Top 7 Benefits of Mahasir Mudra | How to Do Mahasir Mudra

Maha=Great; Sir=Head; Mudra=Hand Gesture

Mahasir mudra is one of the hand gestures performed in a meditative posture. It is used to improve various kinds of pain relates to our head, neck region as well as the upper half of our forehead region.

Mahasir mudra improves the circulation of blood flow in our brain to release stress and tension from our brain due to various emotional activities. As a result of several types of tension and stress, we get headaches.

 Sometimes the pain becomes serious due to migraines. The pain varies from sharp to dull sensation in our brain.

The Yogic Philosophy of Mahasir Mudra

Top benefits of Mahasir or Mahasirs Mudra
  1. Yogic Sense: Hand Mudras
  2. Style: Hatha Yoga
  3. Chakras: Ajna, Anahata
  4. Nadis: Sushumna
  5. Physical Presence: Relieving pain in Head, Wrist, Fingertips, Palm
  6. Strengthens: Finger muscle, Hand Joints, Wrist Joint
  7. Duration: 5 to 10 minutes
  8. Repetition: None

MAHA means great MUDRA means hand gesture. Mahasir is considered as one of the secret hand posture performed in hatha yoga. Mahasir mudra is a symbolic hand gesture that explains releasing something through fingers. Mahasir is a hasta mudra, so it has a deep connection with hatha yoga.

Why Should We Practice Mahasir Mudra?

Mainly for sinus and head pain. Let us know just a bit about different Types of Headaches we have. There is various type of pain in body we feel due to daily activities. There is various kind of pain we feel in our head area.  Such as

  1.  Tension migraine
  2. Headache migraine
  3. Normal headache
  4. Occipital neuralgia
  5. Cluster headache

Top 7 Benefits of Mahasir Mudra

There are multiple benefits of Mahasir mudra

  1. Pain Reliever – It is used to relieve pain from our brain.
  2. Reduces Tension – Mahasir mudra releases tension and rebalances the energy flow in our brain.
  3. Reconnecting Mind – By practicing Mahasir mudra the potential of the brain is restored and neurochemical changes are corrected.
  4. Increased Awareness – Mahasir mudra creates a sense of awareness in the neck, spine, and head area. By performing this mudra the whole body and mind get relaxed.
  5.  Congestion Remover – Mahasir mudra helps in releasing congestion in the sinus region.
  6.  Improves Respiration – Mahasir mudra improves respiration and blood flow in the brain.
  7.  Headache – It provides relief from any kind of headache caused by our actions.

Mahasir Mudra: Step-by-Step Instructions

Top 7 Benefits of Mahasir Mudra | How to Do Mahasir Mudra
  1. Sit in a meditative posture in padmasana and relax yourself.
  2. Keep both the hands, fingers, and wrist flexible.
  3. Now with the fingers, bring the middle finger and index finger close to the thumb.
  4. Keep bending your ring finger in the middle of your palm.
  5. Extend your little finger just beside the bent ring finger in a straight posture.
  6. Try to perform in both hands, and keep your eyes closed.
  7. Keep breathing normally to continue deep breathing in the same posture.

How Long to Practice Mahasir Mudra

Practicing mudra is not a great challenge, rather it is considered a calm and quiet pose for improvising health. Try practicing Mahasir mudra three times a day for maximum benefit in one session. Keep going on for a minimum of five minutes.

Therapeutic Applications of Mahasir Mudra

  1. Sinus problem
  2.  Occipital neuralgia
  3.  Headache
  4.  Migraine

Mudras Related to Mahasir Mudra

Preparatory Mudra 

  1. Vayu mudra
  2.  Agni mudra
  3. Gyan mudra

Follow-up Mudra

  1. Shakti mudra
  2. Varuna mudra

Beginner’s Tip of Mahasir Mudra

For beginners initially, you will feel a bit of pain in the little finger while stretching it in a normal position. So practice hand and wrist flexibility by rotating arms.

Contraindications and Cautions of Mahasir Mudra

 Those who have undergone surgery in the wrist or any finger restrain yourself from practicing Mahasir mudra.

FAQ’s on Mahasir Mudra

How does Mahasir mudra work?

Mahasir mudra essentially performed with the gesture of the fingers.

  1. Initially bring close your index and middle finger with your thumb.
  2. Next, bend the ring finger to the palm.
  3. Keep the little finger straight.

Does Mahasir mudra actually work?

Mudras like yoga also provides amazingly well for human wellness. There are several nerves, blood, and sensory points that exist in our body. These points work similarly as a switch in an electric circuit to control the current flow. The same way we perform mudra for controlling the blood flow and other things associated to control.

Can Mahasir Mudra be Done After Eating?

You can practice Mahasir mudra anytime anywhere. These important fact about mudra is it can be performed just with hand gesture, by mind and all internally. Like Kegel exercise is referred as Aswini mudra.


Mahasir mudra is one of the important mudras for controlling pain in our upper portion. You can practice Pranayama like Sitali, Sitkari, and Sadanta pranayama also for maximum benefit. Remember it is always great to remain flexible. Make it happen with you…Cheers…

Further Reading

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