Yoga is essentially about the unification of everything about life and energy. Yoga is a gradual practice and provides various amazing benefits. Nowadays every part of the world getting conscious about exercise and body fitness. Yoga is a much-known term by almost everyone from kids to old people.
Learning yoga from an expert or an instructor provides you the initial push towards the idea and how to practice. But in the long run, it is you who must have the focus and intention of mastering it. There are so many misconceptions that go on in people’s minds all over the world regarding yoga training. I will jostle them up and write in detail here.
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When did Yoga Certification Start?

Since yoga certification and awareness of yoga started recently many of the yoga Guru and teachers were not certified. It is a recent concept. The reason being practiced without certification is because these practices are learned from Guru. It is called “Guru-Shisya Shiksha” [Teaching from Master and Disciple].
Where is Guru-Shisya Learning Now a Days?
India has lost much of its glory (like the practices of learning, lifestyle, the realisation of self, etc.) due to continuous invasions from external forces and colonization. This has caused the Gurukulas and teaching from there is lost in many ways.
In the ashrams, the disciples have trained life lessons and the approach to live a healthy and peaceful life. Here the lessons include physical fitness, training on self-protection, army training as well as how to improve mental strength.
What are the Factors Involved to be A Yoga Teacher?

Few factors you must be thorough before being a yoga teacher. I see Yoga as a path towards ultimate realization. Keeping this in mind I had started my journey. I still respect my Guru as the person next to God.
- Regularity – Now all of us know the benefits of yoga but nobody search for the effort that has to give for certain perfection to achieve a Yoga posture. I have written an article about a few tough postures to master there also I had mentioned as yoga is great if you are regular.
- Discipline – You must build discipline within yourself and your timing. Regular way if you give priority to your own health it will show up within 3 to 4 months. But the condition is without fail for even a day.
- Focusing on safety – While you practice or become a teacher and let others practice one fundamental aspect of practicing yoga is safety. While you keep everyone safe and you become safe then everyone will listen to what you present to them.
- Personal liking and disliking – When you don’t like the teacher, you’ll always find a reason to remain absent. When you do like the teacher, presence is a natural phenomenon and becomes easy. So you have to show a good amount of neutral attitude for everyone.
- Expertise – You have to be very skillful. People will copy your posture so you must master a posture perfectly then you can think of providing training to others. If the class seems dam easy, the students won’t be interested. But you do have to be challenged then you can bring the challenge in students also.
- Select a Style – While you become the Yoga teacher you must choose your style of performing the art. Because yoga is a form of subtle body art it has to be performed in style. Some of the teacher does “Anga Vinyasa”, some teachers does “Surya Namaskara”, some “Pranayama” etc.
Few Statistics from Various Websites and Report
Can you learn yoga without certification?
A very simple and thankful answer for the topic is yes. Now many people like their conventional ideas and they will not agree with me. I will share my experience before being a yoga teacher. I am practicing yoga from a very young age, from standard nine from West Bengal India.
Can I Teach Yoga Without Certification In India?
Yes, you can teach yoga even though you don’t have any formal certificate from any yoga school or teaching institute. In India still, there is no national regulatory body formed on yoga education. It is an open profession for everyone to learn. Yoga is still an informal learning scope in India, however, those institutes teach yoga, and they set a certain standard for learning in their own way.
Can I Teach Yoga Without Certification Anywhere in the World?
Around the world, there are so many yoga teachers who are teaching yoga without certification. Around millions of people are getting trained from Yoga Alliance, USA, UK or Netherlands and many of them are starting their own yoga career as professionals.
Is it true that everyone is having an RYT [Registered Yoga Teacher] training certificate? No certainly not. But it is okay honestly. At least they are passing the message of the great ancient art of keeping your internal and external body-mind health to work in an optimum way.
Questions and Answers on “Teaching Yoga without Certification”
Do You Need a Qualification to Teach Yoga in India or Anywhere?
