What Are Top Yoga Exercises to Practice In Post Covid-19 Period? Top 5 Post-Lockdown Yogasanas You Can Easily Practice At Home
Lockdown has taught all of us various remarkable lessons about life. Nowadays while lockdown is not applied regularly like before in many parts of the world, the time has come for us. We must do something for the ultimate engine, our body. Yoga helps us in multiple ways physically and mentally to fight against covid-19. I will write about top 5 yogasanas for post corona time, which have helped me for improving and boosting my immunity.
Table of Contents
What Are Top Yoga Exercises You Must Practice In Post Lockdown Period?
In post lockdown period we all have a fear inside of getting affected by viruses and airborne diseases. Staying at home, performing household jobs and office jobs simultaneously made many of us crazy. While we spend time at home, yoga is a great idea to boost and improve your immunity and overall health. The top 5 yoga exercises post covid-19 you should practice are
- Sarvangasana
- Chakrasana
- Ardha-Matsyendrasana
- Simhasana
- Dhanurasana
Yoga And Breathing Exercise Is Great To Practice In Post Covid-19 Period

Plenty of examples show yoga is great improving lung capacity and improving the lungs function even during post Covid-19 period. While our main objective is to improve lung capacity pranayama yoga can be easily practiced at home. Most interesting part of pranayama is it suits everyone including the old age group also.
Benefits of Yoga and Pranayama for Post Lockdown Period
Practicing yoga integrated with pranayama and breathing exercises works great for our diaphragm. Kapalbhati is one of the example which cleanses the respiratory passage also. Practicing for about 6 weeks of yoga and pranayama improves abdominal and diaphragmatic muscles significantly.
Post Lockdown Yoga: Top 5 Asanas to Keep You Fit During Post COVID-19 Lockdown Period
“Sarva Anga” means all parts of the body. This posture provides immense benefits for all our organs in the body.

How to Perform Sarvangasana
- At first, keep the hands below the hips palms, and face upwards elbow.
- Inhale and straighten the legs turning them straight up as you can see in the image.
- Placing the elbows closer to each other will help protect the back.
- Be stable and comfortable exhale.
- Bend the knees towards the chest inhale with the help of the hands.
- Slowly bring the hips down without any jerk and you may unbend the knees.
Benefits of Sarvangasana
- Sarvangasana activates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and normalizes their functions.
- It delivers more blood circulation in the brain. It increases brain activity.
- It prevents hair fall and even regrows hair naturally.
- It is great for constipation, indigestion also gaining your height naturally too.
Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
Chakrasana also called Urdha Dhanurasana, is great for increasing height naturally. Bending over in a backward direction like a ‘chakra’ or ‘wheel’ gives this posture name. Chakrasana improves immunity which contribute to prevent flu like diseases significantly.

How to Practice Chakrasana
- Lie on your back with the knees bent and buttocks onto the floor as shown in the image.
- Fold your arms from your elbows while bring the palms underneath your shoulders. Your fingertips should be pointing towards your feet.
- Breathe in and press your palms as well as your feet against the floor and lift your shoulders and the hips from the ground slowly off the ground.
- Now, lift your head off the floor also while straightening your arms. Keep your feet parallel and your knees in line with them.
- Return to the first position by lowering down your body gently.
Benefits of Chakrasana
- This posture provides a stronger spine and core, reduces any kind of back pain, and helps to become a tall person.
- It improves our digestion by improving internal organ functionalities by improving blood circulation.
- Those who are suffering from thyroid disorders get relief by practicing this posture.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)
It came from Sanskrit where Ardha means half; Matsyendra means king of the fish; Matsya means fish; Indra means ruler.

How to Perform Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)
The main idea is to keep the spine erect.
- Sit up with the legs stretched out in front of you.
- Bend the left leg and place your left foot heel beside the right hip.
- Take the right leg over the left knee and place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind you.
- Twist the waist, shoulders, and neck in this sequence to the right and look over the right shoulder.
- Keep Normal breathing and erect your spine.
- Repeat the same posture with the other side also.
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)
- By practicing this posture any type of spine problem is resolved and good for those who sit for longer time in chair. The elasticity of the spine is improved in a great bit.
- It improves our lung functions also by opening the chest and increases the oxygen supply to the lungs.
Simha in Sanskrit means Lion. In fact Simhasana is practiced not for performing the pose, but rather on the Pranayama or the breath. So just get comfortable.

