Here are few top facts of brahmakumaris I have noted.
Brahmakumaris Belief System
Brahmakumaris states few distinct beliefs based on what they had formed the organization. They provide certain logical explanations too. However in the view of seeking betterment for individuals peoples follow them.
These belief system is where the members maintain rules, customs or either to implement selective ideas based on some purpose or individual requirements. In many cults various beliefs, ideas are imposed on humanity from long time.
Brahma Kumaris and Supreme Soul – Shiv Baba

Often Brahma Kumaris reference about supreme soul or Parampita Paramatma. Param pita is referred to as Shiv baba according to Brahma Kumaris way for recognizing the supreme soul.
Shiv Baba’s concept is ‘who is free from the cycle of birth, death or ‘who doesn’t have a physical body. He is the father of all human beings, they believe that Shiv Baba is the ultimate soul and he loves his son or his daughter unconditionally.
They mention that, we can form any relation with Shiv Baba or with the supreme soul. He is an unconditionally loving father for all human souls irrespective of religion, gender, caste, or creed.
Brahmakumaris and Cycle of Time
According to Brahma Kumaris, our world is following an eternal cycle of time of 5000 years. It consists of 4 ages, named as

- Golden Age
- Silver Age
- Copper Age
- Iron Age
Each of them consists of 1250 years. In the first half of the cycle that is the golden age, the soul form will flourish in the form of Lakshmi – Narayana. In the silver age, the soul will come as Ram – Sita. In the copper age, Radhe – Krishna, and Kaliyuga will remain in conflict and various destruction.
BrahmaKumaris further clarifies in Kaliyuga all the massacre will happen in effect for cleansing the Earth and only 900,000 human souls will remain.
Brahmakumaris and Murali

Many of you have heard about Murali, a very vital part of the Brahmakumaris organization. Murali comes in written format on a daily basis in various cities or towns or centers. Whenever you see any Brahmakumaris center you are sure to know about murali each day.
They use to discourse about muralis in meetings and gatherings. Muralis has two forms, Sakar and Avyakt. Sakar Murali refers as directly told by Shiv Baba the body of Brahma Baba.
Avyakt Murali comes from senior personalities like Dadi Janki, Dadi Gulzar, and all the senior person via Bap – Dada or stated as the God transforms from Brahma Baba to Senior Brahmakumaris.
Brahmakumaris and Vibrations
Brahmakumaris teaches about our vibrations which are also known as soul vibration. This vibration can be measured by someone’s presence, eye to eye contact, or the way the person represents.
Everything matters when we have a good conversation with someone. They sincerely teachers how you characterize yourself to others and present yourself without judging anyone.
Brahmakumaris and Amrit Vela
If anybody in your home visits Brahmakumari center you must be familiar with this term called Amrit Vela.
Amrit Vela is also known as Brahma Muhurtham, starts at 4 o’clock and goes till 4:45 a.m. in the morning.
For all Brahmakumaris or Brahmakumars, it is essential. Specifically, the sisters mention this time is when the Supreme Soul blesses his sons whatever is asked.
Brahmakumaris and Karma

From ancient times Indians had the knowledge of “Karma”. A prime subject of Yoga is Karma. According to Brahmakumaris, your karma affects changing the dimension of your future birth.
It is more likely Newton’s third law, you do good karma it will give a thousandfold back to you, bad Karma, it will lead to a bad future for you. This will eventually affect your future birth or next birth also.
They further state that by performing continuous Raja Yoga meditation you can essentially clean your “Karmic Account”. Brahmakumaris clarifies that you have an account for your karma, it stocks both good and bad karmas.
Brahmakumaris and the Knowledge of Self
Brahmakumaris often have used this expression to view everyone as a soul. Brahmakumaris teach that the soul takes human form for 84 births. Each time you take birth and perform activities and experience life based on your Karma.
Two other entities come with the soul, Karma, and Samskara. The group teaches that the soul resides as a Bindu or light on our forehead. It is also called as soul world or the world of peace.
