Akash=Space Mudra=Gesture or symbolic presentation
Akashi mudra is an intermediate level of mudra gesture. Sometimes it is called Akash mudra also. This is a part of head mudra, where the power of the mind is discovered. Akashi mudra stimulates our thyroid gland and implementation of this mudra mainly for activating Visudhdhi and Ajna chakra.
Table of Contents
The Yogic Philosophy of Akashi Mudra

- 1. Yogic Sense: Mana Mudras (Energy Transformation )
- 2. Style: Hatha Yoga
- 3. Chakras: Ajna, Vishuddhi
- 4. Nadis: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna
- 5. Physical Presence: Throat, Neck, Fingertips
- 6. Strengthens: Body-Mind Combination, Life energy
- 7. Duration: 3 to 5 minutes
- 8. Repetition: If Body Permits
In yogic philosophy, space is one of the most unexplored and undiscovered dimensions of energy. In Sanskrit means space. By practicing space mudra the unexplored energy of space inside us is activated.
Space is a subtle dimension that is unknown cause it’s just vacant. This is what we see in normal eyes, but there are yogis who used to go beyond their senses. There is whole different life dimension exist in space according to them.
The Mudra Philosophy of Space Energy and Akashi Mudra
Many of us don’t know much about space in our bodies. Out of the five elements, space is a very spirited element. The energy flow happens inside us through space. By practicing Akashi mudra the kundalini energy or kundalini Shakti is activated.
Through proper meditation and breathing practice like kapalbhati bhastrika pranayama etc. Akashi mudra is one of the Mana mudras, also termed head mudra for bringing inner consciousness.
Benefits of Akashi Mudra

- Akashi mudra helps to rejuvenate your body mind and soul.
- It activates and cleanses Visudhdhi chakra, Ajna and Sahasrara chakra.
- Visudhdhi chakra exists in our throat. Various other mudras exist for cleansing Visudhdhi chakra.
- The energy and reverberation associated with Visudhdhi chakra purify the thyroid gland.
- Whenever any energy comes out from the core to our brain or any other sense organ in the face it passes through vishuddhi chakra.
- Cleansing vishuddhi chakra helps to activate Sahasrara chakra and Ajna chakra.
- It is to bring calmness and compose power energy e in our brain.
Sources of Akashi Mudra
In many different ancient books, Akashi mudra is referenced, such as hatha yoga pradipika, Shiva Samhita, and Natyashastra. It is found Gheranda Samhita also.
In Gheranda Samhita Akashi mudra is practiced to erase all negative emotions and promotes one of the phases of ashtanga yoga where is called Dharana.
It is to bring a sense of imagination, one of the great faculty for improving human intellectuality. Various other books are also found discussing Akashi mudra.
Nadis and Akashi Mudra
Akashi mudra has a specific association with our bodies. There are two nadis as we know Ida and Pingala exist for signifying day and night with our energy body. Both the nadis represent the sun and moon energy.
However, there is another nadi called “Sushumna Nadi” also known to play an important role in lifting kundalini Shakti. This is an elusive nadi that plays an important part in our actions thoughts and emotions.
Akashi Mudra: Step-By-Step Instructions

- Sit in padmasana or sukhasana or vajrasana.
- Keep your hands relax and open your mind and thoughts.
- Sit in a straight posture.
- Gradually lift your head in up word direction.
- Breathe in at the same time.
- Now while stretching your arms bring the middle finger to attach with the thumb. Keep index, ring, and little finger straight.
- While you lift your head keep looking towards the sky, hold your breath this time.
- After holding your breath for 15 to 20 seconds raise your head down.
- Exhale now while you are in a normal position.
- Keep your neck and shoulder relaxed
Beginner’s Tip of Akashi Mudra
For beginners, Akashi mudra should not be performed continuously for more than 10 minutes. It is suggested to keep normal breathing and perform inhalation and exhalation properly at the time of performing this mudra.
Contraindications and Cautions of Akashi Mudra
- Those who have neck, shoulder and throat problem they should restrain performing this mudra.
- Those who have undergone any surgery in any part of the brain or neck portion should not practice Akashi mudra.
- As it is associated with many different nerves and muscles in throat region Akashi mudra should be performed in sitting posture. Standing and practicing Akashi mudra should be avoided.
Therapeutic Applications of Akashi Mudra
- Thyroid Gland
- Hiccups problem
Poses Related to Akashi Mudra
Preparatory Mudra
- Bhoochari Mudra
- Shanmukhi Mudra
- Mahasir Mudra
Follow-up Mudra
- Kaki Mudra
- Gyan Mudra
FAQ’s on Akashi Mudra
What is the purpose of Akashi Mudra?
The main purpose of akashi mudra is to align spine with head and activating Ajna and vishuddhi chakra. It helps the energy transformation through body space inside. Akashi mudra helps to uplift our energy in our daily activities, experience, and thoughts associated with our minds.
Can Akashi mudra be done while lying down?
No Akashi mudra needs to perform in any sitting posture, such as vajrasana, padmasana, etc. If you lay down the air passage might get blocked due to postural imbalances.
Can we do Akashi mudra after eating?
It is better to practice any mudra and asana on empty stomach. The best time is in the morning. However, you can practice in the evening also.
Is Akashi Mudra is best for anxiety?
Mudras and asanas are meant to gift us an exuberant and fit body. Stress and anxiety is a regular consequence of our karma. Akashi mudra corrects respiration and thyroid gland activities.
Akashi mudra is an amazing mudra for many reasons. The yogic philosophy holds a special place for Akashi mudra for its phenomenal improvisation in our energy level. One must be exuberant after 5 minutes of practicing Akashi mudra. Cheers…
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