Does Yoga Increase Height Naturally Even After 30? | Top 6 Unbeatable Yogasana to Increase Height Naturally at Any Age

A lot of adult people about 30 years or above are not satisfied with their god-gifted height and believe that a few extra inches would help in boosting their confidence.

Two major factors involved in providing natural height are your genetics and nutrition. Around the world, yoga is practiced as a natural booster for increasing height. However, you can opt for yogasana or yoga postures to become taller long after you crossed your teenage years and even after 30!

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

Yes, Yoga does help to increase height naturally in your growth phase as well as beyond. Yoga provides an effect of being taller till the time you practice yoga regularly even after 30 years of age. Sounds crazy ryt…

Well the growth may not visible, but our body shrinks and grows on a daily basis. The shrink effect or degeneration of the body is natural with our ages. But while regular stretches, yogasanas, and breathing exercises help you become and remain a taller person.

Reasons for Increasing Height Naturally For Any Person

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

While you are at your 20 or 30 everyone wants a desired height. If you haven’t yet grown that tall then yoga is great for you. Being a tall person looks very confident most of the time. And confident means attractive. So everyone wants that edge of attractive and confident aura in themselves.

Science behind Increase in Height or Being Tall

Everyone knows that our growth hormones stop working within 18 to 20 years of age. Essentially your bone and growth plates in the body becomes rigid and tougher with your age. So even though growth hormone secretes the growth plates could not receive.

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

The reason remains largely on the metabolism of the body and genetics. When you are at your 30 you might not change your height, but yoga definitely helps you by increasing your height to an extent for sure. What yoga and physical exercise does in the context of increasing height naturally even after the ’30s are

  1. Cures hormonal imbalance
  2. Activates growth hormones
  3. Improved flexibility
  4. Regulates the metabolism rate
  5. Corrects the postures of the body
  6. Cartilages are lengthened

While the basic postures get corrected with a proper balance of hormones and metabolism rate the cartilages are stretched. This shows as an appearance of being tall and increase in height naturally.

Growth Statistics of Human Body with Age

Yoga – A Solution for Lifelong Activities

The AdiYogi

Your height is more about gene structure and growth hormones and metabolism rate of the body. Yoga can improve your reflex but it cannot stretch the skeleton. With regular practice of yoga and exercises, stress and tension hormones are reduced, and growth hormones are released. All these factors of physical awareness, a sense of better posture lead to an increase in height naturally.

Yoga Helps You Increase Height Naturally Even After 30

Yoga is an inspiration for keeping you in shape at your optimum level. Yoga does a lot of change in your appearance, look externally, and function of various organs internally. But yoga cannot change the gene structure or skeletal assembly.

With regular practice of yoga, a sense of contemplation comes internally within you. You become more joyful and peaceful. Yogasanas and stretching exercises help you to correct your walking, standing, or sitting postures and energy level.

When there is a correction in postures the muscle and cartilages are stretched. With regular stretching of bones and muscles, the degeneration of the body prevents to a lot extent. The blood circulation and hormonal balance get improved.

Popular yoga exercise to increase height naturally

The most important and popular yoga exercises for improving height naturally are (not limited to)

  1. Cardiovascular Exercises
  2. Resting Habits and Sleeping Pattern
  3. Pull Up Exercises
  4. Leg Stretches
  5. Waist and Joint Exercises

Cardiovascular Exercises

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

One of the most popular exercises for increasing height naturally is cardiovascular exercises. The few best exercise to name are swimming, skipping, etc. These exercises are safe and if performed in the correct manner it can help you greatly in bringing balance in hormone and metabolism rate. 

Resting Habits and Sleeping Pattern

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

While you think of increasing height after you become 30 sleeping and resting habits are very important during early adulthood or even at 30s. Once you have adequate sleep naturally the muscles and joints remove the toxins and refreshed. So a minimum of threefold sleep is great for increasing height naturally even after 30.

Pull Up Exercises

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

This is an exercise that you can do anywhere, from a tree branch to a house construction or at your gym. Essentially it constructs your back and shoulder muscle. Strong back muscles improvise your height and protect your hand and shoulder joints from injury. Also, it provides support for complex exercises like handstand, vrichikasana, etc. 

Leg Stretches

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

Few of the leg stretches are lunges, squats and asanas like paschimottasana, pada-hastasana etc. These are best for giving a stretch for leg muscles. These stretches are best for increasing few inches with the body.

Waist and Joint Exercises

The waist is the basis for many nerves in our body. Bringing flexibilities in the waist conditions the leg and upper thigh muscles. This brings lower body and growth plates in proper balance while improving height also. Jumping exercises, like skipping, jump squats, are a few of the best exercises for increasing height. 