How to Practice Simhasana or Simha Kriya
So let’s hop on the mat and learn Lion’s Pose.
- To learn Lion’s Breath, first, you have to be in a seated posture on the knees.
- You can begin in Veerasana, or what we know as Hero Pose.
- Initially come to your knees and bring your two big toes together. Let the heels spread wide.
- Now bring the hands to the tops of the thighs, and you’ll loop the shoulders forward, up, and back.
- Right now just sit up nice and tall and breathe from mouth like in image.
Benefits of Simhasana
- Simhasana is Great for throat cleansing
- Simhasana helps in removing tar from our lungs
- Simhasana helps in removing negative emotions
- Simhasana is great for relieving stress
- It opens up the throat chakra and relieve any stress or tension in the jaw or the neck
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanu = bow; asana = pose
Dhanurasana has been named after the shape the body takes while performing it – that of a bow. Dhanu means bow; Asana means posture or pose. The asana is an extremely rejuvenating yoga pose.

How to Perform Dhanurasana / Bow Pose
- Lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of your body. Fold your knees, take your hands backward and hold your ankles.
- Breathing in, lift your chest off the ground, and pull your legs up and back.
- Keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breath. Your body looks like a bow by now.
- Continue to take long deep breaths as you relax in this pose. But bend only as far as your body permits you to.
Benefits of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
- Tones the back, leg, arm, and abdominal muscles.
- Stimulates the reproductive organs and helps people with renal (kidney) disorders
- Opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders with greater flexibility for lower back pain relief.
- Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation.
Top 6 Essential Habits You Must Adapt and Grow In Post Covid-19 Period

Few of the habits you must adapt by now after the covid-19 period by now. With times you must grow these habits in post lockdown period.
- Proper Awareness about Any Disease
- Maintaining Proper Hygiene Level
- Maintaining Proper Nutrition Level
- Ample Amount of Sleep (Min 6 Hours)
- Regular Yoga and Exercise
- Stress Management
Proper Awareness about Any Disease
Once the virus spreading started by Jan-Feb 2020 we were not much alert and prepare for the forthcoming devastation it was about to bring. So now it is our duty that before spreading false news we must be aware of a genuine source and what we should do to fight it.
Maintaining Proper Hygiene Level
Proper hygiene is a must for everyone. By now we all know the compulsion of musk and maintaining social distancing and stopping unnecessary spitting anywhere. In home also you must maintain a clean environment for a better hygiene.
Maintaining Proper Nutrition Level
While you maintain a proper hygiene level outside your body, it is important to maintain good health inside also. Taking 30 percent of fruits and 40 percent of vegetables in our meals is a must for everyone now. A proper level of nutrition provides a huge boost for our health and immunity.
Ample Amount of Sleep (Min 6 Hours)
Whichever profession you might be busy on but a regular 6 hours of sleep brings rejuvenation of your body. With a sound sleep, your body not only replenishes energy levels your chakra also settles in proper place in body.
Regular Yoga and Exercise
It’s a gift you can give to yourself. By now while getting immunity and health is prior for everyone you must see how you can improve functionality of your heart and lungs. Covid-19 and other pandemic tries to affect our lungs in big time, but with yoga, you can improve lungs capacity and functioning quite significantly.
Stress Management
For working section of people in our society post lockdown period is bringing the rhythm back to life. During lockdown period [WFH] many private organization employees and students had faced tough situations. They had to work for the home and from the home both at the same time. So you must know how to destress yourself and move on.
What Are Top 5 Vegetables You Must Take In Post Lockdown Times?

Few best vegetables food item you must consume in post lockdown period are
- Sprouts – Pea, kidney beans sprout, or beans sprout, in general, are a great source of proteins you must keep in your diet.
- Leafy greens (lettuce, spinach) – lettuce, spinach, and other leafy vegetables are another set of items rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Tomato – Tomato a day keeps doctors away.
- Radish and Beetroots – Radish and beetroots are great for keeping your major organs in better condition
- Turnip – It is an amazing source of vitamins that keeps your lungs healthy.
Few other foods include whole grains, legumes, and nuts works amazingly well for your health. For more sources of proteins consume moderate amounts of eggs, fresh fish, and small amounts of red meat.
What Are Top 5 Fruits You Must Take In Post Lockdown Times?

