A provocative study on boosting stamina for human well-being | top 6 techniques in yoga for improving mental and physical stamina
Stamina is the strength and energy that allow you to withstand physical or mental effort for long periods. Improving your stamina helps you endure discomfort or stress while performing certain activities.

Stamina help diminishes fatigue and exhaustion in less time from our body. Having high stamina allows you to perform your daily activities at a higher level while using less energy. I will share my personal experiences of how yoga boosts stamina for human well-being physically and mentally.
Table of Contents
What is mental stamina?
Mental stamina is cultivated in the human mind with a lot of mental activities such as pranayama, breathing practices, deep and logical thinking. While an ideal case of a person having better mental stamina, he or she uses a vivid sense of memory and a prime sense of imagination.

Imagine when you caught cheating for the first time or missed a train for a lifetime important job. In these cases those who are strong in mind quickly analyze for the next step and react to that. Gradually you make yourself resilient in these situations you face on a daily basis.
What is Emotional Stamina?

While growing up kids face parent’s separation or from teenage to young adult, people face life situations like a break-up or ditched by lover are few examples of building emotional stamina.
Student life or what I say youth life till being a graduate there are many life situation teach us to be strong emotionally. Wise people say “life is short don’t waste on complaining or wasting time on things which do not add value to your life”.
Building Mental Stamina for Achieving Goal
Mental Stamina is the ability to continuously work towards your goals and things that you want to achieve. Same like in the physical world if you are not used to running then you might think that you could ever run something like 5 km but with practice comes results.
What is Physical Stamina?

It is more on a physical level or how you made your body handle immense weather conditions or physical stress it can take. Now things like you need to prepare for an army job or the training army people get in the barracks are always heavily loaded with physical fitness.
The more you prepare for these tiring exercises your body builds itself for more endurance. Physical stamina is primarily the disciplined consistency. It is like performing the same activity multiple times per session to accumulate fitness.
Physical Stamina and Discipline

Now of course there is no shortcut or quick fixes for physical stamina. It requires a disciplined and regulated physical activity for a prolonged time. Many factors are affecting both your physical and mental stamina.
Such as
- Body Mind Combination
- Body Type
- Capability
- Strength
- Involvement
- Flexibility
Yoga for Human Well-Being

Yoga is essentially a knowledge of union. It unites different minds. Yoga provides a long-lasting effect on human wellbeing from time immemorial. The knowledge of yoga was provided initially by Adiyogi and passed through Indian civilization and our generations.
Yoga helps to rejuvenate our body and mind in various ways. Performing physical posture or asana has an immense effect on our bodies. Each of the type like Ashtanga, Hatha, or Vinyasa yoga has a different effect on our body and mind. But all the effects are for improving mental and physical stamina.
Why Yoga has a Solution for Boosting Stamina for Human Well-Being?

With a regular practice of yoga, we achieve clarity of our thoughts and emotions. We become much peacefulness inside.
I will mention few asanas which improve our body awareness and reduces stress in the mind. We become pro-active with our concentration and attention. Once our body becomes in good shape, the mind also works for our betterment and well-being.
It revitalizes our memory and imagination. Here are few asanas for improving an overall development in human well-being.
Effective Yoga Poses for Boosting Physical Stamina – Physical Well-Being
Rajakapotasana (King Pigeon Pose)
In Sanskrit “Raja” – King, “Kapot” – Pigeon, and “Asana – Pose, posture.
King pigeon posture is a reclined or backbend pose that looks similar to a pigeon. This is the reason this asana is called Rajakapotasana. It is a thrust yoga posture. The posture is often referred to with a variation as Ek Pada Rajakapotasana or One–legged King Pigeon Pose.
How to Perform Rajakapotasana

Start with knees under your hips and slowly fold right knee and place right heel in between both the leg like it is shown in the image.
Now the left leg must be externally folded outwards from the body in a bent position.
For lifting the mid-section of your body, push your sternum straight up and towards the roof.
Hold your hand from your head side bent-up holding your leg.
Remain in this position for around 30 to 60 seconds.
Repeat this process for another leg in the same posture.
Benefits of Rajakapotasana
- It opens up the hips and adds flexibility in the hip area.
- It strengthens our back and back-related problems are solved.
- The entire lower body function improves.
- It is a great stamina provider for chest and digestion improver.
Setu Bandha Sirsasana
Well, we all know about setu-bandhasana as well as sirsasana. While performing the steps for setu-bandhasana the posture for sirsasana is mixed with the fold of hands and head. This is the reason it is called setu bandha sirsasana.
How to Perform Setu Bandha Sirsasana