If you consistently work these sets of exercises for a continuous period of 6 to 7 months you can observe your tall appearance at any age even after 30 or 40 years of age.

Top 7 Unbeatable Yogasana to Increase Height Naturally at Any Age 

Here is the list of best and top 7 yogasana and most effective poses for increasing the height:

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Posture)
  • Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat and Cow Combination Pose)
  • Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Posture)
  • Ustrasana (camel Posture)
  • Sarvangasana
  • Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra Posture)

This posture improves the neck and back of our body. It brings a massive awareness with the bending at the lumbar region.

How to Do Bhujangasana / Steps:

  1.  Lie down in the face prone unmukhasana(Unmukh-Eagerly seeing or Searching).
  2. Put your hands by your sides bend both your elbows.
  3.  Place the palms on the ground by the side of your chest slowly lift your head and then raise your chest until your arms are as straight as possible.
  4. After a few seconds relax and bring your chest and head down touching the ground with your chin.
  5. Release your hand and then relax in unmukhasana.
  6.  Repeat the practice at least two more times for maximum benefit to the muscles of the lower back and posterior region.


  1.  This practice helps tone up the muscles of the entire posterior region and bring flexibility in the lower back region.
  2. This posture helps to rejuvenate the skin naturally by increasing the blood flow in the body.
  3. This posture helps relieve stress and fatigue and brings an overall calmness in the attitude. This is the reason it is also called stress reliever asana.
  4. It is a great posture for increasing height naturally.

Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat and Cow Combination Pose)

The combination of cat and cow pose brings flexibilities of the spine by stretching in and out posture. It provides rhythmic up and down movement while increasing your heights also happens naturally.

How to Do Cat-Cow Posture Steps:

yoga increase height naturally even after 30
  1. Kneel on all fours and arch your lower back.
  2. Keep your torso slightly bending at the hips on both sides.
  3. Then arch it lower again and raise your head.
  4. Keep your breathe easily with in and out fashion.


  1. While you combine both of these asanas both postures stretch back and front torso. It can create all pain points slowly reduce the pain from various joints.
  2. Your neck and spine become pain-free as a result you correct your posture and gaining height happens naturally.
  3. These postures gently massage the spine and belly organs. It enhances the glow of the skin naturally.

Padahastasana (Hand to Foot Posture)

In any case, your upper portion of body is a bit shorter than the lower portion, go for hand to feet posture regularly. It regulates blood flow on each and every section of our body by extending the spine and widening the hamstring. As a result, gaining more height is a natural phenomenon.

How to Practice:

yoga increase height naturally even after 30
  1. Stand straight with your feet together and shoulders moved back position as shown in the image. Make sure your chest is winded up.
  2. Now, breathe in and bring your arms straight over your head.
  3. Breathe out and bow forward slowly so that your head touches your knees and your hands touch your feet.
  4. Hold the posture for 30 seconds and return to the first position.


  1. Your belly fat will reduce to a great extent.
  2. More flexibility and blood circulation happens all over the body
  3. Better posture bring an increment in your height naturally
  4. Improved blood flow in the brain
  5. Hair loss is reduced due to proper blood circulation.
  6. If you are suffering from constipation you will soon get relief after a week of practicing padahastasana.

Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

Chakrasana also called Urdhva Dhanurasana, is great for increasing height naturally. No matter what your age is even after crossing 35 you will be benefitted. Bending over in a backward direction like a ‘chakra’ or ‘wheel’ gives this posture name. Chakrasana requires building up power and flexibility of the spinal cord. Both of these contribute to increasing height significantly.

How to Practice:

yoga increase height naturally even after 30
  1. Lie on your back with the knees bent and buttocks onto the floor as shown in the image. 
  2. Fold your arms from your elbows while bring the palms underneath your shoulders. Your fingertips should be pointing towards your feet.
  3. Breathe in and press your palms as well as your feet against the floor and lift your shoulders and the hips from the ground slowly off the ground.  
  4. Now, lift your head off the floor also while straightening your arms. Keep your feet parallel and your knees in line with them. 
  5. Return to the first position by lowering down your body gently.


  1. This posture provides a stronger spine and core, reduces any kind of back pain, and helps to become a tall person.
  2. It improves our digestion by improving internal organ functionalities by improving blood circulation.
  3. Those who are suffering from thyroid disorders get relief by practicing this posture.

Ustrasana (The Camel Posture)

Ustrasana is done from the heel sitting vajrasana. On an incoming breath raise your body off your heels and come up onto your knees.

