Top 5 Yoga Posture for Lower Back Pain Relief | How to Get Lower Back Pain Relief for Aged Persons?
While writing down the ideas of relief from lower back pain for aged persons the sufferer is especially women, in almost all parts from India as well as around the world.
As we are well aware of this fact that our mothers, wife or mostly women handle the kitchen part of our home. Many of them suffer immense lower back pain and waist pain while continuously standing and cooking for a long time.

There exist many causes for lower back pain. Some of them are like being overweight and standing for long time while cooking, poor posture, long hours of sitting while watching serials in TV, physically inactive, absence of workout, etc.
Different Suitable yoga posture for lower back pain relief is one of the effective ways of preventing lower back pain. Here I will focus on the reasons, symptoms, and yogasanas to get relief from lower back pain for aged people mostly.
Table of Contents
Why Lower Back Pain for Aged Persons?
Lower back pain is a condition that is extremely common in senior populations around the world, but the condition isn’t necessarily confined to the middle-aged and the elderly. Even lower back pain symptoms in younger people are on the upsurge, according to the Research.
The Central data center has also warned that increasing numbers of people who are under thirty are seeking help to get relief from lower back pain that is caused by spending long periods sitting at computer desks and also not being active for less than two hours a day.
Lower back pain can also be triggered by a wide array of lifestyle choices and medical conditions, which is why it’s so important to keep tabs on your health and go to the doctor if things get severe.
Back pain usually originates in the lower back. There is a wide variety of potential causes from temporary muscle strain to spinal abnormalities.
Causes of Chronic Lower Back Pain
To get relief from lower back pain for aged persons we have to understand lower back pain is a usual problem at an older age. For aged people, it severely impacts especially the quality of mature Indian women’s life.
It can limit your ability to be active. It can cause you to miss many joyful things in life. Many different causes may lead to your lower back pain.

Few common causes of lower back pain are:
Lower back pain that develops after a strain or trauma, such as a motor vehicle accident or injury in the spine or heavy lifting or a fall, should be medically evaluated.
Skeletal Problems
When the spine becomes curvy it can include scoliosis or kyphosis. The deformity may be related to lower back pain if it leads to the breakdown of the discs, facet joints, sacroiliac joints, or stenosis.
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
The sacroiliac joint links the sacrum at the bottom of the spine to each side of the pelvis. It primarily absorbs shock and tension amongst the upper body and the lower body.
Spinal Stenosis
This condition causes pain through narrowing of the spinal canal where the nerve roots are located at a single level or multiple levels in the lower back.
This condition occurs when one vertebra slips over the adjacent one. The pain can be caused by instability (lower back) or compression of the nerves (leg).
Sleep Disorders
When you sleep, opt for a position that maintains the curve of your lower back. Avoid sleeping on your side with knees brought close to the chest. Sleeping on your back can cause both upper and lower back pain and can also be bumpy for your neck.
Bad Mattress
The mattress which you choose must be firm or at least non-saggy. Use back support if necessary. A rolled mat sheet or a fat towel around your waist can be helpful.
Bad Lower Back Health and Posture
To improve your posture, you need to train your body to stand, walk, sit, and lie down in a position where the least strain is placed on the supporting muscles and ligaments.
Lifestyle Cause Lower Back Pain
Many times a bad lifestyle is a bonus with the lower back pain. We bring this because of mainly overweight and standing for long time while cooking, poor posture, and long hours of sitting while watching serials on TV. When you are physically inactive the blood circulation pattern also changes.
Common Symptoms of Lower Back Pain in Aged Person
When it comes to symptoms it is quite visible for a person suffering from lower back pain. More or less while identifying and describing symptoms can help lead to a more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan.
Low back pain is classically categorized by a mixture of the following symptoms:
- Irritation and pricking Pain that remains within the lower back (axial pain)
- Buttocks Pain Combined with Legs, and Feet Pain we feel lower back pain like a sharp, stinging
- Extended Sitting puts pressure on the discs, causing low back pain and Numbness in Backside
- Pain Becomes Lesser When Altering Positions
- Awful Pain in the Morning and Gradually Reduces.
Top 5 Yoga Posture for Lower Back Pain Relief
There are lots of yoga poses and asanas available, but only a few of the yoga posture is for lower back pain relief and prevention. People think they will be okay overnight but it is a wrong concept they carry in their heads.
While speaking about asanas, it is a highly preferred yoga posture for lower back pain relief. It helps older people to obtain ultimate health assistance.

