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Yoga – A Perfect Lifetime Lesson for Everyone
India is a land of saints and yogis. From thousands of years in different ancient texts, yoga is mentioned. The origin of Yoga is in ancient India. It is said that Lord Shiva himself introduced Yoga. It is a devotional practice with a combination of physical, mental bodies.

Yoga is mainly a Sanskrit word that means join or attach. It is said so, as yoga can help to keep balance among physical, mental as well as spiritual bodies. The term yoga provides several meanings, associated with spiritual and devotional traditions, A perfect lifetime lesson, and ways of living.
Today it commonly refers to physical posture-based exercises, but in the majority of texts found in ancient India, the term ‘yoga’ also meant the goal achieved by such practices.
Yogic techniques started among solitaries also known as yogis who lived outside society. Their knowledge was passed from Guru to a student for thousands of years, without any written records of the earliest yogic practice. In “Bhagwat Gita”, Lord Krishna discussed yoga with Arjun.
In “YOGASUTRAS” Maharshi Patanjali discussed “ASHTANGA” yoga practices, includes controlling the breath, meditation, and other yogic methods deliberated to eventually free the mind or spirit from the body.

Basic forms of yoga include different types of “ASANAS”, “PRANAYAM”, “MEDITATION” etc, are available in different books as well as now on the internet. This form of yoga is mainly a combined form of different ancient and modern practices. Though in early texts “ASANAS” only means some physical posture in order to practice for the ultimate goal, now they are considered as a part of yoga.
Why Yoga?
Yoga improvises our body by providing energy circulation and helps to take care of your overall health. It makes proper coordination with the physical and mental actions.
When you work on conveying your awareness, consciousness, and your physical body into harmony, you give permission to your body with its maximum ability. For Better quality of life to flourish within you, you can practice few basic lifestyle changes and bring some rules in life.
Why Meditation?
Meditation is ancient Indian knowledge, has been practiced for the mental wellness of life. Meditation has been accepted as an approach for alternative medicine to prevent certain problems in our mental health.
It is still not proved that Yoga or meditation can cure acute mental illnesses like schizophrenia, acute depression. But meditation aims for reducing stress levels, and prevent mental ailments like schizophrenia.
One of the widely used relaxation practices is meditation and yogic breathing exercises. Pranayama, Anulom-Bilom, Bhastrika etc. are unique ways for balancing neuro-psychological systems and stress-related disorders.
- Diet – Initially you have to ensure a proper diet and hydration in the body. With proper vegetables and fruit diet, your body works naturally in an optimized way.
- Enhancing Blood Circulation – Yoga enhances the circulation of blood in the scalp, or in the whole body. When our digestion system improves naturally it enhances quality of sleep and gives a different approach to living life.
- Overall Physical Health – Yoga brings a well-groomed physique with a systematic approach to practicing Asanas. Your overall capability is enhanced and your perception increases to open the door of consciousness all over you.
- Reduces Anxiety and Stress Levels – Yoga in a way brings wellness. Various posture with proper breathing brings a great extent of reduction in anxiety and stress.
- Improves Consciousness – Our life is all about consciousness. The more our brain is focused, it is in a better condition, it is better for our health. Less stress translates to less anxiety, and less anxiety means rejuvenation of the body-mind combination.
- Promotes Emotional Health – With a clear mind, our basic emotional energy gets a boost with meditation.
- Enhances Self-Awareness – Self – Awareness is one and the same as knowing about inner-self. The deeper the level of meditation better for us to know about the real self within us.
- Generate Kindness – Once we understand the drama for few days in this world, meditation creates kindness inside us. It helps in bringing back kindness also.
Yoga And Its Knowledge
Advanced forms of yoga are “GURU MUKHI” and ancient. With the grace of a true Guru, a seeker can get these advanced forms of yoga. An advanced form of yoga, like Kriya yoga, helps the practitioner to realize the immortal substance inside us. It helps to develop consciousness and understand the relation between body and mind.
The basic theme of it is to know oneself and awakens the subconscious mind to the conscious state. By, doing so, one can able to understand the creation and started to walk in the path of knowing the creator. By practicing it very regularly, one can train his/her body to achieve its final destination.
Yoga and Well-Being
Yoga is not just twisting or turning different parts of the body or repetition of few postures – it is about the understanding and realization of the subtle energies of life. These “subtle energies” can be felt inside concerning your well-being.
You have to be conscious while you perform anything. A simple way is just by sitting in silence focusing at the center of your forehead with your eyes closed, you can experience a world inside you. I am a huge fan of yoga, a great believer and propagator of its efficacy.
Yoga and Body-Mind Combination
There is no better way to unite the trinity of body, mind, and soul as practicing yoga. It is interesting how one can evolve – both in mind and body – just by practicing stillness and immobility. Immobility, as you get into a pose and aim to hold it for the longest that your body can handle, and in the process, you heal and become stronger.
importance of breathing in yogic practice. deep breathing, when performed with a mix of asanas, heals the body from within fixing all internal imbalances. Talking of immobility, breathing, and fixing imbalances,
Irrespective of religion, yoga is for all. People of every religion can be benefitted from yoga. Very regular practice of yoga can help people to get rid of physical and mental disabilities – making yoga a lifetime lesson and can be applied for everyone. Yoga helps to improve physical flexibility and muscle strength, improved respiration, energy, and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, etc. Regular yoga practice creates mental transparency and calmness, relieves chronic stress patterns, relaxes the mind, core attention, and sharpens concentration. Having these ideas if you want to share a topic to share feel free to write in comments.
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Author: Avishek Mukherjee, He is an honest & genuine spiritual person with loads of knowledge on Yoga & India. According to him it is a gift to cherish with us and our next generation. He is an engineer also with a sublime attitude towards life.