9 Anti-Ageing Facial Yoga Exercises for a Hypnotic Beautiful Face Skin
Face is the mirror or yourself. Our face talks with us. Sometimes while seeing your face in mirror you must have observed various thoughts appearing in your mind. The scariest thought that haunts most of you is “OMG am getting wrinkles, am getting older”. It happens not only with women, but now a day’s men are also much concerned about the beauty of their faces.
How can I make my face Beautiful & slimmer?

When you become fit with your whole physicality getting a slimmer face is just a consequence. Perform basic face exercise such as jaw release, cheek squeeze, double chin exercise, etc. for 20minutes can do wonder for your face to become toned. Try to control sugar and salt and stay hydrated for the whole day.
Table of Contents
Face Anatomy

Face talks with you
You must have heard certain terms like face-reading, eye-reading, thought-reading, etc. These are few ideas, which peoples are trying to decode for a long time. By properly observing faces, especially eyes, many ideas can be gathered. It is also called Physiognomy. The origin for this word is from the Greek φύσις physis meaning “nature” and gnomon means “interpreter”. It is about 50- 60 % reliable.
Basic Facial Yoga for Providing Anti-Ageing Effect
A gentle reminder while practicing these facial yogas are you must be gentle and soft with your workout. Face is the most vital part of our appearance. So be careful while performing these exercises.
Eye Massage

- Eye is one of the most sensitive organs in our body. So close your eyes and gently with your ring and middle fingers tone it like you are giving a massage.
- You can do it by thumb finger from the corner of your eyes also.
- Keep doing for 3 to 4 minutes.
- You will start feeling sleepy after this.
Cheek Raise

- This is like laughing in full stretch.
- When you laugh originally and burst into a laugh then this happens.
- Both of your cheeks get raised automatically.
- This is also called laughing yoga.
Cheek Squeeze

- Close your mouth and leave the air inside your mouth.
- Bring both the cheek inside and hold it for few seconds.
- Then release slowly.
- Try this for at least a minute.
Cheek Stretcher

- Hold your cheek softly with both the hand on both side.
- Now gently stretch them away outwards.
- Do it slowly like you are holding a rubber band.
- Now do it moderately so that you don’t harm yourself.
- Practice it 30 times with 2 repetitions.
Jaw Lift

- Try opening your jaws and closing.
- Do it a bit fast and while closing doesn’t hit your teeth.
- Instead hit the lips while closing.
- Practice this 20 times for 2 minutes with 3 repetitions.
Forehead Massaging

- With your fingers gently massage your forehead for 2 minutes.
- This will reduce headaches also.
- Don’t press the forehead vigorously instead gentle message is enough.
Eyebrow Raising and Hold
- Raise your eyebrow while looking straight in front.
- Hold it for a few seconds and leave.
- This is one of the best for reducing wrinkles outside the eyes.
Double Chin Workout

- This is for working on your double chin.
- Double chin goes away if you become slim and reducing your body fat by yoga and exercising.
- Start inhaling and lift your neck and exhale while bringing it down.
- Try as much stretch as you can.
- Don’t do the opposite, it will give a negative effect.
Balloon Blowing

- An efficient technique for stretching face, mouth, and eye muscle.
- While blowing air inside the balloon you get strain inside the mouth as well as pressure builds in the cheek muscle.
- Don’t overdo it. It puts a lot of pressure on eye muscle also.
Basic Facial Issues Regarding Ageing
With the aging process, we all get few problems for our face. Now some of these issues can be eliminated naturally. Yoga provides great ways for face skin rejuvenation as well as a younger appearance for face. Let’s get to know basic causes that make our face looking older or unattractive.
- Wrinkles
- Face Fat
- Saggy Cheeks
- Double Chin
Why Wrinkles Appears In Face?

