How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

We spent money and time on our look is an all-time high. We buy products without knowing whether they are beneficial or harmful. Most of them are rich with harmful chemicals, which might give you a quick skin whitening or glowing skin but very soon you will discover it was an absolute waste of money and hope that you wished for.

The actual idea is you must be healthy and well from the inside to be able to look good on the outside. Yoga shows a great result for skin toning and tightening and providing healthy and beautiful glowing skin naturally. It not only has multiple health benefits physically, but it is also well-known for its benefits on your skin and provides glowing skin like no commercial cream can give you.

This article will tell you just investing 40 to 50 minutes a day on Yoga can make wonder for glowing your skin naturally.

Science Behind Glowing Skin

Whether young or old, human skin has wrinkles. I am not talking about skin disease. One more fact about our skin is the dark spots, scratch, and blemishes from the past in younger days.

These you have in various part of the body especially those parts which are open most of the time.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga
Cosmetic Categories used by People around the World

For example skin of our face, hands, neck, throat, etc are more prone to have a dusky or non-glowing tone. Usually, wrinkles are a major skin issue for older peoples.

Science behind glowing skin

Our skin has two tissues causing this collagen and fibrillin. It is due to break down both the collagen and the elastic tissue around your skin and that is thought to cause wrinkling.

Another factor is, due to the loss of the extracellular matrix. It supplies skin with its tensile strength and elasticity. 

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
Face Skin Issues and Causes

There are various types of skins present in human body, but at large we can divide into three types: Oily, Normal, and dry skin. The main reason acne or pimple appears is due to unhealthy lifestyles.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Acne affects the skin’s hair follicles and oil glands. Under your skin, your pores are connected to glands that make an oily substance known as sebum. Types of acnes are blackheads, pustules, papules etc.

Other factors such as sunlight, specifically UVA, and environmental factors, such as cigarette smoke are few also causes wrinkles. 

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Now regarding the science behind glowing skin is you have to remove those dark spots and you have to bring your original skin tone to glow. For this, you have to exfoliate your skin. This is one of the most important steps for achieving glowing skin naturally.

Exfoliating of skin and hair by using natural substances like making scrub or paste of milk hone or potato or making a paste of neem, besan curd can provide a glowing complexion naturally. It will actually let your glow come through.

Exfoliating skin by applying scrub mask on face

Exfoliating 2-3x a week will remove dead cells sitting atop your skin’s top layer and essentially removing all the blockage cells.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

The most important and above all is to make the blood as pure as possible. If you notice the people who have good sleep, exercise, eat fruits and vegetables you can notice a natural glow in their skin due to the level of purity in their blood. So it is essential to make a pure blood for getting a glowing skin naturally.

Few Statistics on Glowing Skin Awareness around the World

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By 2024, the global skincare market is estimated to be 180 billion U.S. dollars. The skincare industry in India is booming, with a tremendous potential for growth in 2018.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
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The size of India’s beauty and wellness market is expected to touch Rs. 80,370 crores by 2017- 2018.

Does Skin Glow Overnight?

The answer to this question can be best answered by a person who is well above 50. I asked many women from my institute who comes for Yoga most of their answer is a “BIG NO”. Anything you want to achieve overnight has a gloomy conclusion.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Our skin is not a thing rather it is a living cell we are carrying with us to represent ourselves right. So skin cannot glow overnight. But you must have seen football, hockey, or sports where a lot of running is involved, those players usually have glowing skin.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
Organic Skin-Care Market Trend

It is because the increased blood supply to your skin flushes blood to the surface of the skin and makes it appear rosy or glowing when reflected in the light.

Increased blood flow also controls temperature and may carry more waste or toxins to the sweat glands to where they can be cleared and cleansed through sweat.

What are Top 10 Magical Yogic Foods Best for Glowing Skin?

There are mainly two types of yogic foods you must in order to achieve the best glowing skin are vegetables and fruits. There are various fruits are involved in this. The most interesting part is that almost all the green leafy vegetables have some or other benefits that rejuvenate your skin in some way.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Here are a few fruit exclusive for making great glowing skin health naturally.

