Shanmukhi mudra is an essential mudra for withdrawing senses from the worldly environment. Shanmukhi means six face; Shan in Sanskrit means six; Mukhi or Mukha means face.
Shanmukhi mudra essentially is a hand gesture or symbolic presentation of hands. Placing hands in proper place and withdrawing senses from outer world creates a whole separate perception inside an individual.
There is a different reverberation happens inside the body-mind composition. The combination of body and mind is so subtle that the energy brings a different dimension to explore inside us.
Table of Contents
The yogic philosophy of the Shanmukhi Mudra

- Yogic Sense: Mana Mudras (Sense Withdraw)
- Style: Hatha Yoga
- Physical Presence: Facial Organs and Fingertips
- Nadis: Sushumna, Ida, Pingala
- Chakras: Anahata
- Strengthens: Body-Mind Combination, Life energy
- Duration: 3 to 5 minutes
- Repetition: If Body Permits
There are various gates exists in our physical body. These gates are present in the upper half as well as lower half of our body. These gates are entry point or exit point of energy.
Through these points energy gets channelized by achieving expression from the outer world through our senses the sensory organs. These energy doors are our two ears, nasal point, two eyes and our mouth. To activates energy restoration through these faces or doors few steps need to perform.
Top 7 Benefits of Shanmukhi Mudra
- Sense Stimulation – Shanmukhi mudra helps stimulating our senses. It creates awareness in our minds. It makes us calm and composed.
- Activating Chakra – The Ajna chakra gets active by performing shanmukhi mudra.
- Relieving Negative Emotions – Shanmukhi mudra helps to rejuvenate our senses and release stress and anxiety by removing negative feelings from our minds.
- Balancing Five Elements(Panchatatwa) – All the five elements become balanced by this mudra. This mudra raises consciousness within our self.
- Energy Channelization – Shanmukhi mudra helps to channelize the energy inward.
- Improved Focus – It enhances our attention and focuses on anything we perform in day-to-day activities.
- Awakening Kundalini – Shanmukhi mudra works as a facilitator for awakening kundalini Shakti, with its profoundness.
Shanmukhi Mudra: Step-by-Step Instructions
You can perform this mudra in any of the asana like padmasana for sukhasana which provides you a stable and relax inner body environment.

- Sit in padmasana with relax body mind posture.
- Bring both of the hands and fingers in front of your face to cover.
- Now take deep breath and close your eyes.
- Cover your ear, nostrils, eyes and mouth by your fingers.
- Cover your cover energy points gently, especially the nostrils. Breathe slowly but remember to keep breathing.
- Cover your ear with thumbs, your eyes with index fingers, nose with middle fingers, subsequently.
- Stay in this posture for 3-5 minutes.
How Long to Practice Shanmukhi Mudra
This mudra can be practiced for at a stretch of 5 to 10 minutes with normal breathing possible. By performing shanmukhi mudra we try to close these gates by making our energy to flow inward when the energy flows inner channel.
Connection between Shanmukhi Mudra and Pratyahara
There is an intimate connection with shanmukhi mudra and pratyahara. Pratyahara means withdrawal of all five senses and the sensory actions from the outer world.
Performing pratyahara improves our concentration level. Your awareness grows in a different level. It is the fifth element amongst the eight different phases of ashtanga yoga, written in “Yogasutra” by the great sage Patanjali.
Relationship of Shanmukhi Mudra and Bhramari Pranayama

Shanmukhi mudra has profound relation with Bhramari Pranayama. The energy body performed in bhramari, releases energy in sound form through these gates. Our sensory organs like the energy goes out from mouth, ears, nose, eyes and through our skin becomes restricted.
Advance Variations of Shanmukhi Mudra
Bhramari Pranayama – It is one of the pranayama technique which creates a bee sound or humming sound of bee.
Therapeutic Applications of Shanmukhi Mudra
- Anger management
- Stress management
Mudras Related to Shanmukhi Mudra
Preparatory Mudras
Unmani Mudra
Follow-up Mudras
- Bhoochari Mudra
- Akashi mudra
Beginner’s Tip of Shanmukhi Mudra
For beginners, it might create a sense of anxiety or fear while performing initially. When you practice this mudra you may feel pain in a specific points beside your ears. Place your fingers gently over your face until and unless there is a problem while breathing. Keep doing shanmukhi mudra.
Contraindications and Cautions of Shanmukhi Mudra
- If you have a recent operation in any portion in your face try restrain this mudra.
- If you are suffering from glaucoma avoid practicing this mudra.
- Please do not practice for a long time like more than 10 minutes or so.
- Be gentle while press your fingers over your face.
FAQ’s on Shanmukhi Mudra
Which Chakra Becomes Activated by Shanmukhi Mudra?
The Ajna chakra located in the mid-portion of our forehead becomes activated by shanmukhi mudra. It is located between the eyebrows. Ajna chakra is not a part of the physical body but considered a part of yogic system.
How Long to Practice Shanmukhi Mudra?
For achieving maximum benefit practice at a stretch for 3-5 minutes. Once you feel comfortable keep going on for 7-10 minutes, but not initially.
Does Shanmukhi Mudra Really Works?
Shanmukhi Mudra withdraws outside world’s emotions and actions. It is practiced for anger, stress, and anxiety management also. Practice steadily for a month and you will start seeing changes within you. You won’t get angry like before, instead, you become a cool person worth a hangout.
Why Life Energy Should be Inwardly Directed?
When someone directs the life energy inward it improves the overall quality of the person. Your approach and attention will change a lot. It will help you to act spontaneously as the situation calls.
Life energy is very precious for each and every one of us. Once you know to direct the life energy for your own improvement you will see the changes around and within you. So instead of wasting useless actions (fighting, arguing) by practicing Shanmukhi mudra, if you channelize inside direction it will produce a whole new creation for you.
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