Brahma Kumaris on The Yogi Diet
Brahmakumaris suggests having homemade food and vegan diets. They even clarify foods should be wholeheartedly granted to the Shiv Baba with our mind. Then the same food will become sacred food. This food has a positive effect on our body and mind.
According to Brahmakumaris food carries vibration with them. They teaches that, outside food have been half eaten by whoever sees or smells the food. So their energy (positive or negative) comes in the food. Brahmakumaris never teaches or force to have vegan diet.
They suggest vegan foods as animals meet have their feelings in the food. This concept is also taught by Sadhguru – A Profound Yogi from India.
Brahmakumaris and Silence
Silence has a specific place in all the Brahmakumari centers. They remark silence has enormous power. It is always not necessary to react rather they suggest remaining silent on any external situation an individual faces.
According to Brahmakumaris, silence means not to react or not to express your feelings, emotions. They often suggest you ask for help from Shiv Baba or the supreme soul to help other individuals. This is also known as Manasa Seva.
Brahmakumaris and Spirituality
The essential spirituality comes from the Bhagavad Gita according to Brahmakumaris. They suggest Bhagwat Gita is written by Shiv pita or Paramatma Param pita or the supreme soul himself.
However, it is contrary to the Sanatan Belief or the Vedic culture. As written in Mahabharata, that Geeta is teaching given by Krishna to Arjuna at the time of war. All the essence of the spirituality of Brahmakumaris honors by Gita and the concept of soul comes out from there. The soul consciousness concepts are repeatedly written in various Muralis each day it releases from Brahma Kumari centers.
Brahmakumaris and the Eight Powers (AstaShakti)

Conferring to Brahmakumaris all the powers you can manifest within you. These eight powers will create a great ambiance over all the activities you perform and lead to an amazing self-transformation.
- Power To Withdraw – You Have The Power Not To React Or Withdrawing Yourself.
- Power To Accommodate – You Have The Ability To Accept Any Situation Based On Time Place Person Also Accept The Ideas Of Others.
- Power Of Judgement – You Must Have The Ability To Make A Choice And Decision. You Must Perform The Action Based On The Choices And Decisions You Take.
- Power To Discriminate – You Must Be Able To Justify What Is True And What Is False For What Will Stay And What Will Go.
- Power To Corporate – You Must Have The Ability To Serve Others Without Expecting Anything In Return.
- Power To Face – You Must Face All The Challenge In Day To Day Life And Solve Any Obstacle Comes In Your Way Gracefully.
- Power To Tolerate – You Must Be Able To Bear All The Events In A Positive Way Without Affecting Your Inner Peace.
These eight powers essentially make you mentally strong and help you to make a resilient person.
FAQs on Brahmakumaris
What Is Brahmakumaris? Is Brahmakumaris a Hindu organization?
Brahmakumaris is a spiritual movement for personal transformation and soul consciousness. They offer 7 days course on simple spiritual ideas. Their teachings tell us about various facts on the soul and God.
Brahmakumars and Kumaris mention it as it is a Godly Spiritual University AKA Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. It never asks about anyone’s caste, creed, religion, or anything is open to all without any distinction of all these things.
Is Brahma Kumari Good Or Fraud?
Brahmakumaris is an organization that tells about the knowledge of supreme soul consciousness and meditation.
There are many debates and writings regarding this question they used to teach in their centers and claims that Indian Vedic Dharma, the knowledge of Upanishads, Vedas, and great epics like Ramayana Mahabharata are just books.
These incidents never have happened. This creates a huge contradiction to the general belief of Hindus. There is much archaeological and carbon dating evidence found regarding the incidence mention in Mahabharata as well as Ramayana proving it wrong or mentioning there just as a simple book. Regarding this idea, it creates a negative sentiment among Hindu Indians.
Is The Cycle Of Time Is Correct According To Brahmakumaris?
Brahmakumaris mention the cycle of time is of 5000 years, consisting of four ages. Each of them has 1250 years and we are in the last phase of Kaliyuga. It is mentioned as Sangam Yug.