  1. Oranges & Lemons – Any type of orange or lemon are an active source of Vitamin C, which is essential for radiant skin.
  2. Papaya – Any type of Carica papaya or simply ‘papaya’ is a naturally moisturizing agent that helps keep your skin hydrated all day.and soft when used topically.
  3. Watermelon – It is a great hydrator fruit and keeps your skin glow all day.
  4. Cucumber – It is available all the season and a great source of digestion. Once digestion is taken care skin glows automatically.
  5. Mango – It is considered as the king of all fruits. Mango has all types of essential vitamins helpful for glowing skin naturally.
How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Here are few vegetables great for healthy and beautiful skin.

  1. Carrot – It is considered as one of the best natural Glow Booster for skin.
  2. Bitter Gourd – It is not so good in taste but a great immunity booster as well as a blood purifier. 
  3. Ladies Finger – Essentially it has vitamins A and C, which helps in creating a healthy skin.
  4. Cabbage – It is a great source of natural Vitamin C booster.
  5. Tomato – It is a great remedy for various health problems, including skin. As you know ”Tomato a day, Keeps doctors away”.

Top 7 Tips That Help Your Skin Glow Naturally

There are a few tips which I can share with you as I am working for a long time with many beauticians.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
  1. Drink more water – The more you will hydrate yourself your skin will glow more.
  2. Exfoliate your skin – Try to make different paste or mix milk – honey, Neem – raw turmeric paste or gram flour – curd and lemon mix, etc. can be a great source of exfoliating your skin.
  3. Use Aloe Vera to stimulate new cell growth and quick healing for your skin.
  4. Moisturize properly after washing your face.
  5. Wear sunscreen daily – Whenever you go out apply natural sunscreen. 
  6. Cleanse regularly – Create a regular cleansing routine that works.
  7. Avoid smoking – Smoking is a source of all the different problems for human skin health. 

Which Type of Yoga is Best for Beautiful Glowing Skin?

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
The Frequency of Skin-Care Product Use in Koreans
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The best yoga practice or yogasanas for achieving healthy skin lies in pure blood. So practice those asanas which can bring reinforcement in blood circulation. Now apart from blood circulation exercise, practice breathing exercises also. 

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
Personal-Care Items Usage All Over the World

Breathing practices such as different types of pranayama and mudra and kriyas can be a great help for improving the skin tone. What they do is the detoxification from the body.

Can Yoga Practice Improve Glowing Skin Naturally?

12 Yoga poses that do wonders to your skin naturally | The Art of Living  India
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Yoga is one of the ancient knowledge that started from ancient times by realized beings from India from the Vedic ages. It is considered one of the most influential concepts for overall well-being of human physical and mental system.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Yoga can do wonders for your skin also. On a side, it takes care of your immune system in our health and on the other side, it improves your muscles also. While we practice Yoga, it detoxifies and reduces cortisol levels from our body.

 By detoxifying, it prevents pimples and acne in the face and provides you that lovely glowing skin naturally. It also increases the skin’s flexibility and helps you get rid of wrinkles.

What are The Top 10 Effective Yogasanas for Glowing Skin Naturally?

Here are top 10 effective Yogasanas to achieve glowing skin naturally.

Ustrasana (The Camel Posture)

Ustrasana is done from the heel sitting vajrasana. on an incoming breath raise your body off your heels and come up onto your knees.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Ustrasana / Steps:

  1.  Keep your eyes open and slowly back band.
  2.  Take your hands back and catch hold of your heels with your hands .push your lower back forward to help attain a good posture.
  3.  Once you have reached this final position to half a dozen forceful Vastrikas or bellows-like stretch with total awareness on the movement of your diaphragm.
  4. Breathe in through your nose and blast out through your mouth. This practice is known as the Nasikagra Mukha bhastrika.
  5. Slowly sit down while breathing out and come back to the vajrasana. Repeat the practice two more times.
  6. you must keep your eyes open to avoid fainting or falling over, especially in the beginning as your brain has to get used to the new patterns of circulation that occur in this posture.


  1. The camel posture stretches the spinal column and produces a healthy spine and resilient back muscle.
  2. It helps strengthens diaphragms and the solar plexus by building up physical power endurance and resistance to diseases.
  3. It creates healthy and glowing skin all around the body by improving blood circulation.
  4. it also massages and stimulates abdominal organs through the extensive movements of the diaphragm.

Halasana (The Plough Posture)

This posture is great for improving blood circulation in your body. 

