Prana in Sanskrit means life; It is one of the Hasta Mudra helps to rejuvenate our life. It’s the same as uplifting the quality of the life force or life energy within us.
Prana mudra is the mudra that helps to rejuvenate all our life energy. There is various energy dimension associated within our physical body. Life is one of the most vital forces for day-to-day actions. While practicing prana mudra opens various channels or unexplored life.
Table of Contents
The Yogic Philosophy of Prana Mudra

- Yogic Sense: Hasta Mudras (Life Force Enhancement, Life Energy Extension)
- Style: Hatha Yoga
- Chakras: Anahata
- Nadis: Sushumna, Ida, Pingala
- Physical Presence: Fingertips, Wrist
- Strengthens: Vital Organs, Respiratory Organs, Life energy
- Duration: 10 – 15 Minutes / 3 – 4 Rounds
- Repetition: If Body Permits
Using various aspects from nature prana mudra helps improving mental as well as our physical body. The physical body has come from nature. There is exclusive relation of the physical body with nature with all aspects of our prana or life.
Ancient Vedic Connection of Prana Mudra
There are many places where we get references for prana mudra. It is found in the ancient Vedic textbooks such as Shiva Samhita, Gheranda Samhita, and Hatha Yoga Pradipika, etc. for channelizing the energy flow. In Shiva Samhita, Shiva teaches about Prana to his seven disciples, also known as the Saptarishis.
In hatha yoga pradipika, Prana mudra is shown as the gestures we perform with our hands can create mystical dimension and provide us an upliftment of various physical and mental levels of energy.
Benefits of Prana Mudra
There are various benefits of Prana Mudra.
Enhancing Life Energy
Prana Mudra enhances our life force or the prana. It helps to make our body stable and maintaining overall balance for all the organs. Every other organ works at its best possible fitness quality.
Internal Organs Revitalization
There is an internal fitness of every other organ. It transpires with a certain rejuvenation of all the organs internally. Also provides renovation throughout the body.
Disease-Free Life
In Sanskrit, it is known as “Vishada Rog Vardhakam” which means when you are your life is susceptible to disease. It will grow your life in such a way your physical body will have one or the other disease. So to remain disease-free prana mudra is one of the best mudras which gives your life. It revives your life and refreshes the organ.
Immunity Booster
Practice Prana Mudra for your body to regain immunity power very easily. Prana Mudra increases your immunity power to a greater extent. When you’ll have an immune body it can resist disease very easily. Now it’s high time keeping a fit and healthy life. Now we are getting affected by various kinds of diseases.
Life happens from side to side with nature most of the time. In the physical body, energy comes from nature because the other name of nature is Prakriti. Whatever we have grown with our physical existence everything comes from Prakriti or nature.
Fasting and Body Rejuvenation
Prana mudra is one of the best mudras while you do fasting. At the time of fasting our organs gets to rest. So while resting there is a positive process of rebuilding the physicality that happens within the body.
Improvement of Mind Power
Prana mudra helps to improve our concentration and awareness within the body. Prana Mudra improves our mindfulness, why because physical enrichment improves the Pranashakti and creates ‘OJhas’ or mystical mind power.
Improvement of Self-Confidence
Prana Mudra carries self-confidence within you. This is the reason if anytime the situation is against you, still, you can face it with amazing mind power to control the situation. This is the reason various dances and meditation are performed in this gesture.
Energy Upliftment with Vital Organs
Prana mudra helps improving the vital organs inside our body. Lungs, liver, kidney, heart every other important organ restores within our body. All the vital organs achieve amazing energy flow.

Prana Mudra activates all different chakras and helps to cleanse the chakras. Essentially it benefits by improving the energy related to the organs. Prana Mudra helps to improve the heart chakra, one of the essential chakra. The heart is referred to almost all the time while there is emotion is associated with our activity.
Decision Making
Whenever any decision comes it is said to listen to your heart than your mind. Prana Mudra helps to make a proper decision which is best for us. In that way, it improves the working of our mind also.
Respiration Improvement
Prana Mudra is known as an immunity provider and helps to release the toxins occur in the lungs also. Prana Mudra helps to cleanse our lungs and supplies the energy essential for revitalizing our respiration. Prana Mudra relieves all the toxins and tars from the lungs which are acquired with time.
Relation of Time and Energy
One can distinguish how life energy moves inside our body. For example, on a day when you are very happy, it seems the time passes very fast, when you are sad it seems the day is so long. So time is a relative dimension with life energy. If your life energy is enhanced you’ll feel energetic and a lot of amazing things happen in life for you.
Prana Mudra and Essential Life Elements
The basic entity of life has come from these three elements – Water, Fire, and Earth. You need a place to stay (Earth), you need food (Fire) and you need water (Water). This is the essence of all the life that has ever evolved in this universe.
We still don’t know if any other life form exists in any other place in the universe, but in Vedic ancient Vedic culture, this is the inner knowledge given by our saints, rishis, and munis.
Prana Mudra and Its Relation with PanchaBhoota (Five Elements)
Panchabhoota means five elements in the yogic culture. Each finger represents one element out of the five elements. Practicing Prana Mudra gestures open energy dimension through which we gain energy from Mother Nature. That’s why in Hindu Vedic culture we call nature as Prakriti Mata or Mother Nature.
Each of the fingers represents one of the Bhoota from Panchabhoota with our five fingers. In the yogic culture, the term Bhoota is important concerning placing our fingers. All the fingers are connected with Panchendriya (Five Senses) and Panchabhoota (Five Vayus).
Prana Mudra essentially represents water, space, and fire. Fire is an important aspect of Bhoota. Every other element is required to have a connection with the fire. Here you connect Earth and Water element with Fire.
Prana Mudra: Step-By-Step Instructions