In this Sangam Yug, the supreme soul teaches us the knowledge of how to leave a happy life and clear our karmic account. So that we get a great life in our next birth of future birth.
However, the idea behind the cycle of time does not suit the biological explanation of Darwin’s evolution theory and the evidence of dinosaurs and prehistoric biological evolution phenomena.
They also teach whatever you do essentially you are going to do the same thing after 5000 years. So it is just a cycle of time.
Why The Supreme Soul Is The Father, Why Not Mother?
Brahmakumaris mention the supreme soul as Shiv Baba or Parampita Paramatma. They never mention the supreme soul as the feminine power, yet most of the Brahmakumari centers are managed by the sisters or the Kumaris. The sisters have devoted their lives to realizing soul consciousness.
I ask this question to one of the teachers in the center and the teacher informed me that the supreme soul can be anybody or anyone. The relation should be formed from your side, it is the supreme soul. Shiv Baba can be your mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter anyone.
Why Shiva And Shankara Are Two Different Entities According To Brahmakumaris?

Brahmakumaris mention as the form of Shankar as a yogi is a different personality from Shiv Baba mentioned in various scriptures, Puranas, etc. According to them Lord Shankar also meditate and takes the name of supreme soul Shiv Baba. This brings a lot of contradictions in God’s belief among Hindus.
Why Brahmakumaris Doesn’t Believe In Hindu Gods?
Brahmakumaris mentions the cycle of creation and further tells as Brahmakumaris are the only true messenger of God. Other things they also mention as the message of God comes to Brahma Baba to senior members of Brahmakumaris.
Many contradictory ideas can be presented as to who is the true messenger of God. Every other spiritual organization raises this idea that their belief is the supreme belief or the best belief amongst all others.
Brahmakumaris presents that God comes to them through a medium. It comes to those senior Brahmakumaris, who are known as great spiritual personalities like Dadi Gulzar aka Hridaya Mohini or Dadi Janki or the chief administrative head.
These ideas create a lot of fluctuation and distraction from a normal concept about God.’
However, they never spread any false information regarding any religious festival.
Is Marriage Is Sin According To Brahmakumaris?
Not at all, according to BrahmaKumaris ideas of marriage is not sin. That’s why married people have made two sections named Aadhar Kumar, Aadhar Kumaris. For unmarried males and females, they named Kumar and Kumaris.
Marriage is a social structure for our living. Many people come after marriage and it is not demoralized or demotivated. It is just seen as marriage, but not as a sin.
How Women in Brahmakumaris Run Their Spiritual University?
Brahmakumaris run by feminine leaders and it is one of the largest spiritual universities. Here the majority of the volunteers, participants or members, and leaders are women.
The founder, however, was Brahma Baba who was framed as the woman at the forefront for spiritual knowledge spreading. Feminine power represents great possibilities. In case of administrative decisions, they are taken jointly by Brahma kumars and kumaris.
What Are The Ways Of Living Brahmakumaris Life?
Brahmakumaris live a simple life by practicing meditation, virtues, and serving others. They stress upon studying and gathering knowledge on spirituality. Meditation is one of the main sources of stabilizing human consciousness.
They practice meditation for building power making themselves spiritually competent. They serve others wholeheartedly without any bias or irrespective of religion, caste, and creed.
Why Brahmakumaris Stress On Brahmacharya?
Brahma kumaris spread the idea of leaving a celibate life. Celibacy is one of the main concerns when you are on the spiritual path. This is been practiced for a long time since ancient times in India.
According to you Dadi Hridaya Mohini or Gulzar Dai, with Bramhacharya you can live a “Nirakari”, “Nirbhik” life with unconditional love for serving anybody anywhere.
How Does Brahmakumaris Earn Money? Where Does Brahmakumaris Get Their Money From?
Brahmakumaris offers its courses and teaching for free. They run on the voluntary contribution by the member and the devotees or whoever contributes upon their free will to the Brahmakumari centers.
