How Yoga Prevents Hair Fall? Top 6 Yogasanas to Regrow Hair Naturally

Our body is merely a laboratory, and there can innumerous hidden facts are existing which is still not discovered by humans. One such fact is yoga is great for our hair. Hair is strongly associated with your digestive organs. Digestion in our body has a transitive effect on our hair.
With certain Yoga activity and proper digestion, we certainly get strong and rejuvenated hair. With improved physical wellness and fluidity enhance in our health is not only great for your physical well-being but also boosts your mental health also.
Table of Contents
What Are The Causes of Hair Fall ?

During recent times it is noticed that hair fall is the biggest problem in men as well as women. Most of them have complains about hereditary issues, the water they take for head bath, or the food they have. Many of them have issues with lifestyle also.

One of the main reasons it is observed as stress. Few basic reasons (not limited to) are:
- Stress – the main culprit for losing hair in human
- Genetics – if the hair fall is a continuous process in generations then definitely it’s a genetic problem.
- Thyroid dysfunction – Many loose hair due to thyroid gland problems.
- Hormonal imbalances – improper balance in hormone leads to more hair or less hair in human beings.
- Vitamin deficiency – if the vital protein and vitamin are not properly generated it creates baldness.
- Foods and lifestyle – Continuous indigestion or chemical, oil-rich foods along with smoke and alcohol consumption also have a share for hair loss in people.
- Anemia – Anemia is considered as a bad disease for hair because patients lose hair in the treatment process permanently.
- Coloring or using the chemical-rich die in hair – This leads to loose hair with no time if the root of the hair is not strong or has resistance in hair.
- Scalp or dandruff – Excessive scalp problem in hair makes hair roots lose and growth becomes tough for hair.

Socioeconomic status in India classified into five groups based on the modified BG Prasad’s 2014 article classification (per capita income in rupees).
- • Class 1 Rs.5775 and above;
- • Class 2 Rs.2887-Rs.5774;
- • Class 3 Rs.1773-Rs.2886;
- • Class 4 Rs.866-Rs.1772;
- • Class 5 Below Rs.866.

Yoga for hair regrow is getting popular day by day as around the world. In fact, it is one of the favorite questions among women. Yoga not only prevents hair fall also it provides a natural boost in blood circulation flow in the brain.

This improves the scalp and root of the hair to be strong. Once the root of the hair becomes strong it helps to strengthen the hair as well as prevents hair fall also. The following asanas will help you prevent hair fall and regrow also.
Top Yoga Asanas to Prevents Hair Fall and Regrow Hair Naturally

Kapalbhati Pranayama
Kapal = forehead; Bhati = shining; pranayama = breathing technique
Kapalbhati Pranayama prevents hair fall
Once you start Kapalbhati Pranayama, it increases the circulation of blood flow in vital organs like the heart and lungs. Soon you will notice is the glowing skin. Around 70-80 % of the toxins can be removed from the body by practicing Kapalbhati Pranayama.
How to perform Kapalbhati Pranayama
- Sit straight with your hands on your knees with your eyes closed and place your palms on your thighs facing the sky. Breathe in as you exhale and jerk your stomach in.
- Draw your navel inwards towards the spine. Do as much as you comfortably can.
- The exhalation is throw out your breath. Don’t worry about the inhalation.
- The moment you relax, your abdominal muscles the breath will come in on its own.
- • You need to put effort to breathe out.
Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama
- Kapalbhati is quite effective for weight loss. Kapalbhati brings balance in the whole system and energizes the body to a great extent.
- Kapalbhati energizes the nervous system and rejuvenates brain cells which helps regrow hair naturally.
- It enhances our nadis (subtle energy channels) also improves blood circulation and adds radiance to the face.
- Kapalbhati improves digestion and absorption of nutrients provides toned and taut belly.
Precautions to take while performing Kapalbhati Pranayama
Kapalbhati Pranayama should not be practiced if you have pacemaker, epilepsy, hernia, slip disc, or have any recent back or abdominal surgery. Women are restricted to Kapalbhati Pranayama during pregnancy as well as during menstruation.