- Sit in any relaxed asanas.
- Sit in padmasana or vajrasana.
- Stay calm and relaxed.
- Bring both hands above your knees.
- Slowly bring your thumb in contact with the ring and little finger. The other two fingers, index, and middle finger should remain straight.
- Take Deep Breathing and slowly retain breathing normally.
- Chant Mantras like “Vishnu Mantra” or ‘Om’ with a lot of positive imagination.
When to Practice Prana Mudra
The best time to practice this mudra is in the morning and with an empty stomach. Try practicing for a stretch of 10 to 15 minutes. Keep the other two fingers trade and keep your mind relaxed.
In the morning your mind becomes relaxed. You can practice anytime out of 24 hours but preferably in the morning. Why because in the morning or mind remains calm composed and the energy inside or body remains very fresh.
How long do you practice this mudra?
You can practice in mudra for 15 to 20 minutes or more than that. But preferably 10 to 15 minutes is enough. Practice for 3 rounds for 30 minutes, giving 5 minutes break in between.
Therapeutic Applications of Prana Mudra
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Arthritis
- Diabetes
- Asthma
Mudras Related to Prana Mudra
Preparatory Mudra
- Agni Mudra
- Varuna Mudra
- Prithvi Mudra
Follow-up Mudra
Beginner’s Tip of Prana Mudra
For beginners, after around 10 minutes of practicing Prana Mudra, you might feel a strain between the other two fingers, index and middle fingers. So do some hand rotation or wrist rotation so that you can practice for a prolonged time.
Contraindications and Cautions of Prana Mudra
- Those who have a recent operation on their wrist or fingers should not practice this mudra.
- Those who are suffering from terminal illnesses such as chronic lungs problem are suggested not to practice this mudra.
- Those who are suffering from chronic heart disease they are suggested not to practice this mudra.
FAQ’s on Prana Mudra
Does Prana Mudra help Sleeping Problem?
Prana Mudra is meant for attaining a higher level of life force in every individual. Those who are suffering from insomnia can practice Prana Mudra. It maintains energy balance with three vital elements of the body. To gain a proper sleep balance practice yoga also along with practicing mudra.
Is Prana Mudra Really works?
Of course yes. Practice steadily for a month and naturally, there will be a difference in every activity you perform. Maintain a proper lifestyle. This means you have to fulfill few basic requirements like yoga for 30 minutes, breathing exercises like pranayama, nutritious foods, and fruits on the menu.
Does Prana Mudra help in weight loss?
Prana Mudra is meant for balancing the energy within us. So when you want weight loss you have to perform few bodyweight exercises along with pranayama. Kapalbhati is known for weight loss as well as enhance weight reduction also.
How Prana Mudra Helps Weak Individuals?
Prana mudra helps recovering many lifestyles and chronic diseases except few chronic heart diseases. If you are potentially low and suffering energy deficiency Prana Mudra revitalizes most of the organs. Hydrate yourself and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Does Prana Mudra Helps Recovering Depression?
Depression is a silent killer. For those who are mentally unstable due to various reasons, Prana Mudra helps to balance energy in all aspects. Maintain work-life balance and daily practice yoga and mudra along with pranayama. All of these simple activities certainly boost your mental state from depression.
We don’t know from where life has come neither we know where our life energy goes after we die. Prana mudra helps us to improve the quality of the life. The energy inside us lets us perform various karma (actions) at a lower to a higher level (Sthula to Suksma).
Further Reading
Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 11 Benefits of Prana Mudra | How to Do Prana Mudra”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and related topics on Yoga. Relevant issues like Mudra and Asana also. Take a look at our collection of articles about Mudra, books as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.