How Yoga Helps To Bring An End To Porn Addiction? Top 5-Way Yoga Helps To Leave the Habit of Watching Porn and Masturbation
Luckily Yoga has come to the forefront for bringing self-awareness and self-control. It is also enhanced through a stable foundation with meditation for bringing an end to porn addiction or addiction-related problems. Yoga had been practiced in India from ancient times. There were Yogis, Munis, and Rishis who found a distinct solution by practicing Yoga as a regular habit for many such lifestyle problems.
Table of Contents
What Is Porn Addiction (PA)?

Porn addiction in sort PA is an addiction where a person gets pleasure by watching video of other people physically involved in sex and intercourse. Many researchers have named it as one of the worst habits for young peoples. With a span of the last 10 years, it has been making massacre for young minds with an age range of 15 to 25 years.
Habit of Watching Porn and Masturbation
In several research articles in recent times many psychologists had named porn addiction as “Impotent Addiction”. Nowadays with the availability of mobile phones and 4G or 5G internet connection, the availably of porn is quick and easy.

From a very young age instead of using the good side of technology most of the young people are becoming prey to PA. Some of them are so much addicted their cognitive ability reduces in a big way. Being active in work, sports, or study for the whole day becomes so much problem for them.
How Does Yoga Help To End Porn Addiction? Eye-Opening Confession of a Young Boy
What happens when a young boy/girl watches porn for the first time? Well, I will share my experience. Am a 20 years old boy from India and for me, it all started when I was in my 9th standard.

One of my senior had given me some money and told to collect a book from a book shop. He also instructed me not to see the book. That was it.
I collected the book and with so much curiosity without thinking what is there in a book I opened the book. Then just by watching the images of nude pictures, it was a great feeling of pleasure. Once I returned home I started masturbating from then.
From then on I was a regular customer of that book shop. After about six months the same senior told me if I would come for watching a porn movie in their house. His parents went for a vacation somewhere else.
I dint miss the opportunity. I went there and a new shock of pleasure I felt. It was not like watching an image in a book. Then I again started borrowing porn DVDs from him on a regular basis for almost 2.5 years.
I could not think without a new porn movie each day. In the mean time, I could not pass my secondary exam on the first attempt. The next year also was a very poor result. I started my higher secondary.
When I was in class 11 my father bought a cable net from our cable operator. Then no more DVDs I started watching online porn videos and stored a hell lot of porn clips in my laptop.
I was above average student and every year I was getting medals in sports. I was good at sprint, relay race, and every other sport where a lot of running happens. But after porn came into my life I ruined myself.
Watching porn and after that masturbation was a common thing on those days. For me twice, and sometimes thrice a day was a regular habit. One thing was noticeable that I was not energetic like before. I used to get angry about small things very often which I was not.
My gradual decrement in health, activities, sport, and attitude was noticed by my father. Thinking of something wrong in basics he started talking to me as a friend and wanted to know if something wrong. And promised my for help.
We discussed it for the whole day. My father had suggested few things and told me many insights about this deadly addiction. He told about “Brahmacharya” which is also called semen retention.
Now after few days again the urge came for the addiction which is called dopamine urge, it was a hell lot of tough time for me. I could not concentrate on anything. I started meditation and breathing exercises. I passed my 12th standard and am about to complete my graduation.
Now am in my 20, and whenever I look behind I realized those addiction facts are a basic problem but fortunately Yoga Help To End Porn Addiction in young people. Once again am hitting the running tracks in the ground. Am becoming sound day by day in sports as well as in studies.
Is watching porn is considered as an addiction?
Watching porn and porn addiction-related issues in recent times had revealed many studies and research papers. One of them informs us that porn creates a sequence of pleasure shock in our brain. It releases dopamine which is also known as the pleasure hormone.