While practicing yoga posture to get relief from lower back pain for aged persons, keep these points in mind:
- Practice these yoga postures gently – Whenever you practice yoga posture for lower back pain relief or asana you have to be gentle and slow. Without being cautious and doing asanas incorrectly might result in serious lower back problems.
- Respect your body – Your body is the temple of your soul. Each body type is distinctive and each of the body has different flexibility. One must perform postures as much as you comfortably can.
- Focus on breadth – While performing yogasanas one must focus on the breathing. Always try to maintain a normal breathing unless it’s breathing yoga.
- Check the body geometry – Whenever you start yoga always check both sides of the body is equally active or not. Many times it happens that’s right or left any one side is more active than the other one. This is the reason to perform some freehand exercises before indulging your body in asanas and postures.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanu = bow; asana = pose
Dhanurasana for Lower Back Pain Relief & Prevention!!
Dhanurasana has been named after the shape the body takes while performing it – that of a bow. Dhanu means bow; Asana means posture or pose. The asana is an extremely rejuvenating yoga pose. Along with this, it also banishes the fatigue in your muscles.

How to Perform Dhanurasana / Bow Pose
- Lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of your body. Fold your knees, take your hands backward and hold your ankles.
- Breathing in, lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and back.
- Keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breath. Your body looks like a bow by now.
- Continue to take long deep breaths as you relax in this pose. But bend only as far as your body permits you to.
- After 15 -20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring your legs and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax.
Benefits of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
- Tones the back, leg, arm, and abdominal muscles.
- Stimulates the reproductive organs and helps people with renal (kidney) disorders
- Opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders with greater flexibility for lower back pain relief.
- Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation
Precautions to Take While Performing Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) is not suitable for individuals with High or low blood pressure critical problems in the spine, hernias, neck injury. It is restricted to pregnant women. It is not recommended for people with recent abdominal surgery.
Naukasana (boat pose)
Nauka = Boat ; asana = pose
Naukasana for Lower Back Pain Relief & Prevention!!
This yoga pose is practiced after Dhanurasana (Bow Pose). It is useful for people with lower back pain and hernia.

How to Do Naukasana / Boat Pose
- Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body.
- Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet.
- Your toes must be aligned with your eyes and your knees and back must be straight.
- Feel the pressure in your navel area as the abdominal muscles contract.
- Keep breathing normally while performing the pose.
- As you exhale, come back to the ground slowly and relax.
Benefits of Naukasana or Navasana (The Boat Pose)
- Strengthens the lower back for aged person and leg muscles also.
- Improves the functioning of the abdominal muscles.
- Tones the waist, leg and arm muscles and promotes weight loss.
- Boosts circulatory, nervous, and hormonal systems
Precaution to Take While Performing Naukasana (Boat Pose)
People are advised to avoid this pose or not practice Naukasana yoga pose if you have the following problems:
- Low blood pressure
- Severe headache, migraine
- Suffering from some chronic diseases or asthma and heart
- Spinal disorders in the recent past.
- Women should avoid doing Naukasana during the first two days of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Bhujanga = cobra; asana = pose
Bhujangasana for Lower Back Pain Relief & Prevention!!
The exact meaning of Bhujang is cobra as well as asana means pose. This asana is a stretching yoga workout of your spine and front torso. Bhujangasana is ideal for individuals who want to get quick relief from their back problems.