Vajrasana (Diamond pose)
Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) prevents hair fall
Vajrasana is named after the shape it takes – that of a diamond or thunderbolt. It is great for digestion. You can sit in Vajrasana (Adamantine Pose) while doing pranayama also.
How to perform Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
- Fold both the legs, put your hips on the heels. Your toes should be pointing out behind you and the big one should touch each other.
- Sit with straight back and neck.
- Keep your hands in a relaxed on your thighs with palms facing up, placed on your thighs.
- Take deep and long breaths during this time.
- Relax and stretch once you’re done.
Benefits of Vajrasana
- It is a very simple yoga pose anyone can do it with ease.
- Vajrasana after food is great for digestion.
- It makes our knee and ankle joints bendable and free from rheumatic diseases
- Vajrasana helps release stress, a common cause for greying and hair loss.
- It increases blood circulation to stop the scalp and regrow hair naturally.
- Performing Vajrasana regularly delivers thick and strong hair.
Precautions to take while performing Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
It may be difficult to sit on their feet initially. An easy method is to give support to your body weight with your hands. Then slowly put your buttocks lower towards the feet. For some people, it might bring stiffness in the ankle. Slowly with practices, it will be better.

Sasangasana (Rabbit pose)
Sasanga = Rabbit; Asana = Pose
Sasangasana prevents hair fall
Sasangasana is a similar posture to the spine of a rabbit. It is also called Shasangasana or Shashankasana.
People sit for a long time in a chair or holding a baby for a longer time, this asana is great for them. It prevents hair fall and regrow hair naturally.
How to perform Sasangasana (Rabbit pose)
- Initially try to hold your heels with your hand’s outside
- Bring your chin into the chest and bend down. Now put your forehead in bending position with your knees.
- Your top of the head should be touching the ground.
- Hold your heels tightly. Inhale and start lifting your hips upward.
- Bring your forehead and your knees as close as possible.
- Breathe normally.
- Stay for a minimum of 30 seconds and slowly come back to Vajrasana.
Benefits of Sasangasana (Rabbit pose)
- Sasangasana is great for spine health and our lower back system.
- It alleviates the nerve-muscle and face muscle also.
- It is great for the throat related issues such as thyroid gland and parathyroid glands.
- Once it enhances the nervous system it brings good health for hair also and makes a strong hair naturally.
- It stabilizes hormones, regulates blood flow to the scalp.
Precautions to take while performing Sasangasana (Rabbit pose)
Sasangasana should be done under supervision if any recent surgery is done for the lower back or back or shoulder. It is also not suggested for women having a menstruation cycle or pregnant women.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
Sarvanga = All parts of the body; Asana = Pose
Sarvangasana prevents hair fall
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) is a yoga posture where the whole body is upwards balanced on the shoulders. It is one of the parts of the Padma Sadhana yoga. As the name suggests, Sarvangasana influences the functioning of all parts of your body. It is also referred to as ‘Queen of asanas’.
How to perform Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
- At first place, the hands below the hips palms and face upwards elbow close to the body.
- You may take the elbows below the back as you exhale. Bend the knees lift the hips off the floor.
- Inhale and straighten the legs turning them straight up.
- Placing the elbows closer to each other will help protect the back.
- Be stable and comfortable exhale.
- Bend the knees towards the chest inhale with the help of the hands.
- Slowly bring the hips down without any jerk and you may unbend the knees.
Benefits of Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
- Sarvangasana activates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and normalizes their functions.
- It delivers more blood circulation in the brain. This helps the hair also. It makes a scalp free thick hair.
- It prevents hair fall and even regrows hair naturally.
- It is great for constipation, indigestion also.
Precautions to take while performing Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)
You must consult your doctor before doing the Sarvangasana. Any of these following health issues such as high blood pressure, pregnancy, menstruation, slip disc, spondylosis, etc. please consult your doctor.