How to Do Ustrasana / Steps:

  1.  Keep your eyes open and slowly back band.
  2.  Take your hands back and catch hold of your heels with your hands .push your lower back forward to help attain a good posture.
  3.  Once you have reached this final position to half a dozen forceful Vastrikas or bellows-like stretches with total awareness of the movement of your diaphragm.
  4. Breathe in through your nose and blast out through your mouth. This practice is known as the Nasikagra Mukha bhastrika.
  5. Slowly sit down while breathing out and come back to the vajrasana. Repeat the practice two more times.
  6. you must keep your eyes open to avoid fainting or falling over, especially in the beginning as your brain has to get used to the new patterns of circulation that occur in this posture.


  1. The camel posture stretches the spinal column and produces a healthy spine and resilient back muscle brings flexibility and growth plates remain active for improving your height.
  2. It helps strengthens diaphragms and the solar plexus by building up physical power endurance and resistance to diseases.
  3. It creates healthy and glowing skin all around the body by improving blood circulation.
  4. it also massages and stimulates abdominal organs through the extensive movements of the diaphragm.


It is known as yogasana for all the organs (Sarva+Anga). Indeed the immense benefits it provides for the body are great. It should be practiced by parts initially then the complete posture becomes a walk in the park easy.

How to Perform Sarvangasana

yoga increase height naturally even after 30
  1.  At first, keep the hands below the hips palms, and face upwards elbow.
  2.  Inhale and straighten the legs turning them straight up as you can see in the image.
  3.  Placing the elbows closer to each other will help protect the back.
  4.  Be stable and comfortable exhale.
  5.  Bend the knees towards the chest inhale with the help of the hands.
  6.  Slowly bring the hips down without any jerk and you may unbend the knees.

Benefits of Sarvangasana

  1. Sarvangasana activates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and normalizes their functions.
  2. It delivers more blood circulation in the brain. This helps the hair also. It makes scalp-free thick hair and increases brain activity.
  3. It prevents hair fall and even regrows hair naturally.
  4. It is great for constipation, indigestion also gaining your height naturally too.

FAQs on “Yoga Increase Height Naturally Even After 30 or at Any Age” 

Does Yoga Make You Taller?

Yoga and exercises help an overall improvement for your body. It brings a subtle awareness while with a proper posture it adds an appearance of your increasing height. Through regular and consistent practice your muscle strength will improve and your height will seem naturally visible.

Does Hanging Increase Height?

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

Once you perform hanging and stretching exercises it brings reverse effect due to the compression effect. This reverse effect will be making you slightly taller. At the end of the day, our spine compresses itself again. This spinal compression can reduce your height for the time being by 1%. Stretching and hanging exercises increase the height naturally for any person. 

How Do I Increase My Height Naturally?

yoga increase height naturally even after 30

Try working on overall improvement of your health with these regular practices – 

  1.  Yogasana – A natural flow for increasing height.
  2. Balanced Diet – A balanced diet full of green vegetables and fruit will give you maximum effect for increasing height.
  3. Staying Active – Try to remain active for the whole day.
  4. Adequate Sleep – You must give your body enough rest and sleep time.
  5.  Corrected Posture – Once you practice yoga normal correct posture will provide a visible increment in your height.

Does Yoga Increase Growth Hormone?

 Growth hormone secretes from a very young age so that we become tall people with our age. Yoga exercises like pranayama and breathing exercises are great for naturally relaxing our mind and body. By this, the growth hormone and its balance are maintained and the body remains active and rejuvenated. 

What Hormone Makes You Taller?

The pituitary gland is called the “God Gland” in the human body. It stays below the hypothalamus in our brain. Various organ controlling hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland. It secretes hormones and communicates with the hypothalamus through the nerves. HGH or (human growth hormone) helps increasing height naturally by increasing growth plates in bones in our body. 

What to Eat To Increase Height? What Foods Increase Growth Hormone?

yoga increase height naturally even after 30
PS: Please know these are not advertisements or suggestions. Get to know properly about any supplement before buying.

Normal foods having a higher quantity of a typical amino acid named “Arginine” is responsible for the synthesis of human growth hormone. It is available in Nuts, Red Meat, Brown Rice, Soybean, etc. high protein foods. It is observed by applying a restricted amount of arginine supplements for low-height children brings a natural growth and increase in height naturally.

At What Age Is Growth Hormone Started?

From a very young age till we reach at an age of 20 our HGH or simply growth hormone remains active. It shows two peak values at two points of our age level. The initial age peak occurs at 5 years, a time when children begin school. The second age peak occurs while they study in standard 6 or 7 when girls are aged 10-13 years and boys aged 12-16 years.


Let’s face the truth. You practice yoga it is gonna give you great appearance not once outside but a cringe worthy explosion of natural refreshing vibe will prevail all along the day till you go to bed at night. It will not bring major change in skeleton or gene but it will definitely bring change your mind and focus your soul in a bigger better positive world.

Further Reading

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