How to Perform Bhujangasana / Cobra pose
- Lie down on your stomach by properly keeping an effective gap of one to two feet between your legs.
- Put the palms beside your shoulder and head should rest on the ground
- Inhale and raise your head up to the navel and strive to see your roof.
- You maintain this position for ten to sixty seconds with normal breathing.
- Slowly come back to your original position with the deep exhalation
Benefits of the Bhujangasana / Cobra pose
- Helps to get relief from lower back pain for aged persons.
- Increase your flexibility and reduce stiffness form your lower spine
- Helps you to loosen up your spine, tones up your nerve
- It brings an excellent massage to your adrenal gland to reduce tension and ease stress
- Treat lots of digestion-related issues such as indigestion and constipation.
Precautions to Take While Performing Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
The cobra pose is not suitable for individuals with critical problems in the spine, hernias, stomach ulcers, and more. It is restricted to pregnant women. It is not recommended for people with any heart-related disease.
Paschimottanasana (seated-forward bend)
Paschim = west; uttana = stretched out; asana = pose
Paschimottanasana for Lower Back Pain Relief & Prevention!!
Paschimottanasana acts as a stress reliever and it reduces your anxiety, and mental issues such as anger, and irritability. The yoga workout helps you to gather better attention or focus that creating regeneration of your entire body by creating a highly favorable mental state.

How to Do Paschimottanasana / Seated Forward bend yoga pose
- Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you, keeping the spine erect and toes bent toward you.
- Breathing in, raise both arms above your head, and stretch up.
- Breathing out, bend, keep the spine straight concentrating on moving towards the toes, rather than down towards the knees.
- Place your hands on your legs, wherever they reach, without forcing.
- Keep breathing normally while performing the pose.
Benefits of the Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
- Stretches lower back, hamstrings, the spine and brings flexibility in hips also.
- Reduces fat in the abdomen
- Massages and tones the abdominal and pelvic organs.
- Tones the shoulders.
- It regulates the menstrual cycle.
Precaution to Take while Performing Paschimottanasana (seated-forward bend)
For performing this asana there is no such remarkable precaution exists but it is mainly based on individual physique and tolerance level. Pregnant women should check a doctor before doing this yoga posture for lower back pain relief.
Halasana (Plough Pose)
Hal = plow, Asana = posture or pose
Halasana for Lower Back Pain Relief & Prevention!!
This yoga pose gets its name from the plow – a popular farming tool mainly used in rural Indian agriculture to prepare the soil for sowing crops. Halasana increases the flexibility in your spinal column. As the name says, this pose organizes the ‘field’ of the body and mind for deep rejuvenation.

How to Perform Halasana / Plow Pose
- Support your back on the tops of your shoulders, lifting your shoulders a little towards your ears.
- Avoid jerking your body, while bringing the legs down.
- Poorva Halasana (preliminary plow pose) is preparatory asana before you practice full Halasana pose. It is relatively easy to perform.
- Halasana could be followed by the Wind-Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana), Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana).
Benefits of the Halasana / Plow Pose
- Tones the legs and improves leg flexibility.
- Strengthens and opens up the neck, shoulders, and lower back muscles.
- Calms the nervous system, reduces stress and fatigue in the spine.
- Stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system.
- Helps women during menopause.
Precautions to Take While Performing Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) is not suitable if you have injured your neck or are suffering from diarrhea and high blood pressure. It is restricted to pregnant women. Ladies should avoid practicing this yoga pose during pregnancy.
The lower back is an amazingly well-engineered arrangement of connecting bones, nerves, joints, ligaments, and muscles. Refining your daily life, regular exercise and workout can help in improving lower back pain. Yoga is not magic rather it’s a lifetime process. Yoga prevents and gives relief from lower back pain many other health problems of our body. We have to understand our body also.
If lower back pain has become a regular happening for you, then I am sure you are having a tough time. Above all, you must not overlook it. The less attention you pay to lower back pain, the worse it gets to treat it successfully. If you have some more ideas please feel free to share in comments.
Further Reading
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Very informative. Overall a good read!
Thank u toshali..lots of love from friend of amit sir..please share..