Wrinkles is a natural phenomenon in our life. It is also called rhytides. Many of you have noticed that above 45 to 50 years of age peoples are getting wrinkles all over their face. Most of them appear in the forehead and beside eyes.
Saggy Skin Stats

The primary cause is sun exposure and genetics. As we grow old our skin slowly reduces producing elastin and protein collagen. Environment pollution, smoke as well as smoking cigarette also contributes in wrinkling of the face.
Why Fat Get Stored In Face?
Few basic causes such as genetic criteria, overall body fat, unhealthy foods, lifestyle creates a lot of fat in our face. People who don’t exercise at all also becomes a victim of this issue. It is mainly visible in our jowls, double chin, saggy cheeks. With an overall yoga and exercise schedule, it can be controlled and reduced.
What Is Double Chin? Why It Appears?
A double chin is a chin-like structure forms below your chin. It is due to. It is mainly either caused by genetics or overall body fat and weight gain. It is mainly found in bulky people and not a big problem to handle. With regular yoga and exercise once you start reducing body weight then automatically double chin goes away.
Why Saggy Cheeks Looks Funny?
Yes saggy cheeks face looks a bit funny, people don’t agree in front but eventually, in case of aging, it happens like wrinkles. Collagen is essentially the main ingredient for skin health. It makes smooth as well as elastic complexion on skin. Most of the time because of body fat or genetics brings saggy cheek shows up in the face.
4 Thing Not To Apply to Mess-Up Your Face
- Unprescribed Ointment – Nowadays there are millions of different types of ointment, face cream etc. are available in the market. Some name them randomly, like doctors special, No 1 for wrinkles, etc. without any medical proof. So stay away from these ointments to save your face.
- Soap – Soap is one of the most discussed and applied in every part of the world. By applying soap for a long time not only bring wrinkles but also makes your face skin, sore skin. This kind of skins are almost unrepairable naturally.
- Lemon scrub – Most of the skin of aged person especially older ladies unknowingly apply lemon scrub. But unfortunately the result most of the time comes as black patches in the face. It is always suggested for older skin to avoid lemon scrub.
- Any Random Facial Scrub – Many of us prepare home scrub with random ingredients (some flower or fruit scrub) in our home. Just making a random scrub will not give benefit until you are sure about the quantity of the mixture and ingredients. Be sure what you are applying on your face.
Top 3 Things to Avoid For Face
- Smoking – Smoking tops the list in harming skin. What it does is, it speeds the aging process. Not only it creates dehydration in the tissues, but it creates several other health problems also.
- Alcohol – By regular consumption of alcohol a person brings liver problems, so to face scars. Problem in liver damages face skin by presenting scar marks in face.
- Salt and Sugar – Excessive or regular habit of taking more amount of salt and sugar is harmful for all different organs in the body. Especially it creates hypertension and as a result blood cells have more impurities. Our hearts also get affected by this.
- Processed Foods – Any type of processed foods are always bad for our health. It contains various chemicals and toxic materials that harm immensely our skin tissue. It makes older skin in quick time.
- Fried Foods – Fried foods are another enemy of good skin. No matter how great they are in taste but if you searching for long-lasting healthy face skin you have to take a moderate amount of fried food or very less amount.
Do Facial Yoga Exercise Really Works
Several studies have been done recently on facial yoga exercises. Few prominent reports are brought to us as by practicing regular According to a 2018 study showed at Northwestern University describes as a schedule of 20 weeks regular facial yoga exercise provides younger-looking wrinkle-free facial skin.

With daily practicing yoga and exercises an overall body rejuvenation happens. While the face also shows its part by glowing and with a proper blood circulation overall face appearance improves. Right now those who are practicing yoga regularly can feel the difference.
I am practicing yoga for the last 10 years and my age is 36 years. But honestly, when I ask others about my age they just don’t believe it. According to me honestly, Yoga and physical exercise have a huge impact on slowing the ageing process.
Yogasana for Face and Anti-Ageing Effect
Asana practice mainly impacts the blood circulation in our body. Few basic yogasana improves our blood circulation, energizing the body cells, and provides a lot of positive effects. Few asana I will mention here are great for blood circulation in the body.
- Bhujangasana
- Sirsana
- Halasana
- Bharadvajasana
- Matsyasana
- Hastapadasana
I had already written an article on maintaining proper blood pressure in the body. There I had mentioned all the different asanas which are great for our body rejuvenation.
5 Effective Massage Ideas to Help You Lose Fat in Your Face
Rubbing or providing gentle massage is always soothing for our face. Here are few massage ideas to help you lose fat in your face.