Gradual decrement of energy level because of addiction comes to everybody’s notice. PA is considered as harmful as drug addiction in teenagers. The type of kick and shock they get in drug, porn provides them a higher amount of pleasure.
Sometimes taking any substance like alcohol or drug teenagers watches porn which provides a 400 % rise of dopamine release in their brain. Next time when they watch porn again the same effect they don’t usually get. So again they take drugs and watch porn.
Is Porn Addiction A Lifestyle Disease?
- Addiction happens because of a sedentary lifestyle. Any person who wants to stay fit and active spend time with a good lifestyle. PA is also considered an addiction, which is why it is considered a disease.
- If teenagers continuously watch porn for a long period of time by external influence of porn then the threshold for becoming happy increases.
- Getting pleasure in normal life and in small things never seems to happen. So next time if any young start watching porn, they seek more amazing or scroll after scroll happens with pornsites.
- While the initial phases among young people it thrills but very soon their normal liking towards opposite sex changes. The lifestyle, such as getting up in the morning till sleeping at night everything changes.
- They started objectify their opposite sex. To an extreme sometimes these young people commit crimes also.
Statistics of Porn Watching In Young Adults
In India, according to various sources, 53 percent of children between the ages of 5 and 12 have faced some form of sexual abuse. There are numerous misconceptions surrounding sex education in India.

50% of 11- to 13-year-olds, 65% of 14- to 15-year-olds and 78% of 16- to 17-year-olds reported having seen pornography in some way.
- 25% of search engine requests are related to sex
- 35% of downloads from the internet are pornographic
- 40 million Americans say they regularly visit porn sites
- 70% of men aged 18 to 24 visit a porn site at least once per month
- The largest consumer group of online porn is men between the ages of 35 and 49
- One-third of all internet porn users are women
- 79% of porn performers have used marijuana, and 50% have used ecstasy.
- 1 in 5 mobile searches is for pornography.
- Sunday is the most popular day of the week for viewing porn
- Thanksgiving is the most popular day of the year for viewing porn
Though the government had already blocked more than 3,500 porn websites, experts show us 35-40% of content downloaded per day from India is pornography. Around 25% of all search engine queries are related to pornography. These queries as a whole come about nearly 68 million search queries a day.
- 28,258 users are watching pornography every second.
- $3,075.64 is spent on porn every second on the Internet.
- 88% of scenes in porn films contain acts of physical aggression, and 49% of scenes contain verbal aggression.
From various metros in India including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad, and Pune, a study shows as one in every two children spends 2-3 hours daily on the internet.
Effect of Having Porn Addiction
Few major changes happen if you are young and watch a lot of porn.
- Losing Focus – Most of the work you will perform but not consciously. The focus of performing any work will be absent.
- Gloomy Face – They always fear about something wrong will happen in their way or fear of making mistakes creates a lot of disturbances in them.
- Inactiveness – Most of the time other than doing things on social media these people are very much inactive the whole day.
- Time Sense – One of the major changes happens concerning time. Their normal working time, waking up time, late-night activity every other schedule changes.
- Lower level Concentration – Once you are addicted it becomes very tough to concentrate on anything for a short period of time.
- Lower Energy level – you will feel you are always out of energy. If you are losing your vital energy most of the time will be in a very less energetic state.
- Losing Attention – Regular porn watcher never comes to attention unless you are a wild thinker. These people hide themselves when it comes to taking responsibility.
- Guilt Feeling – One of the other reasons you will feel guilty and have a feeling that you have not done your job properly.
How to Come Out and Bring an End to Porn Addiction
PA is a severe type of addiction in many people of different stages. It is more active on young people. To come out and bringing an end to porn addiction is one of the toughest jobs but not impossible. Few things I will mention will definitely help you to come out from this worthless addiction.