Some of the top fruits for your health in post lockdown phase are
- Lemon – Lemon is a source of vitamin c, which helps in reducing chance to catch communicable diseases.
- Orange – A different version of lemon helpful for cough and cold.
- Apple – Apple has loads of benefits for your health and fitness.
- Mango – Mango is a complete fruit having all the required vitamins and minerals helpful for your body.
- Pomegranate – It is also a great source of vitamin b, c, and iron content for our health.
Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Practice In Post Covid-19 Lockdown Period At Home
Applying your own bodyweight exercises offers great benefits in this post covid-19 time also. You don’t need expensive gym equipment, instead you work on your body weight itself.
- Lunges: Start by taking long steps front and back simultaneously for maximum benefits from lunges for leg muscles.
- Pushup: Best for building hand, shoulder, and ribcage muscles.
- Squats: Practice squats for waist and spine at its optimum condition and free from nerve problems and spine issues.
- Plank: Best for maintaining shoulder, abdomen muscles.
Questions and Answers on “What Are Top Yoga Exercises to Practice In Post Covid-19 Period?”
What are the top 10 exercise you can practice at home in post lockdown period?
Try these exercises at home in post covid-19 lockdown period for an overall improvement for body and mind.
- Yoga and Pranayama
- Aerobic Exercises
- Bodyweight exercises
- Cycling and Skipping
- Walking (min 30 min)
- Outdoor sports
- Weightlifting
- Increasing Daily activity
- Online exercise programs
- Gardening
What Is The Coronavirus Disease Pandemic?
It is a severe acute respiratory syndrome by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Mainly our lungs and respiratory system get affected by coronavirus. It is a highly communicable contagious flu disease.
Is Yoga Helpful During The COVID-19 Lockdown?
Yoga is best for maintaining good health for your body and mind. It is great for managing stress also. Yoga improves hormonal imbalances and flexibility. Yogasana can be practiced anywhere, even at home easily in this post covid-19 period.
Are Yoga And Breathing Exercises Beneficial During The COVID-19 Pandemic?
Yoga and breathing exercises reported as one of the deadly combos for improving respiratory system function and health. They are great ways for cleansing the lungs and improving their capacity. They work great for energizing the inhalation and exhalation organs involved in our body.
Does Practicing Pranayama Increase The Risk Of COVID-19 Infections?
No, Pranayama does not increase risk of covid-19 infections. Pranayama is a systematic breathing technique that helps in cleansing the lungs, throat, and respiratory passage. It promotes improving our immunity. With proper practice of Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, or Bhramari pranayama our lung capacity increases and our mind achieves peace and happiness.
How Should We Exercise At Home On Post COVID-19 Pandemic?
While you avoid gym and social gatherings you can still practice lots of asanas, aerobics, or bodyweight exercises at home. Make sure you practice in rhythm and based on your capacity. Don’t overdo exercises that bring pain and cramps. You can follow online classes also based on your interest.
Do Smokers Get More Severe Symptoms Of COVID-19 If Infected?
“Smoking is injurious to health” – a warning usually provided in cigarette packets. Smoking decreases lung function and much-proven research suggests smokers develop a greater risk of getting affected by contagious flu. Coronavirus mainly impairs our respiratory system. Sometimes due to severe lungs, infection one may die also.
Due to massive changes in our lifestyle due to covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, the normal work-life balance is hard to maintain. Still, I hope people are much aware now to maintain better hygiene not only for themselves but for family members also. So yoga and exercise is best option we can practice at home. It is to maintain a rock-solid immunity even for the second wave of coronavirus to appear in your place. Stay safe and stay healthy.
Further Reading
Have you enjoyed reading about “Top 7 Ideas on How Long Does It Take to See Results from Yoga in Reality? How Long Before Yoga Show Results?”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and related topics on Yoga. Relevant issues like Porn in young People, Overpopulation in India 2020 also. Take a look at our collection of articles about books for life as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits of honey for fighting against coronavirus to increase our stamina, & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.
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