Pasha=Roped by Noose; Mudra=Gesture/Seal/Posture
Pashinee Mudra is one of the Kaya mudras which demands body flexibility and ultimate fitness for any individual’s postural movement.
Pashinee Mudra is one of the postural mudras which concentrate on breathing and physical movement by folding different parts of our body. “Pasha in Sanskrit means noose. Pasha is associated with few more words like “Nagapasha” – Means Bounded by or Coiled by the snake king NAGA. “Kamapasha” – bound by lust etc.
Table of Contents
The Yogic Philosophy of Pashinee Mudra

- Yogic Sense: Kaya Mudras (Merudhanda Prasaran AKA Spine Extension)
- Style: Hatha Yoga
- Chakras: Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Visuddhi
- Nadis: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna
- Physical Presence: Spinal Cord, Neck, Shoulder, Waist, Leg
- Strengthens: Nervous, Respiratory Organs, Life energy
- Duration: 15 – 20 Seconds / 5 – 6 Rounds
- Repetition: If Body Permits
Pashinee Mudra is an advanced-level postural movement or kaya mudra performed by fit and disciplined individuals. It helps to activate mooladhara chakra and swadhisthana chakra as well.
By steady practicing of Pashinee Mudra, it activates every muscle, joints, tendon associated with our spinal cord. The nadis such as Ida and Pingala are directly involved with the Sushumna nadi. Sushumna nadi plays an important part in activating various energy dimensions coiled with the spinal cord.
Top 10 Benefits of Pashinee Mudra
There are loads of benefits we get from any mudra because it is an advanced seal or gesture or points in our body.
- It activates all the chakras based on your activeness.
- It relieves disease of thyroid glands and relieves diseases from our throat chakra.
- The energy dimension that exists with our spinal cord becomes active by practicing pashinee mudra.
- All the nerves and various muscles associated with the spinal cord get a gentle massage by pashinee mudra.
- Our neck and shoulder muscles get stretched with this mudra.
- It helps stretch the neck muscle and relax our brain.
- It energizes our respiratory system and relieves various nervous disorders that exist in us.
- Any nervous disorder like fear and anxiety problem goes away with time.
- It balances inner power and energy with all the five elements inside our body.
- Pashinee mudra activates mooladhara chakra which is responsible for maintaining the energy with our perineum gland.
Pashinee Mudra: Step-By-Step Instructions
Pashinee Mudra is an advanced level of posture. After mastering halasana, you will be able to practice with ease. It requires a high level of flexibility with neck, shoulder, and combination in hands with the mid-portion of our body.
- Initially perform halasana or plow pose.
- While performing plow pose in basic variation keep both the legs about half feet away from each other.
- Bend your knees as much as possible close towards your ears and shoulder like it is shown in the image.
- Place your thigh very close and attached to your chest.
- Keep it as close as possible depending on your flexibility of waist and neck.
- Keep your knee and the lower portion of the leg along with the feet on the floor.
- Pass your arm coiled around with the Thigh and place it over your head region.
How Long to Practice Pashinee Mudra?
You can practice as much as your body permits. Due to an advanced posture, it requires a flexible and fit body. Practice for 15 – 20 seconds in one session. Check to see your neck and spine is okay or getting strained.
Advance Variations of Pashinee Mudra

An Advance variation of Pashinee mudra, where you can place your hands straight with the legs apart from your body. Perform halasana as you should do, because it’s a posture you have to master before pashinee mudra.
The rest of the postural movement is the same as before.
Keep your hands in one fist and stretch them away from the body for performing halasana. Practice paschimottasana, Baddha Konasana. Then you perform Pashinee mudra.
The main idea is to maintain flexibility with your spinal cord.
Therapeutic Applications of Pashinee Mudra
- Spinal Disk Issues
- Lumbar Spondylosis
- Waist Geometry problem (Skeletal Disorder)
Mudras Related to Pashinee Mudra
Preparatory Mudra
- Yoga Mudra
- Tadagi Mudra
Follow-up Mudra
Beginner’s Tip of Pashinee Mudra
For beginners practice very carefully until and unless you become a master of performing halasana. Do not try alone until you master your flexibility.
Try to practice both side spinal bending, such as paschimottasana, chakrasana. After performing pashinee mudra you must perform Matsyasana, Dhanurasana, or Chakrasana for making your spine bend in the opposite direction.
Contraindications and Cautions of Pashinee Mudra
- If you have gone through any operation in your back or any portion of the body restrain yourself practicing this posture.
- If you have any problem with your waist please do not practice this mudra.
- This is an advanced postural mudra so you must have a very flexible body and perform in front of an experienced yoga teacher.
FAQ’s on Pashinee Mudra
Is pashinee mudra is same as halasana?
No pashinee mudra is different than halasana. There are a few postural differences with personal mudra halasana. In halasana, you try to keep your leg straight. Whereas pashinee mudra is to make a lock or seal with the legs, neck, and shoulder with extreme bending of your head and neck.
When you should practice pashinee mudra?
You should practice pashinee mudra in the morning after practicing halasana. The best practice if you have an empty stomach and in the morning. Perform pashinee mudra for about 15 to 30 seconds depending on your physical flexibility. Keep doing for 4 – 5 rounds of practice.
How much back bending you can perform in pashinee mudra?
Going for backbend will decide whether your body is flexible enough for stretching your spine. if you have already mastered back bending then performing this chakra will be much easier. Keep performing pashinee mudra and rotate your concentration on the throat chakra or vishuddhi chakra.
This posture is an extremely rejuvenating kaya mudra. There are 5 different vayus and Pancha bhuta associated with various mudra for the betterment of our life. I always respect in terms of energy flow that happens through pashinee mudra. Try and let me know in the comments. Cheers…
Further Reading
Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 10 Benefits of Pashinee Mudra | How to Do Pashinee Mudra”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and related topics on Yoga. Relevant issues like Mudra and Asana also. Take a look at our collection of articles about Mudra, books as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.