- Applying Rosemary oil and cucumber – One of the excellent massage oil is rosemary oil. You can definitely try once for your skin. Cucumber provides a cooling effect on the skin.
- Aloe Vera gel – Raw Aloe Vera gel is one of the best things to apply for a gentle massage for face skin. It is a great home remedy for losing skin fat.
- Oil massage – Simple coconut oil massage also proves to be amazing for losing fat in the face. It can be applied to other parts of the body also.
- Egg white and honey – You can mix these two great elements for face fat. Honey is always great for skin improvement in face. It is also a natural cleanser.
- Raw Turmeric paste – Applying raw turmeric paste had proven many other skin benefits also. No need to mix with anything. It is great in reducing face fat also.
Decreasing a Double Chin through 5 Exclusive Diet
- Vegetables- These are those type of foods where a lot of anti-oxidants stays. Try having at least 60 percent of your food in your regular food regime four times in 24 hours.
- Fruits- These are again another type of food where you get all essential vitamins and minerals. Try having at least 40 percent of foods in your daily food habit.
- Whole Grains – These are great for increasing fibrous ingredients in your body. What fiber can do is it brings fresh cells in the body.
- Lean Protein – Lean proteins are available in poultry, fish, etc. are great for our protein requirement in the body. Try having more boiled foods.
Questions and Answers
How Can I Lose My Double Chin Fat?
The double chin is essentially the submental fat just below your chin. It is not a problem until you feel a bit dumb with your appearance. When you are young and thin this does not appear. With time when you become a fat and lazy person they appear. Sometimes because of age also it shows with our face.
Does Face Yoga Cause Wrinkles?
The simple answer to this question is “NO”. Various studies show face yoga on a regular basis provides healthier facial skin. Always remember never to overdo something. In moderate practice of yoga regularly reduces wrinkles and provides a fresh look on the face.
When Should I Start Doing Facial Yoga?
You can start anytime in your life. Whether you are in your fifty or sixty no problem. It is great for young souls also. Most of the time because of our impatience we leave facial yoga exercises. Essentially you have to be consistent for at least two months regularly for 15 to 30 minutes, not more than that.
Do Facial Exercises Work For Sagging Jowls?
Research presents us that regular neck and shoulder exercise has an immense effect in reducing our sagging jowls. These exercises show a better effect if we continuously work on facial yoga exercises. Stretching face muscles helps to bring in shape for sagging jowls.
Can Face Yoga Exercise Cause Wrinkles?
Facial yoga exercise helps in reducing wrinkles. As I have mentioned earlier that facial wrinkles are a natural phenomenon with age. It is also caused by genetics and the skin type of individuals. Facial yoga is more effective if we practice yogasana regularly.
How Do I Get Rid Of Saggy Face?
Saggy face is mainly caused by our body fat. Now to reduce sagginess in your face try these points below.
- 1. Exercise – Regular exercise is the best way to control saggy skin on the body.
- 2. Chin and Jaw exercise – Try practicing various stretches with your chin and jaw.
- 3. Neck exercise – With regular practice of moving your neck properly also helps to get rid of saggy face.
- 4. Lifestyle changes – One of the best things you can do is bring a positive change in your lifestyle.
I heard this in my younger days “Beauty is skin-deep” but now instead of inner beauty outside beauty is getting priority by far. Getting a beautiful face is the most important aspect for a high feelings in everyone. The inner beauty is what you should think of improving. The qualities for our inner beauty exist with happiness, Confidence, kindness, dignity, and intelligence. All of them determines the quality of life we lead and how beautiful our life can be.
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