- Discuss – Once you understand that there is a basic problem inside you, don’t be late to talk with your closemost friend or a person you can trust. Discuss openly and ask for a solution.
- Counseling – For young adults and teenagers parents has to be very active in maintaining a friendly relationship with their kid. So they can listen and suggests what to do when the urge comes for watching porn or masturbation etc.
- Yoga – One of the widely discussed topics on addiction recovery is Yoga. It is an overall process for any addiction recovery and detoxification of mind and body.
- Meditation – It is an effective technique for feeling the subtle aspect of mental state only when you are determined to leave PA.
- Breathing Techniques – These techniques are very helpful for remaining energetic for the whole day. All the breathing process essentially cleanses the body.
- Visit a Doctor – When the matter comes as addiction and you cannot control it, instead it controls you then definitely visit a doctor for addiction recovery.
Post Effect of Leaving Porn Addiction
Once you leave the habit of watching porn and masturbation certain physical level changes occur. The actual change will happen on the mental side. A few remarkable effect of leaving porn addictions are
Physical changes
- Timeliness – Your body has a biological clock that will be in sync with day and night. You will wake up, feel hungry, etc. in time.
- Glow – Once you leave the habit porn and masturbation, slowly within a month by practicing Yoga and meditation your body and skin will start to glow.
- Energetic Muscle – Building muscle will be much faster and you will not feel tired easily. With the practice of “Brahmacharya” – semen retention, the energy accumulates in the muscle.
- Stronger Physique – With proper practice of exercise and yoga there will be an overall improvement come in the physical level and you gain a stronger, flexible physique.
Mental Changes

- Increased Focus and Attention – there will be major changes in your focus and attention in anything you want to achieve.
- Increased level of Concentration – The level of concentration in any of your work increases. You can easily understand the inner meaning of words others say to you.
- Withdrawal symptoms – Initially you will feel a few withdrawal symptoms because of addiction. After 15-20 days, you may feel angry, something missing kind of feelings. But regular Yoga and exercise will provide a huge benefit for the mind also.
- Dopamine and Cortisol Reset – Your mind will start reset and heal itself. The damage created because of the heavy use of cortisol and dopamine and pleasure you had for a long time takes around 3-4 months to reprogram our brain. Once again you will start laughing at small things honestly.
How Yoga Helps To Leave The Porn Addiction And Masturbation?
Yoga along with meditation are two primary ideas that motivate many around the world to live a life of completeness. From ancient times austerity is practiced by the Disciples and Guru both in Gurukul.

Gurukul meaning in English “a residential schooling system where both Guru (Master) and Shisya (Disciples) stay together for education. From the age of 13 till 25 years until the disciple is capable enough they had to stay in gurukul and learn about life education.
The education system was also a bit different. The education was about life and being unique in any one aspect of life. Here most important teaching was about yoga and teachings on ultimate realization.
Addiction exists in all ages of the world. In the time of the great Alexander or Einstein, addiction was very much prevailing in our society. Now regarding porn, it is a newer term while it’s a sexual display. Previously it was within a private group now it’s open because of media, technology, etc.
Yoga has offered its hand in helping these problems like addiction from along time for the wellbeing of humanity. Any kind of addiction can leave provided there is strong determination and will power in someone.
Yoga helps in addiction by changing the course in –
- 1. Brings Self Awareness
- 2. Brings self-Control in Physique
- 3. Enhances perception
- 4. Rewires the mind
- 5. Reduces the pain from withdrawal symptom
- 6. Give us a way for ultimate realization or Mukti.
What Are The Changes That Happens By Doing Yoga?
- The initial phases while practicing yoga will seem like a waste of time. I myself had seen many times where after 3-4 days of yoga practice students leave the yoga center. The most interesting fact is after a month once again they return to yoga practicing center and they start afresh.
- With a gradual practice of asana, physicality will have a huge difference. The blood circulation will increase, resulting in better digestion and appetite in the body. From the digestive system, we get 70 percent of immunity.
- Meditation is purely a mind practice. It is best for people who are unfocused and inattentive. While any person can practice meditation, the more regularly you practice you will see a big difference in your thought process and analysis process in mind.
- It will seem to you as everything is very clear with the inner meaning. There will be no more craving for porn watching. The mind will be tending to realize the subtler aspect of life.
- Pranayama or Breathing practice is like the practice of strengthening the inner gates for the thoughts to enter inside our mind. Within a month of pranayama practice, you will see a glow in the skin also. There will be compassion in every activity.
Porn addiction is a combination of self-created habits and external technical support of destroying ourselves slowly. It is a habit dangerous than drug addiction. If you are a parent you must talk, counsel your kid to do something to help the kid. If it’s you then you must understand the risk of it and how harmful effect it provides mentally. Let’s practice yoga along with meditation and breathing practice.
In case I missed any points please let me know in the comments.
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