Initially lie on the back while placing your hands down beside the hips.
Bend your knees and heels close to the buttocks as you see in the image.
Raise the pelvis and chest like setu-bandhasana. Rest all other body parts shoulders, neck, head, and feet in the ground.
Keep your hands beside the ears and apply pressure on your hands, so that the head and chest elevation happens easily.
Benefits of Setu Bandha Sirsasana
- This posture provides a great amount of flexibility in the spinal region. The deep muscles remain strong by practicing regularly.
- It is a great stamina booster posture. The chest and body become open in this posture.
- This pose is highly effective for toning our body parts like legs, back, and arms.
- Those who have neck problem they get immense relief by practicing this posture.
It is known as yogasana for all the organs (Sarva+Anga). Indeed the immense benefits it provides for the body are great. It should be practiced by parts initially then the complete posture becomes a walk in the park easy.
How to Perform Sarvangasana
At first, keep the hands below the hips palms, and face upwards elbow.
Inhale and straighten the legs turning them straight up as you can see in the image.
Placing the elbows closer to each other will help protect the back.
Be stable and comfortable exhale.
Bend the knees towards the chest inhale with the help of the hands.
Slowly bring the hips down without any jerk and you may unbend the knees.
Benefits of Sarvangasana
- Sarvangasana activates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and normalizes their functions.
- It delivers more blood circulation in the brain. This helps the hair also. It makes scalp-free thick hair and increases brain activity.
- It prevents hair fall and even regrows hair naturally.
- It is great for constipation, indigestion also.
The name is Vrischika in Sanskrit called scorpion in English. The posture has a lot of similarities with striking a scorpion with its tail above its head. This posture is an advanced posture and a tough posture to master.
How to Perform Vrischikasana

Come to a sirsasana on your mat.
Relax yourself and start bending your back slowly.
Start separating your lower arms to distribute the body weight.
Keep the arms parallel with each other and place your palms flat on the floor.
Now comes the crucial point by lowering the feet in front as well as raising the head as you can see in the image.
Relax your whole body
Stay in this position as long as you feel comfortable
Come back into Shirshasana and come back to savasana.
Benefits of Vrischikasana
- The overall improvements of the whole body, especially the back and neck become rejuvenated.
- Our spinal cord stretches in a new direction and as a result, our nerves revitalizes.
- The human body system, blood flow improves.
- The ageing process is slowed down with lots of strength produces in the arms and back.
- Our body posture is balanced by practicing regularly.
Effective Yoga Poses for Boosting Mental Stamina – Mental Well-Being

Pranayama is an ancient technique formed by Vedic Indians saints for human well-being. By practicing pranayama we essentially control the flow of air and connector with air in our body.
We cleanse the system by practicing time, duration, and a certain count of practice while we control the breath. Life energy gets a whole new meaning once you start understanding the beauty of pranayama.
It is a part of ashtanga yoga scripture by Maha Patanjali, who had provided the understanding of the eight limbs of yoga. The connection and synchronization of body and mind reestablishes while removing various body and mind toxins from the human system.
Benefits of Pranayama
- There are many different health benefits are observed to date for pranayama.
- Mind Boosting – Our mind relieves toxins of thoughts and negative emotions by a regular practice of pranayama. It needs one direction path for following and receiving benefits for this.
- Mental Stamina – While pranayama cleanses the system, improvement in mental stamina is a natural phenomenon. The activeness of the mind becomes energized and replenishes with positivity.
- Control of Thoughts and Emotions – The most uncertain activity in the human mind is the relentless waves of thoughts and emotions. To create a proper arrangement of thoughts pranayama is an amazing idea.
- Disease Control – With guided pranayama many chronic health diseases like chest, urine, or heart problems can be cured.
- Increased Focus and Attention – By pranayama, practice improvement happens in finer parts of life also. Our improved focus and attention towards anything let us see the same thing in a better way.