You can have any degree like graduation or master in any stream or you can be in any profession like lawyer, doctor, engineer, the artist still you can be a yoga teacher who can claim to be enlightened with yoga knowledge. It is the inner desire and your quest for a lifelong learning attitude for improvising your body-mind combination.
Still now in India, there is no qualification required for teaching yoga. You need to have a sense and skills for your body posture. Now the awareness of Yoga has improved a lot. So all over the world, people are becoming conscious about the health and fitness of the body naturally.
Can You Teach Yoga without Yoga Alliance?
Yoga Alliance, USA is a well-known yoga organization in the field of yoga. It is working on knowledge for a long time in human well-being. Now various yoga institutes or yoga teacher’s training centers are making collaboration with Yoga Alliance. This gives higher credentials and authority to the institute. However, it is purely optional when the issue is teaching yoga. You can of course teach yoga even without Yoga Alliance.
How Teaching Yoga as a Career Is Helping Everyone in Covid-19 Situations?
There is an amazing career scope of yoga that flourished after the COVID – 19 situations. People are much aware of everything nowadays online. Yoga is a subtle form of physical movement practiced from ancient times in India. Now this knowledge of yoga is spreading everywhere to be fit concerning an individual physically and mentally well-being
Yoga is not only for improving your physicality but works on overall improvement for body-mind combination. If you check nowadays Covid-19 situation where you have to be fit with improved stamina then the need for the global platform is obvious. Here you have to give a thought to an expert or a yoga teacher or an instructor.
Is It Illegal To Teach Yoga Without A Certification?
No, obviously it’s not illegal. Honestly, you need not have a certificate of 200-Hour RYT to teach a yoga class. Nowadays in different yoga institutes or studios might ask you for a certificate but it depends on the experience and expertise you acquire with time.
What Can I Do With a Yoga Teacher Certification?
The best thing you can do after having a yoga teacher certificate is you can start your own yoga teacher training institute and start your own career. You can continuously improve your idea while you learn and train others. The only essential attitude you have to grow within you is patience. It is a lifelong process of Teaching and learning
Can a beginner do yoga teacher training?
Nowadays in India, there are many yoga Shiksha Kendra or yoga teaching institutes. So it matters with skills and expertise one achieves. For a beginner it is not recommended, rather practice for at least 4 to 5 months for 30-40 minutes of yoga regularly and safely then you can start training others.
Do I Need a Business License to Teach Yoga?
No, you don’t need to have any license while you teach yoga to anyone. The only thing requires is your experience and knowledge while you teach someone. If you are a good teacher people will recognize you, not only with your posture but there are other aspects like Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga. This yoga knowledge is far more subtle and surreal knowledge rather than postures and asanas.
Can anyone become a yoga teacher?
Anyone who pays can get a certification, but not everyone will become a successful instructor. To be a successful yoga teacher you have to be consistent. One important fact is, earning a yoga teacher certification is just 20 percent of the job done rest is 80 percent business perception. One of the biggest obstacles for yoga instructors is consistency and regularity in practice.
Is online yoga teacher training worth it?
In my experience, online yoga teacher training or online yoga workshop is great to have an initial start and getting the knowledge of yoga. It is worth it. The best thing is that you can practice at home. In online training, teachers provide flexibility, community, and access to the materials anytime you want them.
How long should you do yoga before teacher training?
You have to practice regularly. The more you practice and share the more you learn. As consistency with discipline is the key, you have to practice every single day for about 4 to 6 months before you start your own yoga teacher training Institute.
Can I become a yoga teacher at 40?
There is “Age no Bar” for becoming a yoga teacher. It is great for every phase/part of life. You can be a fifteen-year-old kid as well as an old as 50year old person, still, you can perform the posture with a great bit of confidence. Then you can definitely become a yoga teacher. You might notice while you are at your 50 or 60, people much older than you are a yoga teacher and they are doing excellent.
Whether you are a doctor, professor, officer, or a simple bachelor you can be a yoga teacher. It’s never too late to become whatever you want to be. You can be a teenager or you can be at your sweet 60 it is all okay. Go ahead and be what you want to be.
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