Sirsasana (head stand)
Sirsha – head; asana – posture
Sirsasana (head stand) prevents hair fall
The sirsasana or headstand yoga prevents hair fall, also it has multiple health benefits. It is called the king of all asanas. This asana speeds up the blood circulation and ensures that the brain receives sufficient well-oxygenated blood.

How to perform Sirsasana (head stand)
- Initially sit in vajrasana and bend with locked finger with forearms and head on the ground forming a triangle
- Place the top of the head on fingers and slowly, balance the head on the fingers.
- Push the gluteus up and put the thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
- Slowly lift the trunk and legs above the ground to the full, like it is perpendicular to the ground.
- Breathe normal and stay at least 15 seconds with a focus on breathe and head crown.
- While coming back, follow the steps in reverse order.
Benefits of Sirsasana (head stand)
- This posture is great for vertigo. By this posture, the blood absorbs more oxygen helps to prevent vertigo.
- There are many benefits for all the major organs like lungs, kidneys, and stomach all are repaired in this asana.
- Sirsasana helps in flowing blood to the roots of hair and scalp, prevents hair loss, greying of hair, and regrow hair naturally.
- Our pituitary gland becomes active performing this asana, also activates endocrine glands.
- It increases the vitality of the body also.
Precautions to take while performing Sirsasana (head stand)
- It is always advised to perform Sirsasana in front of an instructor. Have patience, and go slow.
- The whole body pressure is absorbed by neck shoulder and arms, so be very careful initially.
- Patients with high blood pressure, acute vertigo heart problems must restrict for Sirsasana.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose)
Adho – Forward; Mukha – Face; Svana – Dog
Adho mukha svanasana posture is similar to a dog bending forward, brings the name downward facing dog pose.
How to perform Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose)
This asana is an easy posture and can be practiced by anyone.
- Put your hands and legs on the ground. Form a table like posture.
- It should look like your buttocks as the top of the table, hands, and feet from the legs of the table.
- Breath out lift the hips up, with straight knees and elbows, form an inverted V-shape with the body.
- Hold the pose and take long deep breaths. Look towards the navel.
- Exhale. Bend the knees, return to table pose. Relax.
Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose)
- This pose brings a lot of energy in the system. It fetches lots of energy and rejuvenates the body
- It grows the spine, rejuvenates the abdomen muscle and lungs capacity.
- This asana is mainly for increasing blood circulation to the brain which helps to regenerate the scalp and hair follicles. It stimulates the root and your hair regrow hair naturally.
Precautions to Take While Performing Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose)
This posture should be avoided by patients with Carpel tunnel syndrome or having problems in their eyes.
People having high blood pressure and shoulder problem.

Few quick home remedies for hairs are:
- Comb hair in a regular manner.
- Avoid using chemicals such as coloring or styling products. It may be good for someday but in the long run, you might lose your hair.
- Wash your hair using neem leaves once in a week.
- Massage your head nice and slow with coconut oil. Coconut oil is also one great rejuvenator for hair…
Yoga is great from head to toe for each organ inside our body. It helps us in realization also. Slowly Yoga is getting awareness in from every corner of the world. It has overwhelming benefits for our beauty also. Yoga helps in bringing the work of all the organs to its optimum level helping the blood absorbing more oxygen and the overall body gets rejuvenated. It is good for the skin. Many people still unaware that yoga prevents hair fall and it is great for hair also. People having less hair many times feels a bit insecure. To prevent hair fall Yoga is great. Well if you know some more solutions please share in the comments.
Further Reading On Different Topics
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Author: Yogi
Hence we are all aware of yogasanas in our daily life but every time we are giving excuses and it reverts to us . Mainly we are cheating to us by giving excuses . Everyone should finds some time to do this practices in a regular manner to keep ourself fit and boost our health to fight againt all kind of disease. I am personally want to say so much thank you for sharing this post.
Bro I am amazed to see your writing. Good job you are doing stupendous work. All the best
Thank you nibe..