Mudra is a specific way of hand gesture and a specific type of body association along with timing. Though mudras are often referred to as hand gestures, every yogic posture is also a form of mudra.
The five elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space) of nature are already within our reach and we say it’s all in our hands. These elements are represented on the five fingers of the hand.
While practicing mudra you have to create at least an environment to create it. Mudra’s working efficiency increases with ‘time to hold’ it. Time, space the person connected with performing mudras are three important factors for deriving the benefit of Mudras.
For example, Hakini Mudra is called ‘Brain Power Mudra’ or ‘Mudra for the mind’ as it improves brainpower. It is also called a ‘power gesture’ since it installs power in the mind.
Another example is Kubera Mudra or Wealth Mudra. It is the Mudra performed for Kuber-” The Wealth God” as we call it in Indian mythology. This mudra is known to increase and intensify your inner desire for wealth and prosperity. It is also known as the “Three Finger technique” from Alpha training.
Benfits of Practicing Mudra Yoga
Yogic asanas help to cure physical diseases and yogic mudra a part of meditation helps to cure the mental body and boost our mental stamina.
Our hand fingers have a great role in practicing these mudras.
Mudras help to cure diseases like diabetes, hypertension also.
By yoga mudra, you can be capable of controlling five elements
With a proper practice of yoga mudra, your body and soul become powerful.
Question and Answers on Boosting/Improving Mental and Physical Stamina for Human Well-Being
Does body shape have an effect on stamina?

Different people have different stamina. It matters with the body type, shape, and recoverability. Body always tries to rectify itself by mutating with outside world. So the general tendency is higher the volume of mass in the body has better stamina.
But if you are a fat lazy alcoholic then it will not direct towards stamina. People who build their muscles, go to gym essentially trying to improve both mental and physical stamina by boosting the strength.
Does Yoga build stamina?
Yoga has a far higher context with everything related to boosting mental and physical well-being. What matters most is the regularity and consistency. Yoga does not show the result overnight. Yoga provides a lot of endurance regarding the need of a person.
How can I improve my mental and emotional strength?

To acquire a better, stronger, and confident mind you have to be physically fit and strong. Only with a healthy body healthy mind stays. Few basic points you can work on to improve mental and emotional strength.
- Physical Fitness – This is the first criteria for overall improvement.
- First Things First – With the growing amount of stress we keep in mind for the whole day trying to finish job as first things with priority.
- Destress yourself – Spend time practicing meditation and breathing exercises.
- Monitoring Your Progress – It is always necessary while we are bound with time and its limitation.
- Grow Better Inner Quality – Invest in judging and analyzing the jobs you have performed for the whole day.
- Long Term Plan – Plan your life for the longer term rather than the short term.
What should I do to increase my stamina?
The best answer is to remain fit and healthy while regularly practice yogasanas and pranayamas. Different types of yoga provides results also in a different way.
Like for improving leg muscle you can squat with 3 reps 12 set practice or improving back practice Bhujangasana or Surya Namaskara can be an option. The best way to improve concentration is pranayama and meditation.
Does pranayama increase stamina?
Pranayama is considered as various techniques with a wide variety of benefits of boosting our mental and physical health. Few specific breathing techniques such as Sitali, Sitkari, and Sadanta or “Rechak, Purak, Kumbhak” etc. are for specific ailments in the body.
For example, Sitali provides a calmer mind in any situation. Bhramari or Bee Breathing technique provides a soothing effect in nervous system. For diabetic patients, they can practice Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati also.
Which foods increase stamina?
Foods are considered to be the most important factor for increasing stamina. What we take in our body becomes our body only. So if the assimilation of the food and our body is quicker then we say food is easily digestible. It puts two effects. One is short-term another is long-term improvement.
Out of all the food you take in a day, the most amazing foods are Fruits and Vegetables.
Try to consume fresh vegetables and fruits. All essential vitamins and protein and other minerals exist in fruits. So at least 40 to 50 percent of your diet should be fruit. Another 30 to 40 percent must be vegetables.
What foods decrease stamina?
There are few food items already known to us or anybody that will kill your endurance and stamina within no time. Here is a list of food that will decrease your stamina.
- · Alcohol – Regular alcohol affects our prana shakti or life energy in us.
- · Smoking – It is a tested ingredient that does overall massacre in us.
- · Fried Foods – Taking excessive or regular in a higher content of fried food creates a lot of health problems and decrease our stamina also.
Bonus Tips for Building Mental Stamina
Finally, I can provide few tips for boosting as well as building mental stamina is retaining your life energy or vital energy. Young adults must practice celibacy for at least 20 to 22 years. While practicing semen retention you will notice many other aspects of life energy provides magical stamina which you might have never thought of.
Life is short, so no wasting of time is always suggested by me. You can become anybody like a superstar personality only when you understand the value of stamina, mental growth, and finer aspect of the body. The above 6 techniques in yoga for improving mental and physical stamina I’ve mentioned will definitely boost your well-being. Just try to be more conscious.
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