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Halasana / Steps

  1. Start from Shavasana, lift both legs up towards the sky while breathing in.
  2. Take the legs over the head until the toes touch the ground beyond the head. do not bend the knees.
  3. Stretch the arms out behind the back or hold on the lower back with elbows on the crown.
  4. Breathe in a shallow manner while concentrating on the healthy pressure at the throat region.


  1. This posture creates a healthy skin tone all over the body.
  2. This posture provides a great improvement in respiratory system. This brings a glowing skin for the face also
  3. It is great for spinal pain relief.
  4. It provides good shape for abdomen and upper back of the body.


 Those who have neck problems shouldn’t do this posture as it may aggravate the neck pain.

 release the posture of the 10 to 15 seconds and while breathing out slowly come back to the Shavasana. roll your head from side to side to ease away any pressure that may have accumulated in the neck.

Bhujangasana (The Cobra posture)

This posture improves the neck and back of our body. It brings a massive awareness with the bending at the lumbar region.

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Bhujangasana / Steps

  1.  lie down in the face prone unmukhasana.
  2. Put your hands by your sides bend both your elbows.
  3.  Place the palms on the ground by the side of your chest slowly lift your head and then raise your chest until your arms are as straight as possible.
  4. After a few seconds relax and bring your chest and head down touching the ground with your chin.
  5. Release your hand and then relax in unmukhasana.
  6.  Repeat the practice at least two more times for maximum benefit to the muscles of the lower back and posterior region.


  1.  This practice helps tone up the muscles of the entire posterior region and redistribute any fat from the hip and lower back region.
  2. This posture helps to rejuvenate the skin in a natural way by increasing the blood flow in the body.
  3. This posture helps relieve stress and fatigue and brings an overall calmness in the attitude. This is the reason it is also called stress reliever asana.
  4. It is great posture and beneficial for asthma.

Pavanmukthasana (The Wind-Relieving Posture)

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Pavanmukthasana/ Steps

  1.  Lie down in shavasana to perform the Ekpadam Pavanmukthasana.
  2. Bend and lift your right knee while breathing in.
  3. Simultaneously lift your head off the ground. try to touch your knee to your forehead and then blast out the breast and rapidly return to the spine position.
  4. Repeat at least two more times to complete a set of 3 rounds of this practice.
  5. Relax a few seconds and then perform the practice three times on the left side.


  1. It helps to prevent and release gas verbal and abdominal problems. Such as indigestion and constipation.
  2.  Pavanmukthasana is also helpful for those suffering from diabetes and liver disorders. relax in Shavasana for a few minutes with these and rhythmic breathing.

Dwipadam Pavanmukthasana

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin
  1.  A variation you can perform Dwipadam Pavanmukthasana bend and lift both of your knees while breathing in.
  2. Bring them as close to your forehead as possible while simultaneously raising your head to meet the need.
  3. Blast out the breath rapidly coming back to the spine position.
  4. Repeat this two more times to complete a set of three rounds at each session.
  5. Relax in Shavasana for a few minutes with deep and rhythmic breathing by concentrating on your abdominal area. 

Parivrtta Trikonasana (The Revolved Triangle Pose)

How to do Parivarta Trikonasana / Steps:

  1. Stand in samasthitiasana.
  2.  Place your feet to two pre feet apart and stretch the arms to the side so that they are pulling the chest in opposite directions.
  3. Turn to the right side and slowly bring the right hand down to the right foot and place the palm of the right hand on the ground in front of the right foot.
  4. Look up at the middle finger of the left hand.
  5. Let the entire torso get a good twist and stretch. Hold the position for 30 seconds while performing deep breathing.
  6. Release and come back up to the open arm position and then do the opposite side by placing your left hand down in front of the left foot.
  7. Hold the position for 30 seconds while performing deep breathing. Engage when ready.
  8.  Slowly come back up to the samasthitasana and relax with a few rounds of beep breathing.


  1. Parivrtta Trikonasana is great for indigestion and great for blood circulation in the body.
  2. It brings a soft and healthy skin texture all around the body.
  3. It creates a force while twisting the spine creates overall improvement in physical geometry.

Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat and cow combination pose)

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Cat- Cow Posture Steps:

  1. Kneel on all fours and arch your lower back.
  2. Keep your torso slightly bending at the hips on both sides.
  3. Then arch it lower again and raise your head.
  4. Keep your breathe easily in and out.