However, they never force donations or any other kind of financial support. Brahma kumaris inspire to serve others from the contribution by the members which is very nominal. For larger amounts, they always ask for a proper receipt and voucher. There are no such membership fees or fees for attending any of the spiritual meetings.
Funds usually come from national or international agencies because of the humanitarian and environmental initiatives they have started.
How Can Anybody Join Brahmakumari Ashram?
Anyone can join Brahmakumaris spiritual university. There are certain steps one has to take.
The 7 days free course – which is conducted regularly in various Brahmakumari centers.
- Day 1 – Soul
- Day 2 – The Supreme Soul
- Day 3 – Three Worlds
- Day 4 – World Drama Cycle
- Day 5 – Story of 84 Births of Human Souls
- Day 6 – Law of Karma
- Day 7 – Raj yoga Meditation and Its Practice
Each day you will learn one hour of lessons and once you find these lessons are helping on your day-to-day activities actions you can devote your life to the Brahmakumari organization.
Can A Married Woman Join Brahmakumaris Center?
Yes, you can join to Brahmakumari organization even though you are married. The purity of soul is stressed upon in this organization whether you are married or unmarried you can become a member of the Brahmakumari center.
Why Brahmakumaris Keep Mentioning End Of The World?
The various time it happened that Brahmakumaris mentioned the end of the world. It was found in 2000, before that 19 76 many times it happened that they keep on mentioning that the world will end soon. However, this claim was found false and the idea of the end of the world keeps on postponing.
In the view of science, there might be war between countries, biological or missile warfare but yet this is not sure that when the world will end.
Why Brahmakumaris Does Not Give Value To Hindu Saints And Sages?
Brahma kumaris reject the idea of the scriptures like Veda Upanishad and other Puranas rather they emphasize the idea of Bhagwat Gita. According to their ideology, God is the father and He loves any of his children not to live the life of saints and sages.
Hindu saints practice austerity and penance for the ultimate realization or moksha or the ultimate freedom. They have not given value to the life of sages as they maintain.
Is It True That Only 900000 People Will Leave At Satya Yuga According To Brahma Kumaris?
According to Brahma Kumari’s philosophies after a lot of destruction in Kaliyuga will end and they will reach the golden age called Satya Yuga. However this is a belief system, they have built over some time.
However, the future is so unpredictable that none of us have exactly the idea of how many people will live or die. After a war, this is not known to anyone of us.
Does Brahmakumaris Brainwash People?
It is certainly not true. Now is in the information age nobody can be fooled just like that. Rather we can think and feel that we have very little time for taking care of our self, our emotions, power, energy, and so many things.
When everyone is empowered with a lot of information’s where the place to fool someone. Just by some belief system, or idea, it’s not going to be true. So it’s time to grow up if you find what is useful for your personal development. You can never be brainwashed.
In this age of information, many teachings of Brahmakumaris help people. So it is important that spreading the message for humanity ultimately brings good for everyone. Irrespective of the belief system, they serve for the betterment of many individuals. Many peoples are benefitted from their ideologies. But that certainly will not lead to a substantial problem until you have a negative sentiment for any organization or anyone.
Further Reading
Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 15 Eye-Opening Facts About Brahmakumaris | Is Brahma Kumari Good or Fraud?”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and about Steps to Control Porn in young People also. Please check the article Overpopulation in India 2020also. Take a look at our collection of articles about books for life as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits of honey for fighting against coronavirus to increase our stamina, & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.
You put most of the facts right but deliberately hid the dark side of brahmakumari. Very misleading conclusion. Brahmakumari is fraud. Don’t fall prey to it.
I will write another post regarding it..Thank you for your concern..
Along with the Brahmakumaris you also spreading the deception in the society. You totally hide all the misleads given by Brahmakumaris. They have long history of deception and frauds.
Why not you gather some courage to put the reality of Brahmakumaris in to your blog. Its shame on your part..
Ok I will do so in another Post Sir…I appreciate your feed back..
Yes Sir, many of the messages came similar as you sent.
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