  1. While you combine both of these asanas both postures stretch back and front torso. It can create all pain points slowly reduce the pain from various joints.
  2. Your neck and spine become pain-free.
  3. These postures gently massage the spine and belly organs. It enhances the glow of the skin naturally.

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Chakrasana / Steps:

  1. Lie flat on your back as Shavasana or Svanasana on the ground.
  2. Bend your knees and bring your heels closer to touch your hips.
  3. Now raise your hands and bring your palms under your shoulders.
  4. Now while inhaling press your palms and feet on the ground and lift your body up.
  5. Try to raise your hips as much you can.
  6. Keep your Breath normal during the process.
  7. Slowly bring your hand and waist down to the ground and come back to Svanasana or Shavasana.


  1. By Practicing ChakrasanaThe chest expands and the lungs get more oxygen. Around the world it is proved that out of 10 asthma patients at least 6 patient gets cured by practicing Simhasana and Chakrasana – this makes the pose especially beneficial for asthma patients.
  2. By Practicing Chakrasana on a regular basis we can feel the reduction of stress and tension in the body. This provides a naturally glowing skin within a few weeks of practice.
  3. This asana helps us bringing a lot of blood circulation on the brain and upper portion of the body helping Sharpens your eyesight.
  4. Chakrasana helps to strengthen the back and increases the elasticity of the spine.

Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose)

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Virbhadrasana / Steps:

  1. Stand straight with hands together in the namaskar posture.
  2. Bring your right leg backward turning on the side with your left leg bending slightly and hands stretched out.
  3. Bring hands together in the namaskar position.
  4. Stand straight with hands together in namaskar posture.
  5. Bring your right leg backward turning on the side with your left leg bending slightly and hands stretched out.
  6. Bring hands together in the namaskar position.


  1. This posture increases your stamina and heals your skin in a great way.
  2. It relieves back pain and beneficial for infertility and osteoporosis.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Vriksasana / Steps

  1. Tree Pose which is standing straight with hands in namaskar position eyes closed.
  2. Now lift your right leg and using your right hand place the feet on the inner thigh, with heel placed closest to the groin area.
  3. Bring your hands back to the namaskar position.
  4. Stay in that position for a few seconds.
  5. Slowly bring your hands up and bring both hands apart and move them towards either side of the body in line with shoulders and then resume namaskar position.
  6. Now relax and bring your right foot front and down.
  7. Repeat the same with the left leg.

Note: While doing this asana, if you are unable to balance in one leg, concentrating at a particular point at any object in front of your eyes helps!


  1. There are multiple benefits of Vrikshasana especially good for those people who become nervous when time comes.
  2. This posture creates a healthy and skin all over the body.
  3. It strengthens ankles and calves muscle.
  4. It improves concentration and brings balance and equilibrium to the mind.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

How to do Balasana / Steps:

  1. Sit in Vajrasana, kneeling down, and sitting on the inner side of your leg.
  2. Your hands in the front leaning forward, now rest your head on the floor facedown as shown in the pics.
  3. Relax and stay in this position for a while.


  1. This posture rejuvenates glows skin naturally.
  2. It gently stretches hips thighs and ankles, relaxes the neck and shoulders.
  3. It increases blood circulation to the overall body and prepares the body for the long run.
  4. It also helps us to relieve headaches.


The reason wrinkles appear in human body is primarily because of stress or unhealthy lifestyle practices. Some significant malefactors are smoking, alcohol, drug addiction, and unhealthy food choices. Due to hormonal changes in the body and improper digestion young peoples have acne or rash some times in various parts of the body. It also shows up in the form of Blackhead, Whitehead, etc. Whatever the cause, these yogasanas can help you achieve glowing skin naturally for sure. In case I missed any points please feel free to comment and please share the article with your loved ones.

Further Reading  

Have you enjoyed reading about “How to Achieve Glowing Skin Naturally By Yoga: Priceless Guide for Top 10 Yogasanas for Healthy and Beautiful Skin”? Also, check various Topics on Yoga and about Steps to Control Porn in young People also. Please check the article Overpopulation in India 2020also. Take a look at our collection of articles about books for life as well as other categories in health & Inspiring Indians Life also. Alternatively, read our article about the top benefits of honey for fighting against coronavirus to increase our stamina, & other interesting ideas for various vegetables in our daily groceries.


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